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[Dev Thread] The Siren of Crystalsong


Saera had been part of the Templar Order for some time now, yet she felt still relatively new. Naturally timid and affectionate, combat did not suit her even when she was trained to excel in it, so instead she had joined the Curate as an Apothecary. Upon one of her many duties, she was also an alchemist and had learned from all of the scrolls and tablets that her mother had on hand or retained copies of. Through this, she had learned how to finally work Sith Alchemy on her own proficiently. However, she wanted to hone her craft and that meant having to continue to produce; on-hand experience was the best kind.
Crystalsong was an odd little planet in the remote confines of the southeastern edge of the galaxy. It was a beautiful world, home to many an exotic flora and fauna, and even mighty dragons that could sometimes take the form of other beings. Not only were the local life forms unique, but so too were the local minerals and elements, crystalline structures with quizzical properties unlike anything before it. One such metal rare and unique to Crystalsong's glazed depths was Cryastium, and though Saera knew nothing about it, she knew that the planet held many untapped bounties ripe for good alchemy.
Surprisingly and thankfully, the CIS didn't care much for what Saera did outside of the Order. They knew full well who her mother was, and none dare separate a young girl from their loving mother, but Saera stood far away enough from Circe's shenanigans to not be guilty of anything. This was their relationship's one saving grace, though it meant that their time together was often half as much. When baby Saera left for Crystalsong, she had called her mommy and asked her to meet the girl there on the surface of the planet, by a Narranic harbor begrudging of humans and the colonizing races - but not of her unorthodox kind.

@Circe Savan @[member="Thalia Zambrano"]​
(((Pre-Epi, please.)))​
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Circe smiled as she stepped out of her transport, immediately eying the unusual hybrid who was her daughter. Rushing forward, she couldn't help but run her hands over the girl's furry ears, snuggling her very quickly. "Hey, baby girl... Great to see you again. I love you so much... What do you need from mommy, hmm?"

@[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]


Saera, just a little bit bigger now, threw herself jubilantly into her mother's loving arms, wrapping her legs around her own as the girl clung to her part-time parent.
"Mommy Circe! I love youuu~" she cutely murmured. She dropped down and began snuggling her head against her mother's White Current clothed belly. "I know you taught me how to do Alchemy by myself, but... but... I need help with something. I wanna make... a sword. For Mommy Ashe! I'm really glad to see you!"
Saera skipped off back to her CIS Languor Fighter, her tails dancing happily behind her with such life to them. She threw her upper body within its underbelly storage compartment, shuffling through her things to find the container with her scrolls and documents. Finding what she was looking for, she pulled out an old but ornately decorated scroll made in itself of silk parchment and aged cryastium axel. The young girl handed it to her mother to unfurl.
"It's called Cryastium, and it's said to be a rare metal that can be found by the several nexus caves all over this planet!"
A complex metal, she'd need Circe's help to truly make the most out of its alchemically treated properties.

@[member="Thalia Zambrano"]​
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"Cryastium?" She paused, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. She had never heard about this material. "Nexus caves... I'm guessing where material forms in Force Nexuses?" She chuckled. "Regardless... I suppose we need to get this thing made. Are you ready to get to work, dearheart?"

The old term would be familiar to a certain Ghostling.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
"Ih'yup...!" the little fox shouted, happy to be with her mother again. As a Templar, spare time was so hard to find these days. "Just follow me. It's just like the scroll says."
The girl placed her hand in Circe's loving own, then began to guide her forward towards the mouth of one of the Crystal Caves' several cavernous routes. Just like that, they'd begun an adventure. It was one that would lead them deep into the heart of a beautiful, new world yet unplagued by the same evils of the galaxy. The Crystal Heart, it would come to be known.... There was almost no purer place on the whole planet, and hopefully the Sith Vinithi would not be discomforted by it.

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"I've missed you so much..." She moved to give her daughter some loving snuggles, eager to embrace her as wonderfully and lovingly as she could. Ashe being undead as all meant that she literally could not show any emotion , a big issue for Circe's daughter. "God , it really does choke me in here."

Someone was going to get hurt.

[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
The two were now in the cavernous caves. Crystal ore lined the walls and crystalline formations jutted forth from different mineral buildups. Not much further ahead was the main location of it all, the heart of the caverns, the Crystal Heart. There was the nexus in all its grace, surrounded by a beautiful array of glowing, reflective crystals that were a shallow blue with a brilliant pink and yellow iridescence about them. It was such crystal that the blade needed, and it was only here that they could find it.
"Wow.... This must be it," said the Vinferalathi adolescent. "Help me light it up some more!"

[ - Timeskip - ]​

It was the following morning and Saera had spent most of her night hard at work constructing a jagged-looking crystal platform and sorting out what few tools she brought. She planned to come back to the surface later and order some droids who could bring down all of her equipment. The makeshift lab was shoddy but useful, and the duo had already carved out a large blast furnace from the natural crystal on location. A tiny ember of the fire-fox's own being lit an alchemic flame alight that would burn eternally when she needed it, and thanks to [member="Enigma"]'s prowess in the Force, the alchemical forge was complete.
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[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

"It looks spectacular, darling." She smiled, placing a hand on her child's shoulder. "You should be exceedingly proud of yourself - not many people can pull off the feat you've successfully managed." She eyed the forge. "I suppose you will want to test it out... I would be willing to offer you some adamithium. Perhaps we can come up with a blade that absorbs blaster bolts and electrical energy - such as Force Lightning - and shoots it at others."

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
"Hmm," Saera questioned, "What's adamithium?"
The girl paused to look around the starlight-lit room, placing her hand against one of the cavern's crystalline walls.
"Do you have your lightsaber? Mommy, try hitting this big chunk sticking out..."
There was only one way to to be certain of something, and that was to try it out so they could finally pull some of it out for fabrication. It was much unlike every other crystal she had ever seen, so glistening and uniform, yet dynamically conforming.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Circe nodded, activating her blade and striking at the crystal formation she referenced. "Looks good to me... As for adamithium - it's a metal alloy Subach has developed. Exceptional energy resistance, but poor physical resistance. If I were to make a blade out of it, I would coat another metal with it, one preferably more durable, like turadium."

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Her striking and cutting at the material revealed exceptionally well energy resistance - arguably much better than adamithium alone.
Saera tried another test to discover an equally important concept; ballistic resistance. Grabbing an industrial mining pick with the Force, she threw it as hard as her focus could muster, straight for the chunk. To her surprise and excitement, the crystal did not shatter into chunks of crystalline. Instead, the outer surface ablated out where the tooth of the pick had embedded, and the remainder absorbed its shock. It was a unique high-carbon structure, found only in those caves and more abundantly on the moon Cryast. To her knowledge, none of the Corellians even knew the substance existed, else the moon would have been full of mining installations by now, ion engines to light up the night sky like stars.
"No.... This will do perfectly."
She subtly grinned.
"You'll need a drill-miner for this one."

(((last post)))​
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[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

A composition of metal, interwoven with adamithium and these crystals, would likely lead to a spectacularly monstrous weapon. One fit for a Dark Lady of the Sith like Circe herself. But she had a thought of someone who might find the artifact a lot more intriguing. Someone who might pay well for it - or not - but she would still cherish it for now.

It was time to get busy.

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