Di Mancini
Di "Screwball" Mancini

NAME: Di "Screwball" Mancini
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Sergeant
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blondish hair, dark blonde/brownish beard
SKIN: Caucasian
- Ingenious! - Di has a knack for making the most odd, strange, and useful items that make his life easier or finding individuals who can do so to help him out.
- Friends - Di's lazy, easy going, and friendly demeanor means he has friends everywhere - Even the band!
- Optimistic - Di has a highly optimistic and laid back outlook on life. He can always find the silver lining of any situation.
- Clever and Quickthinking - Due to a lifetime of getting into bad or questionable circumstances, Di has a knack to rapidly and effectively get out of bad situations faster than he got himself into them.
- Hero - Di prefers to sit in the back and enjoy the wonders of doing nothing. However, when given enough motivation, he sincerely believes a Hero isn't a die hard, do-or-die soldier, but the average schmuck that gets up and does something... crazy.
- Lazy - Di would rather sit behind the lines and soak up the rays, enjoy the wonderful views, and generally enjoy doing nothing and take as many opportunities to do so.
- Crazy - Di's odd outlook on life and general approach to mayhem tends to leave him with crazy plans, crackpot schemes, and generally leaves everyone around him, outside of his crew, wondering if he needs to be hospitalized.
- Easily Distracted - Di's laid back and lackadaisical attitude tend to leave him easily distracted in most situations that don't require his complete attention. These include, but are not limited to: pretty women, flashing lights, small animals, large animals, beautiful views, food, booze, lawn chairs, explosions, and sleep.
- Troublemaker - As his general personality is personable and easy-going, Di tend to get into trouble with a great deal of people. Namely folks like: Fathers, brothers, uncles, male cousins, male friends, etc. of pretty women as well as officers, commanders, and exasperated fellow soldiers.
Di is tall, lanky, and keeps his hair long and his beard there, despite regulations. He tends to wear fatigue pants and combat boots, but loves his leather jacket and GAR issue undershirt. He wears a leather tanker's cap when in the tank and generally takes trophies when possible, mainly because they're "cool."
The son of a Kuati noble family, Di was raised from an early age to be polite, well kept, well dressed, and to uphold the levels of courtly duties and actions as deemed proper by the Kuati nobility. Di followed this teaching until the age of reason. In Di's case, this was around eight years old.
From that point on, Di was extremely independent and sought his own path. He often skipped formal courts and balls and dinners in order to roam around outside or take long, uninterrupted naps in his favorite hiding spots. Much to his family's dismay, young Di Mancini gave no inclination of any desire to pursue anything of any nature with Kuati politics or nobility.
On three separate occasions his family attempted to marry him off to try and get him out of their hair. On two of the occasions, Di disappeared on the wedding day, often to be found weeks later and hundreds of miles away. On one occasion, he was forcibly brought before the ceremony and up to the alter to meet his bride for the first time. After screaming bloody murder at the sight of his bride, Di managed to break free from his captors and dove out the stained glass window before making a getaway with a speeder belonging to the bride's father.
Eventually, as Di hit his early twenties, his parents had finally had enough. The Mancini family sent Di away to the military academy on Carida, hoping that the training there would instill some sense of discipline into the whimsical Di Mancini. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened.
Di flunked out of the Carida academy mere weeks after he arrived. The official reports were struck from the records, but Di's name is famous among the cadets there and more than one high ranking officer's daughter remember him fondly when asked. Suffice to say, Di did not return home on the ship specially sent for him. Instead, Di found himself on Coruscant enjoying the high life of cantina living and nightclub hopping using the huge amount of credits he'd slipped into hidden bank accounts during his youth when his wealthy parents still gave him a weekly allowance.
A little while after settling on Coruscant, the invasion struck. Homes and businesses were destroyed and thousands killed. Di saw the carnage and made a hasty exit off planet on a shuttle bound for Anaxes. Once there, he had nothing aside from his bank accounts on Muunilinst and decided on what to do next. He didn't want payback for Coruscant, at least not for the battle. He wanted to prove that bullies didn't rule the roost. As a child, he'd been bullied for being different. The latest Sith faction was no different.
With this in mind, Di Mancini enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic and was promptly found unfit for the infantry, the air force, the navy, cooking, cleaning, intelligence work, special warfare, artillery service, logistics service, and latrine duty. In a fit of exasperation, Di was dumped into an armored platoon of R-10 Reliant-class Medium Tanks and trained to load the cannon.
Two months after assignment, the tank he was in was destroyed on Carida and his crewmates killed. Being one of the few surviving soldiers of the now decimated platoon, Di was reluctantly promoted to Sergeant and assigned a crew with a new R-10.
Now, Di fights in the GAR as a tank commander, coasting along for the ride from one invasion to another.