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Private Detoxification 401[ft. Master Lex Del'Fino]


Silver's Rest, Kashyyyk
Lex had a major problem on his hands, one that in the entirety of his life as a Jedi, he'd never encountered, nor thought would ever cross paths with: he was bored. It seemed impossible, but for the first time in, well, ever, he found himself with nothing of substance to do, nothing to occupy himself with. There were things that could be done, don't get him wrong. Studying old texts, applying to be an envoy for diplomatic missions, helping Mon-Ike-Do give a lecture on meditation... but none of it was exactly his speed nor specialty, especially the last one. Meditation was just a code-word for napping, and no one could convince him otherwise. No, he'd have to find some way to occupy the free-time he had, at least until his former Master found him and gave him a task to be completed.

As he walked the halls of Silver's Rest, wracking his mind to think of options, he glanced at a group of Padawans, exiting lecture hall with their teacher. One of them would wave at him, showing a expression of recognition. He'd offer one back, remembering them from one of the few classes he'd been roped into teaching while he was present in the temple. Lightsaber techniques, applications of the force, even one on starship maintenance for aspiring Jedi Aces. Had he not been asked, he definitely would not have volunteered for them. But, once he was there, they actually weren't... too bad, he supposed. Save one or two brats, the Padawans actually showed a desire to learn the stuff, which made the whole experience more enjoyable than he thought it would be. It still wasn't enough to convince him to look for his own Padawan, though.

Hmm. Maybe he should do another class. Of his own free will. Damn, Mon-Ike-Do was starting to rub off on him, which he didn't even think would be possible this late in his life. He was quickly finding out that impossible was anything but so. So what was he going to teach them? They got enough lightsaber lessons as was, and he didn't want to add to that. Speech comprehension was also a generally taught thing, if his memory served him right. Cloak and Concealment were some higher level things, and he didn't want to push anyone from learning or attending. And Mechu-Dru... was kind of a specialty thing. You either had it, or you didn't. What did that leave? Oh. Oh, yes. This would be fun.

A few days later, he'd have his own room cleared for use of in his lesson, and with his supplies and gear set up within it already. It was... a process, getting it approved, some concessions being made to allow only older students to sign up for it, but in general, everything went smoothly. His students trickled in, one after another and found their seat in the room. After about fifteen minutes, he chose to start.

"Alright, alright. Some of you know me. A lot of you probably do not. My name is Lex Del'Fino, a Silver Warden within the Order of the Silver Jedi. My assignments often take me to the furthest corners of what you could loosely call, civilized space. Out there, every day of your life is a roll of the dice, and you do not know who or what you may cross after waking up. Outlaws, smugglers, space whales, space piranha, almost anything goes. And often enough, you may find yourself on a world you've never heard of, with a species not even in the SJO records. And they offer you a meal, that you don't recognize as even organic, and it's either that, or some rocks for the next three days, you eat it."

"Now, Force forbid it's poisonous to your species. Or in a different situation, a Bounty Hunter has used a paralytic tranquilizer on you, and intends to collect the credits on your head. What do you do? How do you handle it? Well, this is exactly what this class is for. To teach you how to handles the at least a fraction of the millions of venom, poisons, toxins, and chemicals that exist in the Galaxy."


Lon was back on Silvers Rest after a stint of doing several missions on Coruscant and going and doing some humanitarian work, and doing some teaching at the local temple when he was in the city.

Given the jobs he always got involved in with the possibility of getting poisoned on numerous occasions and quite a few close calls particularly on missions in the outer rim territories where medical supplies were scarce to come by and when he was able to grab his hands on some the quality of those supplies were more often then not less than stellar. This class could come in hand if he had the minimum supplies and had to resort to roughing it. He thought it would be in his best interest to brush up on it despite being given a crash course on the most common types of drugs, paralytics, poisons an venoms encountered by most Jedi. Given the occupational hazards as an ambassador the Order had urged him to take the class. While he was okay with being to detoxify himself and being familiar with a number of poisons, venom and drugs he wasn’t all too confident with detoxifying others on the off chance that they too would be poisoned.

Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino had written up a number of poisons behind him that Lon was unfamiliar with, no doubt exotic ones at that. Lon squinted as he struggled to read the names on holoboard from his position in the back of the room on the list of poisons two stood out to him.

Synox and Rock wort?

From what he could understand from the time he spent in the archives while undergoing his ambassador training he knew that a dark Sith Lord in the times of old used it as a means of assassination often discreetly as it provided no scent. It would have been well out of use by now but since because it was so far into the past they probably never really gave a shot at having a cure for it especially now since the advancement of technology had significantly increased and along with it ignorance of the more archaic poisons that most people would not really consider a threat at this point in time. The last written record of those types of poisons was well over 800 years ago. The archives only gave such a brief a description of it due to lack of information

This prompted the question of why such archaic poisons were on the list? Were they truly that dangerous

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if they're watching anyways

Tag: Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino Lon Vondon Lon Vondon

No, she didn't expect to use this power anytime soon. After all, Auteme wasn't old enough to drink, and she was very careful about what she ate. But the masters here in the Silver Rest were worth listening to. Training sessions were so rare in her life ever since she'd become a student on Coruscant, and she'd felt like her practice had been slipping to the wayside. Where better to get back into Force stuff than where she first became a Jedi?

Auteme had arrived back at the Silver Rest the other day; she'd caught a ride on a transport from Coruscant and would be heading back at the end of the weekend. Yesterday she'd picked up a few texts on the Blackwing Virus -- plus a few Arkanian genetic modification studies, for light reading -- and spoken to some of the Silver Circle doctors and healers about their opinion on pandemics and quarantines. Her paper was shaping up nicely, and she couldn't wait to get it published.

Today was a day of learning as well. Detoxifying poisons with the Force would doubtless come in handy at some point; what with the millions of recorded poisonous and toxic flora, fauna, and synthetic substances out there. As always Auteme had her notebook out to record what Master Del'Fino said -- she'd close it as soon as the practice started.

See when Kyra heard detoxifying, she had thought alcohol. Blame drunkle Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser for that-- she certainly did. It came a bit of a shock to her that the technique could be used on poisons. ...On further thought, she realized that of course this made sense. ...It just also meant this class was about to get a lot more boring than she had previously hoped.

Her expression slowly crumbled from engaged to regretful, the padawan's posture slumping as she sat cross legged on the ground. "Dammit, I wanted to see you dance," she told Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , grabbing a handful of her sandy friend besides her and tugging it into a pile at her feet. Kyra's attention quickly diminished, as it usually did, Master Lex's lecture passing through her unabsorbed.

She squished and stacked bits of her friend's sandy body, turning her into a form that began to resemble a sandcastle. She pulled a flower pin from her hair and began to carve out a design on the wall.
Ura sat calmly in the class, chuckling as Kyra Perl Kyra Perl mentioned wanting to see her dance. The Lervon look over at her friend, a bit of happiness coming off her. "I mean, maybe next time. Plus I can't eat, remember? Will be useful if anyone else gets sick though. Would've been nice when we crashed honestly." She then watched with surprise as Kyra reach into her and pulled out a lump of her sandy form. The hole almost instantly filled in, at least until she began to run out of internal crystal mass to keep up. Every time the bored Padawan would pull some off a strand of sand would follow it, ensuring Ura's body didn't become too separated. In all honesty is it was Kyra or another close friend the Ura would have not let this happen, but she was ok with it.

"This feels weird."

Auteme Auteme Lon Vondon Lon Vondon Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino
Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino | Lon Vondon Lon Vondon | Auteme Auteme | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Amani came into the classroom eager and ready to learn. As much as she was trying to get out of Silver Rest and onto other parts of the Galaxy, classes were still an important part of her training she didn’t think she could afford missing yet.

Being able to identify different poisons and intoxicants is a potential lifesaver, and detox training would undoubtedly prove useful in her intended line of work. She quietly slipped to the back of the class already partway through the lecture, attentively listening but making a conscious effort not to draw too much attention.
Tags | Amani Serys Amani Serys / Ura Iolar Ura Iolar / Kyra Perl Kyra Perl / Auteme Auteme / Lon Vondon Lon Vondon / Amani Serys Amani Serys

There was a skip in the step of Jamie as she made her ways down the hall towards the detoxification class, her excitement for learning fairly clear in her grin. The teachings of the Jedi were a massive source of enjoyment for the Hapan, not dulling slightly even as the amount of months continued to grow since she first came here. She took to the lessons like Kiegan took to the missions, and with him still strung up in the med-bay after their run-in on Ruusan she had more time to learn instead of accompany him on missions. Jamie did feel a little guilty for taking pleasure in Kiegan's injuries, but he would live.

The younger Lylse quickly pat down and neatened her robes before entering the classroom, clutching some holopads and even paper and pencil. It was an outdated form of study, but one that the Hapan found helped her remember.

Her mood raised even more as Jamie saw the familiar face of Kyra Perl Kyra Perl in the class, quickly giving the Zeltron a small wave and smile behind her notebooks. It seemed that Kyra had already found a partner for the class, a sandy creature that Jamie was unfamiliar with. Perhaps she could be introduced after the class had concluded.

Jamie would have to find someone else to sit by. A good opportunity to meet somebody new as her brother always liked to put it. Easier to do when it's said by somebody like Kiegan. Still, he was right. And so Jamie approached somebody new, a dark haired girl with notepads out as well. Maybe they could bond over notetaking.

"Uhm, Hi there." The words came out meekly as Jamie tried to make her way into the seat next to Auteme Auteme . "You enjoy taking notes too?" Nervousness didn't tend to create the greatest introductions.
After the initial lecture, Lex took stock of the class' impressions. Some of them seemed interested taking notes on what he said even though they'd just gotten started, while others seemed outright disappointed and bored. He couldn't blame them though. Detoxification was one of the more 'fun' Force abilities that one could study and learn. Sure, it came in handy when you were poisoned, or had eaten something you were allergic to, but it also gave the benefit of an instant hangover cure. And he might've been partially responsible for it's reputation among the younger generation... he wasn't exactly secretive about his drinking habits and how he dealt with them.

"So, I'm sure by now you've all had a chance to look over the list behind me? It's about, oh say, a couple dozen poisons and toxins known in the Galaxy, and a few lesser known ones exclusive to the use in the Outer Rim. Some of them, are stimulants, drugs that beings use to achieve a euphoric or focused effect. Others, are things like anesthetics and painkillers, used to dull the trauma from injuries. And one or two of these... well. They'd have your insides on the outside in the span of an hour. And I've felt the effects of each and every one of them. Some more than once. The Galaxy is a big place, and has a long history. Nearly a million years of it, in fact. The number of substances in it are incalculable. Odds are you will run into something you've never heard of before, and have to deal with it. Whether it makes you think you're dancing with a Hutt... or it makes you wish for death. You. Need. To. Know. This. So!"

He clapped his hands, going to one of several mobile canisters that was near him and rolling it forward. After inputting a keycode, it hissed open, revealing over a dozen syringes contained within, each having a bluish liquid within. He pulled one out, and held it up. "This is Rancor's Grace. It's a powerful anesthetic used by physicians on some of the Galaxy's more hardier species for surgery. I don't think that applies to anyone in this room, so this is how it'll effect you."

He stretched out his arm, and pressed the syringe into it, injecting the liquid into his body. Instantly, his the veins in his arm would darken, and his hand would contract tightly. "Hrrggghhh.... it'll deaden your nerves in the area you inject, making it feel as if you'd lost your limb entirely. The whole process takes about a minute to work. After that, you wouldn't be able to use the limb for a week at the very least. But-", he close his eyes, and a look of locus came across his face. He hand his free hand over his arm, and a light glow would overtake it. The darkened veins would begin to recess, retreating back to the entry point, until the liquid began to leak out through the pores of his skin. "-detoxify can shorten than time to a mere fraction. With practice, that is."

With that, he went through the class, handing each person their own syringe. "The doses each of you are taking are weaker than what I took, so it'll only work for a day or two at most. No one has to do it if they feel... uncomfortable, but I'm telling you now that this is the most effective method of learning the technique. You-" he pointed at Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , "-this probably won't work on your species, so instead I'll have you attempt to detoxify me of another dose." He knelt next to her, holding the syringe in his hand, and spoke to the class.

"This technique takes focus, and willpower. You need to overcome your bodies physical reaction first and foremost, and then utilize the Force to sense the toxins within yourself. After that, you'll need to imagine forcing them through something like a filter, expelling it from your bodies. That's the basics of it, but it'll be different for everyone, as most techniques are." He nodded to Ura, offering a smile before injecting himself with it on his opposite arm. "Same applies with you, but your just doing it on another body."


Grabbing the arm of his robe taking the syringe he stuck needle into his arm and pushed the plunger. At first nothing happened but then the drowsiness hit him. Although it was a much weaker dose then the one that Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino had injected on himself it made his arm feel no less then lead. His veins began to darken and his mind began to fog. If he didn’t manage to rein in the poison effects soon he wouldn’t be able to feel his arm at all for two days and considering he was supposed to be sent out on a mission in that time he couldn’t afford to not have his arm fall a sleep for that long especially if he was going out to an outpost where he was expected to fight out in the wild space.​

Taking a deep focusing breath as he started to visualise the poison receding from his veins. It was a slow going process but he could definitely feel his mind sharpen again but as for his arm though? It would going to take a while. Beads of sweat started to form on his forehead as he tried to maintain his focus. Going through the detoxification was going to hurt a lot. As much as he was trying to get rid of the poison it was more like he was going to speed up his bodies metabolism which meant that he was going to have to go through the effects of the Rancor’s grace a lot faster.​

If his memory served him right from the time he spent in the healing wards on Coruscant. Although he spent a lot of time recuperating there it didn’t mean that he didn’t learn a thing or two about the poisons. First came the chills then came the sweats and then the aches. He was well past the chills at this point. It was hard trying to concentrate while having to undergo it all. At the rate he was detoxing it would take him at least several minutes before the Rancor’s grace would fully leave his system. If he wasn’t a force sensitive he wouldn’t have lasted this long.​

The next 10 minutes seemed to go real slow. Lon didn’t notice the blue liquid leaking out of the injection site as he progressed from ridding the poison from his ssystem. He was more concerned about managing how he going to get through the phases of the detox. As it got closer to the last stage he started to regain some feeling in his arm. It started from the slightest twitch of the finger slowly until he was able to to move his entire arm but the site in which he injected the the poison was still tender to the touch.​

Having fully detoxed he the physical effects of having to use the force for such an extended period of time was starting to catch up with him. He was never good at controlling how much energy he expended as he used the force. He was just thankful he had the meditation amulet on him to mitigate some of the physical side effects using the force for as long as he did and in such a complicated manner too.​

He let out a laboured breath. If it was going to be this difficult to deal with one poison how the hell was Lon going to get through this entire list?​

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Amani Serys Amani Serys
Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle
Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino

if they're watching anyways

"Hm?" Auteme turned slightly to face the girl who'd sat down beside her. She was... wow. It took Auteme a moment to recover, and she realized she hadn't really answered the question. The padawan turned back to the neatly-written notes on the page in front of her, then nodded. "Yeah. It helps me organize my thoughts. And there's a ton of research around how it helps cement learning, so I always look over them after a class or my research," she said. It seemed like neither of them were all that good at starting conversations.

But after a deep breath, Auteme remembered how to words good, and looked back at the other padawan with a warm smile on her face. "I mean, I love taking notes. I basically got a job doing just that," she said, laughing a little. "I work... well, it's more like an internship, because I'm not quite old enough to hold an official position in the administration... anyways, I work for the Galactic Alliance Senate as a scribe. Basically all I'm doing is organizing transcripts and getting down all the important points of the sessions. Probably the most fun job I could get... I know, I'm a huge nerd."

She stopped talking and listened to Master Del'Fino as he explained what they'd be doing and how. Rancor's Grace... wow. She couldn't imagine any human taking a concentrated dose of that stuff and coming out unscathed. Detoxifying poisons was obviously an incredibly useful power. She was quick to note down Master Del'Fino's advice, then she walked up to the front of the class to grab a pair of syringes.

Auteme handed one to the blonde, and smiled again. "I'm Auteme, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

The padawan sat back down and took a look at the syringe. Yes, it was a low enough dose that she wasn't worried. She considered the teacher's words one more time. From her understanding, she'd just focus on the nerves in her arm. When the anesthetic tried to shut down the neurotransmitters, she'd focus the Force in her body and keep the nerves transmitting. "Mm... I think I get it..."

She turned to the other padawan once more, offering the syringe up to her. "Do you mind injecting me? It's not really safe to do it with one hand. I'll do yours, if you want," Auteme offered.

TAGS | Auteme Auteme \\ Lon Vondon Lon Vondon \\ Kyra Perl Kyra Perl \\ Ura Iolar Ura Iolar \\ Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino \\ Amani Serys Amani Serys

"You really work for the Senate?" The grin on her face from the girl sharing her love for taking notes growing even further as she listened to the girl talk about her job. "That's so cool! So do y-"

As much as the Hapan wanted this conversation to go on, Master Del'Fino was beginning his lecture and Jamie wanted to listen. She gave one last smile to Auteme Auteme before she pulled out her pencil and began to transcribe the Jedi Master's lecture as best she could. Unfortunately Jamie wasn't familiar with the wide world of poisons, so much of it went over her head. Maybe the brunette knew more on the subject.

As Jamie waited her turn to grab the syringe, she was pleasantly surprised by her newfound friend handing her one by herself along with her name.

"I'm Jamie... Lysle," The lateness over her last name coming through her unsure if it was overly formal, but her Hapan raising told her it was necessary. "I'm glad we took this class together."

It was impressive that Auteme seemed to manage so quickly. Truth be told Jamie was unsure where to start with such a thing, but the girl's confidence was admittedly inspiring for the Hapan.

That was certainly helped by Auteme offering to go first.

"Oh, yeah sure."

Jamie was far from a trained medical professional but she had paid attention to the doctors of Hapes, ~~as well as plenty of HoloNet videos~~. so she knew a little of what she was doing. She gently massaged the girl's upper arm, trying to get a significant but non-vital vein to show. It didn't take long before one presented itself.

"Alright, here goes." She took the cap of the injector with one hand as she continued to massage the are before quickly moving the syringe towards it, gently pressing it into the vein of the girl. "Good luck!"
Kyra stuck her flower pin in the top of her fully formed sand castle alla Ura. A slight grin hit her lips, but the satisfaction was fleeting as the Master approached them and Ura was forced to regather herself for his instruction.

Kyra blinked as she was handed a syringe, her attention backtracking to replay his instructions in her head. O wait. What.

The zeltron was left to her own devices, Ura's attention redirected to Lex as the Master had her practice on him. Alright. This was intimidating. She uncapped the needle, bringing it up close and squinting to study its tippity tip. She gingerly touched it with her finger. Ouch, yup-- sharp!

Actually, not ouch. That didn't hurt. Her mind was overreacting. Still. Kyra had never given herself a shot before. She watched in no small amount of shock as many of the other padawans found themselves capable of self-administering. Alright then! No being a baby! She squeezed her eyes closed, raising the needle high above her leg as she braced to slam it down in....


Amani took the needle and observed it for a few moments, mentally focusing herself for detoxification. She glanced around the room from the back, observing the other students practicing, some in pairs, others alone, and noticed Kyra Perl Kyra Perl hesitating. Maybe she... didn't know what to do? She leaned over to try and get her attention, but before she could speak up Kyra quickly jabbed herself in the leg. Amani let out a quiet 'uhhhhhh...', unsure of how to tell her that's generally not the first option for injection, at least for something like... this.

She looked down at her own syringe, and a stupid thought crossed her mind. Why not try it on the leg? No better opportunity to experiment than in a controlled environment. The padawan blinked a few times, staring at Kyra and jabbing herself in the thigh, injecting the toxin, which she could already feel starting to take effect. Now she just had to hope she could get it out.

Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino | Lon Vondon Lon Vondon | Auteme Auteme | Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Amani Serys Amani Serys Lon Vondon Lon Vondon Auteme Auteme Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle

Ura listened carefully to Lex, soon remaking herself from the sandcastle that she’d been sculpted into, and giving Kyra back he pin. She was going to be trying to detox Lex. As the Master had noted, this probably wouldn’t work for her. She was silicon based, and on top of that not really “organic” in the traditional sense.

“Ok, Master Del’Fino. I’ll try.” Ura’s eyes then closed, and she wrapped her hand around the area. She figured it may help he tell the difference between toxin and human. She would focus, trying pull the toxin back to entry point, but it wasn’t easy. She had had a biology class, but that didn’t mean she was as well versed as an organic on how there bodies worked. It was clear she was struggling, even if she had stopped the spread. She just couldn’t remove it.
if they're watching anyways

"Nice to meet you, Jamie!" Auteme beamed to the other padawan. "I'm glad we took this class together too." Any residual nervousness about her 'invasion' of this particular class had disappeared with Jamie's words. Auteme felt welcomed, and mildly like she'd just found someone worth spending time with.

Good technique. Auteme was pleasantly surprised by Jamie's knowledge of proper injection protocol. Then again, this was a class for people learning to heal and detoxify. A little bit of prior knowledge was mandatory to learn advanced stuff like this. Maybe the Silver Jedi regularly had first aid and medical training? It'd been a while since she'd visited, so she didn't know what had changed.

Before she found out about that, she needed to focus on the anesthetic entering her system. Once the needle was removed, Auteme swiftly taped a cotton ball onto where it'd went in. She didn't wait for the effects of the anesthetic setting in. The drug flowed into her arm. She closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of the blood circulating, then went deeper, to the nerves. She tapped the table in front of her, and could feel the signal travel from her finger to her brain. The padawan continued to tap the table, focusing on that sensation and allowing the repetition to help her keep the flow of her nerves continuous. The Force flowed in the same way. The dose of Rancor's Grace began to affect her, and a she sensed a sort of clouding of her focus. Still she kept tapping, feeling the electrical pulses of her nerves up and down the length of her arm.

Her focus held, and she could still feel her finger touching the table. Next she focused on the anesthetic itself. Her other hand tensed slightly, as if grasping the drug in her other arm, and began to move the Rancor's Grace out of her arm, funneling it quickly to her liver. When she was sure she'd moved all of it safely, she focused on her liver to accelerate the detoxification process there. In a sense, that part of detoxification was very close to Force healing -- she was simply accelerating the already powerful biological properties of her body.

Finally the padawan opened her eyes once more. Her arm felt fine, aside from the residual sting from the needle. "I think I did it," she muttered, momentarily amazed with herself. Still, the more she thought about it, the less impressive it seemed. Her gaze turned back to Jamie. "How long did that take?" She'd been so focused on herself that she'd lost track of time.

If Jamie asked, Auteme would return the favor and inject her with the anesthetic.

It was unexpected to say the least to watch Auteme manage the poison as quickly and easily as she made it look, Jamie forgetting to keep track of the time it took as she was more or less transfixed on watching the girl beside her. Auteme's experience and note taking was clearly paying of as she managed to move the toxin in the way she needed to, the younger Lysle unable to even tell how she did it before it was over.

"Oh sorry, I uh... I lost track of time." It took a second for Jamie to refocus and stop stumbling her words. "I know that it was really good whatever the time was!"

Jamie, however, was a bit less confident in her skills. She had only recently learned force healing when Kiegan was... Back then to say the least. Even if it had given her the beginning steps to learn how to be a proper and competent healer, Jamie had even less experience augmenting her own body with the force than healing others.

Either way she wouldn't get better by being in her own head about it.

With a nod Auteme began the process on Jamie's arm, a clearly more refined process than her own.

"Thanks Auteme."

It wasn't long after the pinch of the needle that she could feel her muscles begin to contract slightly against her will. It wasn't the strongest dosage in the world, but it was still the most poisoned that Jamie had ever been in her life. Aside from possibly the days she took the cooking over from Kiegan.

Her forehead pressed itself into the desk as she tried to focus on her outstretched arm, focusing around the area of infection. Fortunately she could at least tell the difference between muscle, bone, and veins from her operation with Kiegan. That at least allowed her to find a path of travel for the neuro-toxin to travel down. The issue was finding a way for her to get it to go to her liver, especially caring to avoid her heart in the process. The tricky part in the beginning was clumping all of the toxic cells together to force them to travel together, but that didn't take too long.

At least she thought so.

A few moments later, she was forcing the poison from her veins into the digestive tract to press it into her liver. Unfortunately that is where Jamie had made a mistake. As the poison mixed with some of the acids of her stomach, she began to quickly feel very sick. Her concentration began to defocus as her stomach began to turn, the grasp on the poison changing to attempting to hold her constitution together.

"Hey Auteme..." A meek smile as she turned towards her partner, unable to fully lift herself up. "Do you mind if I ask for a little bit of help...?" The words came out a bit weak, though hopefully strong enough for Auteme to understand. It was better to ask for help than turn your stomach's contents in front of an entire class...

Auteme Auteme \\ Kyra Perl Kyra Perl \\ Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino \\ Ura Iolar Ura Iolar \\ Amani Serys Amani Serys \\ Lon Vondon Lon Vondon
Kyra pressed the stopper down, eyes squeezed closed as she did so. ....There. Now that wasn't so bad. She mighta jabbed down a little too hard. Boy was that gonna bru- Kyra blinked and glanced up, holding Amani's gaze as she stared at her and injected herself.

Kyra gave her a lopsided grin, once which stilled the moment she felt the poison start to grow through her body. "Uuuuuh," she uttered softly back. Her leg fell dead and number under her, a fact which was more concerning than she was prepared for!

She poked at it, fascinated by the lack of sensation. "....What do we do now?" She whispered, looking back up to Amani. ONE of the two had not paid attention. Ten bucks if you could guess who.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
As the toxin began to seep into their veins, Amani’s reaction mirrored Kyra Perl Kyra Perl almost exactly. The Mirialan smiled back, only to lose the expression as the feeling in her thigh dulled. She reached down and gripped her leg tightly, shaking it a bit: nothing. The limb wiggled lifelessly at her touch. Amani blinked a few times and stared silently before giving a halfhearted “......Huh.”

To be honest, she wasn’t sure what she expected. Amani tried just… moving it normally? Unsurprisingly, not a single twitch of muscle indicated that this leg was responding as it was supposed to. Alright. Don’t panic, this is what the class is for. She just barely heard Kyra’s question, though it reminded her to pause and think back to the lecture. “Uh, he said to just, overcome the body’s physical reaction. Sense the toxin. Then… filter it out?”

What does that mean? She didn’t really know, that’s just what Lex Del'Fino Lex Del'Fino said. The Force is hard to explain. Just… do that.

Amani returned focus to her own leg, reaching out a hand just over it and closing her eyes. Sensing the toxin came rather quickly, though it’s not like she hadn’t been well-practiced in sensing the body before. This time she just had to sense what part of it definitely wasn’t a normal part of said body. The dose was light enough that she was able to dilute the toxin through her bloodstream, quickly losing enough potency to be effective as she accelerated the body’s natural healing process through the Force, largely flushing it out of her system. The padawan stood up excitedly, immediately losing balance and toppling back into the chair loudly. Should probably actually wait until she made sure it actually healed fully and properly before trying to stand on that leg again. She looked back over to Kyra,

“Any luck?”

Auteme Auteme | Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Lon Vondon Lon Vondon
if they're watching anyways

Once she removed the the needle, Auteme quickly taped a cotton ball on Jamie's arm where she'd... stabbed her. She gave a thumbs up and encouraging smile to Jamie. That'd been easy enough, and she was sure that the blonde would have equal if not greater success. The sound of somebody toppling over their chair drew Auteme's attention, though; a Mirialan girl seemed to have succeeded brilliantly or failed horribly. Auteme decided it was the former. "See? It's easy, I'm sure. Just focus on your body and the flow of energy."

She waited and watched. The first few minutes passed quickly; Auteme spent a bit of time making sure that the feeling in her arm was all there. She'd hate to feel like her limb had fallen off... but it seemed like Jamie was a little under the weather from this lesson. Auteme sat up and looked over Jamie quickly before nodding. "Not at all... I can get Master Del'Fino over here in a second. Unless you'd rather just... um... head to the washroom?" No, that was kind of silly. To be fair, putting some extra chemicals in a human's stomach acid probably wouldn't have any lasting effects or cause any major damage. The anesthetic, after all, was reasonably diluted. Maybe Jamie just needed to empty the tank.

Auteme stood up and raised her hand, calling out to the teacher. "Excuse me, Mister Del'Fino? Could we get some help over here?" While she was concerned about Jamie, Auteme was sure that this would be a good time to learn a little more about detoxifying poison in another. She'd get to see it up close... excellent, really. Well, not the blonde being sick part.

Lex focused his attention on the new dosage of Rancor's Grace that coursed through his arm, though did little more than that, allowing Ura Iolar Ura Iolar to take control and practice her technique. It was slow going, inefficient, that that's as much as he expected the Padawan to be able to do, especially a non-organic one like her. She was actually doing pretty well, stopping the anesthetic from spreading further through his body, though that's about where the progress stopped. Realizing it was as far as she would go this time, he used the technique himself, clearing it out in the same manner he'd done minutes before. "Not bad, Ura. Could use some refinement, but you're at a good start." A decent amount of time had passed, so he figured it was time to check on the other students. Hopefully they hadn't poisoned themselves, or done something stupid like injecting it into their chests, or necks.

Passing by Lon Vondon Lon Vondon , he placed a hand on the man's shoulder, patting it firmly after noticing his exhausted state. "Careful, you don't want to over exert yourself. Even if you succeed in the technique, your body still needs to be in a well enough condition afterwards to recover. Also don't scowl so much when your doing it. It'll leave wrinkles." He offered a smirk before moving on to the others.

He came to Auteme Auteme and Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle , seeing that the two had chosen to cooperate on the exercise. One of them had called him over, and he now knew why; one of them was looking sickly, as if they'd eaten bad food. "Hmm, let me see your injection sites." Upon inspecting them, he noticed the lack of liquid around, the tell tale sign that they'd been successful in the technique. Yet Auteme could move her arm as if she'd never been injected, and Jamie's sickness couldn't have resulted from it... unless... "Ah, you didn't filter it out huh?" He crouched next to Jamie, and held his hand out next to her stomach. "There are different ways to use detoxify, like any technique. The safest is to use the Force in order to expel the impurities from your body, like I did. It leaves no trace behind in your system if done right." He began focusing, detecting where exactly the anesthetic was in her body. "But you two just cycled it through your bodies naturally. That's not exactly wrong, but you have to be careful with what you do it with. Certain things your body needs to take time to process. If you rush it, well... this happens." It was a tricky thing, trying to filter the Rancor's Grace in Jamie's stomach. He couldn't draw it back through her kidneys nor through any other opening, so his only option was drawing it through her pores, along with her sweat. He could start the process, but he wouldn't force it, letting her body naturally rid itself of it. "Take a break for a minute, you should feel better soon."

And finally he made his rounds to a face he wished wasn't quite so familiar. Kyra Perl Kyra Perl . She had partnered up with Amani Serys Amani Serys , another Padawan, though he was unfamiliar with her. "So how are you two doing?" He crouched next to them, holding out his hand towards each. Hmph. Amani had done well, having managed to flush out the Rancor's Grace thoroughly, and she didn't seem to have struggled much to do it. Kyra on the other hand.... "It looks like your gonna need a crutch for the next couple of days, Kyra."

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