Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Detox from the Dark

So this was it.

Less than a week ago she had been fighting on the other side on Jedha, a skirmish that had brought her back into the grasp of the Jedi. It was almost refreshing being away from the darkness that lurked thick within the sith territories. Falentra had heard about this place, the Azrael Asylum, which she had been taught about during her youth, back when she was a padawan. WHo would thought she'd be the one to end up here.

The Azrael Asylum was a psychiatric hospital and criminal penitentiary. It served as a place for the mentally deranged and those of the darkside that have committed heinous crimes. The 17-year-old amphibious sentient seemed out of place. But she had fought on the other side, she had hurt jedi, so here she was imprisoned in this small cell waith anti-force administered, as every patient in the facility was.

Waiting. Meditating. Seated cross legged on the cold ground of her cell. Falentra was disconnected from the force, but not the CTOii systems. She knew what to expect, they would try and turn her.

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