Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dextra Tane

Dextra Tane

SpeciesHuman from Pakuuni
Height5’5” ()
Weight107lbs (metric required)
Force SensitiveYes, Knight level


Dextra is just under average height and a bit on the skinny side. She has rusty-red hair that is usually allowed to flow wildly even if it only barely stretches past her shoulders. Some would say she has an odd look to her with a face that is quite freckled and exotic green-brown eyes. She usually wears a utility jumpsuit when not expecting action.



Like her older sister Dextra is dedicated to a cause. Unlike Teckla, she likes to do her work in the shadows. Taking from her lessons as a former member of Sable Dawn, Dextra uses deceit and tricks to get close to people in order to acquire information or eliminate a target.


  • Stealth and Mind affecting Force prowess
  • Sharpshooter


  • Difficult to form genuine personal connections
  • Arrogant (seemingly a family trait)

Dextra Tane is the younger sister of Teckla Tane Teckla Tane who, like her sister, was discovered to be gifted with the ability to channel the Force. It was quite apparent early in Dextra’s life that she would not respond to the same training that her older sister was thriving under. Dextra’s parents delayed formal training into her early teen years and then made arrangements for Dextra to be accepted as an initiate of Sable Dawn. Inside the criminal organization Dextra learned to use the Force to lie, cheat, steal and murder. During her twenty-fifth year the Empire of the Lost rose in prominence and Dextra started working angles to join her sister in service of the Empire which now included her home planet.

When Teckla was risen to Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders she started some changes in the organizations. More like additions. Dextra was secretly included in those additions, tasked with creating an intelligence branch of the Crusaders. She has been working since then to bring in core “agents”. The stand up of the branch was hastened by the failure of NISB and the death of Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran fast tracking the entity and putting Dextra in charge of covert Crusader missions.


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