Devron Creel
"I find it hard to live with all my choices, it's time to turn a deaf ear to these voices. Did you ever think to ask my opinion? Did you ever think to ask if I'm okay?"
Name: Devron Creel (Dev)
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Human/Hapan
Force sensitive: Yes
Faction: N/A
Rank: Spacer/Freelancer
+ Crack shot with a blaster.
+ Silver tongue. He can charm his way in and out of almost any situation.
+ Jack of all trades. Just as much a strength as a weakness, he dabbles in a number of skills, and is thus handy for most any scenario.
- Bad low-light vision. While not as limited as that of a full-blooded Hapan, he still isn’t able to see in the dark all that well.
- Caustic attitude. This makes him difficult to impossible to get along with, and nine times out of ten, he knows it.
- Jack of all trades, master of none. Though he has a myriad of different skills, he never found the time to master any number of them.
* Dabbles in Mando’a, Huttese and Smuggler’s Cant.
* Retains a skewed sense of honor.
If you were to ask Devron where he was born, he would shrug and continue the conversation as if no inquiry had been posed to him in the first place. Not only because he isn’t able to remember, but because he rather wouldn’t. Childhood is a topic rarely visited by the errant spacer, and he typically moves past the subject fluidly if it chances to be brought up. There are thousands of other, more pleasant topics to discuss, in his mind. Born on a Mid-Rim planet he can’t quite recall the name of, his father was a member of the military, and thus never around home much. His mother, tasked with raising her son alone, was firm but kind, a patient woman truth be told, and his situation certainly could have been much worse. He knew he was lucky, and was grateful for it.
Until, one day, word came that his father wouldn’t be returning home – permanently. The man had been killed in action, something that dealt a devastating blow not only to Devron, but his mother as well. Slowly she began to turn to alcohol and spice as she found it harder to deal with the loss of the first man she loved, seeming to forget about the second she had pledged to care for just as much. The addiction tore a rift between the two, a distance both physical and emotional forming between them, one necessary for his own survival, lest he turn to the same vices as well just so he wouldn’t have to see his mother slowly waste away. Unsurprisingly, this eventually caused him to leave, but not without what proper goodbyes could be managed, an envelope of credits left behind for his mother as well, meant for any emergency.
Now nineteen and with no idea of where to go or what to do with his life, he stumbled upon the smuggling business rather by accident, courtesy of an old friend of his, Kell. The two began work with a small smuggling ring, beginning with odd jobs and working their way up the hierarchy as old members came and went or were killed while on a job. Obtaining a ship of their own, they struck out as partners into the larger galaxy, going on to form a ragtag group of their own making. No longer focused centrally on smuggling but more so any odd job that brought credits in along with a simple sense of adventure, the numbers of their band fluctuated before growing to encompass only the two of them and one other, a Togruta bounty hunter by the name of Sherasti Rin.
Years passed, and eventually even that group disbanded, leaving the two to rely solely on each other and their own talents once more. Unbeknownst to the two, a bounty on both of their heads during the time they had been running with the smuggling ring. Out of pure luck they had managed to evade any attempts on their lives, until one day that luck ran out on Nar Shaddaa. The pair were cornered by a Mandalorian bounty hunter Devron would later know as Rhen. Thankfully, he managed to escape with his life, but Kell wasn’t so lucky. Watching his friend gunned down in front of him without so much as a blink of the eye sparked the awakening of Force abilities in the young spacer, manifesting themselves in that moment as a telekinetic push that threw the bounty hunter backwards. This allowed him to escape with the body of his friend, which he later jettisoned into space after a private mourning.
At a later date Devron found himself once again toe-to-toe with that same Mandalorian, and this time he wasn’t quite so lucky. He was captured, managing to escape thanks to a “mishap” at one of the spaceports that separated him from his ultimate destination and likely later execution. Making his way off planet with old connections he hadn’t been sure still existed until that moment, for a time he simply wandered again, unsure of his place in the greater galaxy for months afterwards. He had no ship, little money and nothing more than the clothes on his back and blaster at his side, but he was determined to survive. It was that survivor’s instinct that had kept him alive for this long, and would continue to do so for the rest of his foreseeable future.