Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Devil Queen's Captain Helmet

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  • Intent: A high tech based helmet to bring both functionality and intimidation.
  • Image Source: HD WallpaperFlare
  • Canon Link: Armor
  • Permissions: Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis
  • Primary Source: Medium Armor
  • Classification: Anti-Blaster Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Other:
    • Slugthrowers and Melee Blades: Average
    • High and Low Temperatures. High
    • Lack of atmosphere/ Oxygen. High
  • Heads Up Display
  • Comm-Pack
  • Build In Life Support
  • Dense horns to ram with
  • Blaster Resistant
  • Blunt Force Resistance
  • Mild protection from Lightsaber strikes.
  • Able to aid in survival in all manner of climate terrains.
  • Vacuum Proof
  • Vulnerable to Slugthrowers
  • Vulnerable to blades in the vents of the helmet
Having traveled across space as her more darker self, Dolor Cordis had earned a name among of pirates. The "Devil Queen of the Unbound Space" given how she was ferocious and always attacked in areas of space that were neutral or just on the cusp of non-neutral space. Wanting a helmet to protect her, she used many metals and pieces of tech to create her signature helmet. This piece of armor was aimed at protecting her from blaster fire and any kinetic forms of attack. It was even fitted with equipment to allow her to survive in zero oxygen areas for a period of time.

The iconic fiery orange glow was there to make others fear her during battle and when she was "offering" them the choice. Armed with two horns, she could easily ram into her foes, similarly to what Zabraks do during melee combat with their own crown of horns. Whilst it doesn't penetrate flesh, it instead provides a bludgeoning or ramming like attack, to shove back foes.

The design was made so it could be removed simple by lifting it upwards. However, due to the mechanisms that lock the helmet in place for battle stability, it can only be unlocked with her genetic print (similar to that of the Collars she uses on those she captures).
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis

First, you have to need to use the Pre-Factory if you post your sub, the sub is work in progress and not finished. As I see yours was ready, so in this case, feel free to post them into the proper place (Technology creation, Vehicle creation or Starship creation).
The sub is nice and well made.

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