Gherron Dragovalor
Space dad
Gherron was surrounded. Him against ten Sith troopers, their blasters set to kill. As he stood between them all, he wondered how he would get out of this one. This wasn't a few thugs looking to beat him up, this was different. They were trained soldiers, and he was but a simple Padawan. Drawing his lightsaber, he eyed them all, assuming his favored Soresu stance. As soon as he did this, every blaster raised and pointed at him, ready to fire with deadly accuracy. He would make sure they never got the chance. Reaching into the force, he sent out a ripple through the force that knocked two of them off of their feet. Not waiting for them to get back up, he quickly dashed over and ended both of them with two quick slashes of his saber. By now, the remaining eight troopers had begun firing at him. Raising his weapon, he deflected each blast with strong resolve. Two of the deflected blaster bolts found their way into Sith armor, taking two more out. At this point, the other six had ran off into different directions, and had taken tactical positions behind various forms of cover. They still shot at him, but now it was even harder to gauge where exactly they were. Taking cover for himself, he thought out his plan. From what he saw first hand, one had hidden behind a large boulder, and two others were stationed behind a broken wall. While the locations of the other three were not known to him, he figured they would reveal themselves eventually. Vaulting over his cover, he threw his lightsaber around the wall, soon hearing the sickening sound of plasma against flesh and bone. While the weapon was still doing it's work, he augmented his speed and dashed to the boulder and jumped over it. By the time he was only two feet above the man, the lightsaber had returned to his hand, and a second later became buried in the man's chest. Three to go. Unlike what he had predicted, none of them had shown themselves after he engaged their comrades. Where were they? As if on cue, he heard the mechanical winch of a droid's legs. Turning around, he faced a massive droid, towering him with at least three feet. The troopers were still nowhere to be found, but he had bigger issues now-literally. Raising his weapon, he prepared to attack the monstrosity, only to be smacked aside. Falling to the ground, he went to grab his lightsaber, only for it to be destroyed by the droid's foot. Perfect. As if it couldn't get any worse, it's next target was him. Knowing he was defeated, he closed his eyes and waited for the foot to crush him. It never came.
'Simulation failed.'
All around him, everything turned digital, then disappeared. The physical forms lay about the room, and he finally got a glimpse of where the remaining troopers were. They had been only feet behind him, but cloaked. Groaning, he got up. "Well how was I supposed to know? It's not like I can actually sense them." He looked at the "droid's" foot, which had really been an automated machine with the digital skin to look like a droid. His lightsaber was completely safe, not having been destroyed by the robot after all. Picking it up, he clipped it to his belt and went to the control panel for the holo room.
'Simulation failed.'
All around him, everything turned digital, then disappeared. The physical forms lay about the room, and he finally got a glimpse of where the remaining troopers were. They had been only feet behind him, but cloaked. Groaning, he got up. "Well how was I supposed to know? It's not like I can actually sense them." He looked at the "droid's" foot, which had really been an automated machine with the digital skin to look like a droid. His lightsaber was completely safe, not having been destroyed by the robot after all. Picking it up, he clipped it to his belt and went to the control panel for the holo room.