Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dex Drakkel

Dex Drakkel

Dex Drakkel
"You never turn your back on your family, if mine were still here I sure as hell wouldn't"
Name: Dex Drakkel​
Faction: The New Order
Military Department: The New Order Stormtrooper Legions​
Rank: E1 - Private - Basic Trooper​
Species: Human​
Age: 27​
Gender: Male​
Height: 6 Feet or 183 cm​
Weight: 102 kg or 225 pounds​
Eyes: Dark Brown​
Hair: Tanned white​
Force Sensitive: Most likely not​
Strengths & Weaknesses:
[+] Elite Training - Dex has received about 8 years of advanced training within the New Order military training program, learning about blasters, piloting and warfare, he also learnt a lot about piloting AT-AT walkers and the such, each year of training has wielded a more advance knowledge of these things.​
[+] Muscular - Throughout all of his years, Dex has been building muscle ever since he was about twelve and a half years old, now after 15 years of body building he has massive muscular strength, and most of his weight is made up of his muscle.​
[+] Good Education - Thanks to his parents being very wealthy, Dex received a good education as a child, meaning that he has a wide range of knowledge in most of the standard subjects of the galaxy.​
[-] Loyal - Dex is loyal to only the New Order, no one else, he believes his purpose is to serve there military forces, this is a good thing, but he would go as far as dying for the cause, if anyone dissed the New Order he would kick their ass from here to the other side of the galaxy​
[-] Untrusting - Due to his family abandoning him, Dex no longer trusts very much people without them proving themselves to be trustworthy first.​
[-] Headstrong - All of his muscle and his height, his training and his intelligence had made him a little bit headstrong, he believes that he is capable of most things (even though he isn't really capable of very much yet)​
[-] Trigger happy - Sometimes out in the battlefield when the sounds of battle are everywhere and he already has a lot of blood on his hands anyway he will become a little bit trigger happy to the opposite side, maybe even causing some friendly fire along the way...​
[-] Unsociable - Since he was focused so much on studying and learning as a child and then from there on his training from the age of 19, he hasn't got the chance to socialize very much and may be a little awkward in social situations.​
-Basic Blaster Pistol, Unmodified​
-Basic Blaster Rifle, Unmodified​
-Basic Slugthrower Pistol, Unmodified​
-Basic Vibroblade, Unmodified​
-Basic Stun Baton, Unmodified​
-Basic New Order Armor​
-Basic New Order Dress Armor (Formal Occasions only)​
Other Gear:
-Utility belt​
Dex was born and raised on the planet Correllia, which is a planet were crime and slavery are often very big trades, this is the normal place for pirates and corrupted merchants to live, but wasn't usually the best home planet of two law abiding citizens of the galaxy who had a strong belief in the Grand Republic, both of Dex's parent's had met at a business trip on Correllia, were they had a supposed one night stand and continued seeing each other afterwards, but there relationship didn't really become serious until the woman learnt that she was pregnant, then things became serious and a few weeks after the birth of there fist and only son and child to be born, they became married to each other and decided to just settle down in Correlia, both of them had more than enough credits to live on during retirement and until they died.​
There son was always like them, law abiding and a proud citizen of the Republic, it wasn't until he began going to school that he first showed signs of rebellion and disagreement to the Republic, but he was always a good boy in class and was a teachers pet, most often he was the best in each subject he did and he never got to do much trouble making or have much of a social life because his parents always made him study, it wasn't as though he didn't enjoy studying it was just that he was always so lonely and soon the kids at his school began picking on him, bullying him into submission until it just became another thing to be expected out of life, but when he was twelve and a half years old he began doing body building, and soon developed enough muscle to always be able to defend himself against the bullies, and he continued this as a pastime besides the studying his parents continually pushed on him.​
When he was seventeen, Dex left the safety and comfort of his home to make a living for himself out in the harsh, unexplored galaxy. He went from job interview from job interview until he came across the job that was perfect for him, a Bounty Hunter, but he found this boring because of the lack of bounties there were for him to try so at the age of eighteen he went to the military of the New Order were he enlisted in the Stormtrooper Legions, and started his eight grueling years of training, he chose to do eight years and the more he trained the better he got until eventually he was a bit like a super-soldier kind of, without the super, he was just a very advanced Private, ready for adventure.​
Personal Roleplays:
Faction Roleplays:
Do you know what I like about this? It's balanced, this is a real character (or at least the foundations for one) and, more importantly, this character is not a god.

I will extend to you the same offer you gave me: I would be more than happy to RP with you [member="Dex Drakkel"]. :)

Dex Drakkel

I agree, you see NFU trying to be gods on the battlefeild and it just isn't realistic, I want to roleplay a normal soldier, because since he isn't a FU he is a normal human, maybe with a little bit more training but that is ok because he spent time training.

And yeah, I plan on getting my bio up within the next 24 - 48 hours so we can roleplay then :) [member="Robb Killian"]


Dex Drakkel said:
you see NFU trying to be gods on the battlefield and it just isn't realistic, I want to roleplay a normal soldier, because since he isn't a FU he is a normal human,
+>9,000 I fully endorse this!

Dex Drakkel

It's just my opinion, also I didn't be cliche when I choose my play-by, usually the soldiers have armor as there avatars.
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Dex Drakkel

UPDATE: The main biography is finished, I haven't added what happened in the threads yet because I will only do that once the thread is completely finished.

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