Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dex Darkstar

Dex Darkstar


Basic Information

Name: Dex Darkstar
Alias: Unknown
Homeworld: Tellyr Prime
Affiliation: Judges of the Outer Rim
Force Sensitive: Positive
Force Alignment: Light

Biological Information

Species: Near-Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.87m
Build: Athletic, Well-Muscled
Hair: Short, Brown
Eyes: Blue with Amber flecks
Complexion: Type-II

Psychological Information

Alignment: Neutral-Good
  • Honest
  • Kind
  • Trustworthy


Outback Bred: Dex was born and raised in the Outback of the Rim, giving him a strong sense of peoples characters outside of the constraints of typical society. It also gives him decidedly unique and rough edges in social situations.
Born Defender: Were Dex to have been born somewhere the Jedi would have found him, he would likely have trained to become a Guardian or a similar type of Jedi. As is, he's begun training with the Judges, and has taken to the style of placing himself between those in danger and the danger, with the risks and rewards that typically has.

Datapad Code by Kaska Arden Kaska Arden
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