Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diagnose Laertia!

As a crazy person I'm expertly qualified to diagnose you. If you dont believe that the um I'm here is my totally not fake degree in psychology.....really it's not fake....I'm Dr. Tegan Starfall.....

First your delusional but that's given all jedi, Paladino's, and general do gooders try hatds are. Everyone is evil get over yourselves.

Second your a sociopath or psychopath not sure if you were born that way or made. You made murder robots let's just leave it at that. I'm not judging I'm just saying most people would have regrets and remorse for that kind of stuff. A sociopath or psychopath doesn't care.

Third is also tied to sociopathy and psychopathy. A need to win at all cost no matter whom it may harm at least from what I have seen.

The only one you really need to work on though is number one. Let go of your delusions realize the evil with in embrace it for what it is. Basically join the darkside we got cookiees....

Also I'm totally a real doctor believe me you delusions will thank you.

Barbie Barnabas

Pirate Queen from the Wild of Space
Your hair....
Like... Damn!
Looks do go a long that definitely should get some nurturing and loving care.
Seriously, if you need some help with it, I'm your girl. :) You know the saying: 'look good, feel good'

Crazy stuff?... not my bag, as it's all a toss salad to me.
I know this thread is old, and you've likely moved on from this now, but I couldn't help myself... feel free to completely disregard.

From what I've read of miss Io before I left, I'd say she had something of a Narcissistic Hero Complex, swinging back and forth between being the victim and savior. Maybe a bit of some anti-social personality traits in there too. Malignant narcissist? Somewhere in that realm...

To quote psychology today...

"Narcissists often oscillate from hero to victim mode. As the hero, the narcissist attempts to dominate the situation. Saving the day fuels his or her ego and provides control. As the victim, the narcissist evades accountability by relying on a past hardship to excuse current wrongdoing. Both stances are dysfunctional and hurt others. To be the hero, the narcissist needs to create a "bad guy," and as the victim, he gives himself license to mistreat others free from repercussions."
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