Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)​
Affiliation: TDI / COTBR​
Manufacturer: Taobh Dorcha Industries​
Model: Bis Deirfiúr​
Modularity: (Can you add components to this submission? If so, link to all Approved Factory Submissions applicable. For most submissions, put 'No'.)​
Production: Limited​
A. Durasteel
B. Duravlex
D. Duranium
E. Turadium
Classification: Destroyer​
Length: 1,700 meters​
Width: 1,100 meters​
Height: 900 meters​
A. XV9-Turbolaser x25: Mounted on top​
B. Octuple Barbette Turbolaser x2 sets: Located near the Command Bridge​
C. Heavy Turbolaser Turret x 84: 42 per side spaced 20 meters apart​
D. H9 Turbolaser x 34: 17per side spaced 120 meters apart (for dealing with starfighters)​
Hangar: 3 Squadron Count​
Special Features:​
* Massive Cargo Capacity​
* Medical Bay​
* Housing Quarters (Officers/Crew)​
* Prison Cells​
Z-7 Maintenance Droid x20​
E-911 Medical Droid x10​
Maneuverability: 15​
Speed Rating: 15​
Hyperdrive Class: 7.5​
* Armaments​
* Durability​
* Slow​
* Poor Maneuverability​
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)​
Development Thread: (Restricted Items require specific development threads. The more posts, the more powerful the submission can be. Links: Banned & Restricted Items)​
Intent: To add more firepower to the COTBR Navy​
Who Can Use This: (Optional. If you chose Limited, Semi-Unique, or Unique in Productivity above please list what groups/characters can use this submission in role-plays.)​
Primary Source:​

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