Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo
Devil You Know
Ninurta Slaabur'r
Carduul Akahl
Objective(s): Meet with the Enemy
The darkness of space gave him all the time he needed to think and meditate. Amongst the people he had blended in, his lack of armor was a mask. But here on the Dauntless he wore it once more, feeling more free with the constraint of armor around him than without. For weeks he spent his days traveling between Neo-Crusader worlds to examine their efforts. He was, to say the least, displeased.
While his supposed death had sparked a rise in his own clan’s numbers, and thus the further advancement of his twisted teachings, as a whole the Neo-Crusaders seemed to be stalling. Perhaps it was then that he even considered what he was doing.
Sitting in a small conference room is where he found himself. The room was clean and pristine with not a single molecule of dust present. The air was cold like a museum recently renovated. He sat at one of the chairs present around the long boardroom table. At the center was a large pad for presenting holo-presentations and various data-pads present for note taking.
Sitting in orbit above Ithor was an Imperial leisure station. Sig had received a transmission from a Moff, the last kind of transmission he expected to get. Despite no war being declared, the Neo-Crusaders hadn’t been shy in instigating conflict with the Galactic Alliance. These efforts, it seemed, drew the attention of the aforementioned Moff.
Despite his hatred and his instincts telling him otherwise, Sig knew that the Game required certain sacrifices. One such might be meeting with the enemy. It was a calculated risk though one he was willing to take: even if he walked away with seemingly nothing, he knew he’d truly be walking away with information. The most valuable trade this galaxy of chaos could offer, and he’d have it whether the enemy knew or not.
Regardless he sat there alone in the room, opting not to bring any of his clan with him. He had been waiting for a few minutes now, having been escorted to this room immediately after landing. Whoever he’d be meeting, he was equally anxious and curious to hear what they had to say and or offer.
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