I was on my out, wearing my usual work out attire. I feel comfortable wearing my black spandex pants, and a t-top, so what. Well these two young acolytes thought is was funny to poke fun, I did not think this was funny. Well my morning was interrupted on my way to my workout session I had plans to possibly learn force grip today, the thought of crushing these young acolytes knee caps gives me a sense of gratification.
One of them ran off, I didn’t have to say anything as I walked up to the kid, he looked around 20, and looked in dire need of eating a sandwich. Ok it wasn’t all bad, I just loose my temper a lot, but I must say I had a lot of fun scaring the bejesus out of this kid. By the looks of him I’m pretty confident I could have knocked him out. Instead while I walked up to him I wanted feel his fear. I could feel his neck slowly crush between my fingers as I used the force to crush his esophagus. Slowly lifting him up, do you know satisfying it is feeling his life being sucked out of him by my hand. His body squirming grasping for air wishing he had neve met me. Letting him go, his buddy floped to the floor grasping for air.
I wanted to try something on the boy, he was helpless and scared to death I was going to kill him, instead he was going to be my pet for the day. It did not take much to alter his mind, he had no idea how to defend his mind when I dominated him to be my pet and to follow my every task.I rather enjoyed him following me down the hall like a lost puppy to the training area. His friends were about to find out not to get on my bad side.
I was determined to learn force grip, and I was going to experiment on the boy. I was getting frustrated and had wasted nearly the day attempting the force ability. After nearly exhausting every effort attempting to feel the time and space and around him I was unable to crush anything on the boy. Really what’s the difference between crushing his neck. Than I heard the voices around me. Look she cant do it. And than it happened, rage consumed me and the next thing I knew i all I had to do was gently press my fingers together.
One of them ran off, I didn’t have to say anything as I walked up to the kid, he looked around 20, and looked in dire need of eating a sandwich. Ok it wasn’t all bad, I just loose my temper a lot, but I must say I had a lot of fun scaring the bejesus out of this kid. By the looks of him I’m pretty confident I could have knocked him out. Instead while I walked up to him I wanted feel his fear. I could feel his neck slowly crush between my fingers as I used the force to crush his esophagus. Slowly lifting him up, do you know satisfying it is feeling his life being sucked out of him by my hand. His body squirming grasping for air wishing he had neve met me. Letting him go, his buddy floped to the floor grasping for air.
I wanted to try something on the boy, he was helpless and scared to death I was going to kill him, instead he was going to be my pet for the day. It did not take much to alter his mind, he had no idea how to defend his mind when I dominated him to be my pet and to follow my every task.I rather enjoyed him following me down the hall like a lost puppy to the training area. His friends were about to find out not to get on my bad side.
I was determined to learn force grip, and I was going to experiment on the boy. I was getting frustrated and had wasted nearly the day attempting the force ability. After nearly exhausting every effort attempting to feel the time and space and around him I was unable to crush anything on the boy. Really what’s the difference between crushing his neck. Than I heard the voices around me. Look she cant do it. And than it happened, rage consumed me and the next thing I knew i all I had to do was gently press my fingers together.