There was no regular schedule for when the pair met, nothing that let her apprentice know when to expect to be thrust into an impromptu lesson, at first it had been a consequence to the somewhat irritating habit the girl had early on in which she tried a number of ways to kill the Sith lord. They had moved passed that - she thought - but the random nature of their training did not. Sometimes this was inconvenient to the two of them, as it might strike Vesta's fancy while Aradia, having not known, might've left for the day, so there was certainly an argument to be made to organize things.
Finding the girl in the state she was in now, however, was reason enough to toss that argument out of the window. She expected the rebellious streak, anticipated it some days, and steadily she had gotten that under control, even if the girl might disagree with her. What she did not expect, however, was to find her apprentice crouched over some servant like an animal, knuckles white with how strong her grip on the poor thing was, trying to drain her of every last ounce of her very essence.
She was separating the two from each other with the force before she had time to speak.
"What in the Nine Hells do you think that you are doing?" She asked, genuinely flabbergasted - and clearly incensed.
Darth Daiara