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Did Luke Skywalker fall to the Dark Side?!


Disney's Princess
Nah. But he did challenge our interpretations of the righteousness of the Old Jedi Order. Luke was not raised by the Monks in a Temple with thousands of other cultural influences. He was trained by Yoda in a swamp, as an adult, with very little time to mature. He was always going to be "different". In Jabba's palace he Force Chokes the guards and pulls a pistol on the Hutt. Then he goes about killing everybody on a sail barge. Kaboom! Brave new world.

Luke teaches us that the heroism of the Jedi can only conform to the moral values of his writer and the cinema society for which it is to be presented. This is reinforced by the writers who wrote the EU books. Each writer admits to shifting the moral compass of the Jedi religion, (and it's heroes,) according to their literary tastes and cultural values. These variables are everywhere in Star Wars canon. Lucas himself enjoyed the thought of changing a few things when he crafted his prequels. Lucas made Obi-won Kenobi the "ideal" interpretation of a Jedi Knight. Not his earlier presentation of Luke Skywalker.

The important thing to remember is that Star Wars is a shared universe. Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all going to imprint differently upon the moral compass of it's religiously affiliated heroes and villains. Good and evil will always be subject to the fans interpretation. Just like it was to it's Directors, Producers, Writers, Concept Artists, Costume Designers, and Painters.

Did Luke Skywalker fall to the Dark Side? No. But is he human? Yes.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Luke falling to the darkside I can't see however there was a rumor and video asking if he was Kylo Ren. I doubt he will after how he reacted in Return of the jedi when he realized he was slipping then stopped and denounced it tossing his saber away. If something happened between 6-7 in the movies universe that could make him fall I doubt there would be such a thing. However being a comic fan I have seen heroes become villains in new series for no other reason then the writers thought they were being clever.


Simply put, Luke's story is a testament to the balance of light and dark in everyone, which like the Yin and Yang cannot exist in harmony without one another. He wasn't a paragon and he wasn't a Dark Jedi or Sith either: he was just himself, an ordinary man.

As corny as they usually are, there are a handful of different Legends sources rectifying this harmony.

Or one could just look to the everyday machinations of life and the universe.

Connor Harrison

Flipping heck, soon it'll be going around that Luke Skywalker IS Kylo Ren and it's all a big twist.


I like to support the theory that the Knights of Ren were originally Luke Skywalker's attempt at recreating the Jedi Order, but eventually it spiraled out of his control and became the Sith-inspired Vader fanboys we see in Episode 7.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vornskr"] Hm, yeah sounds a good theory.

Maybe Luke even had dealings with Kylo before he became a Ren like the Obi-Wan / Anakin relationship but Kylo went a little obsessed with Vader and twisted the followers to follow him instead of Luke.

So Luke goes into hiding after effectively creating a new legion of Dark Side warriors feeling that he "failed" but finds redemption with our "new hopes"?

And in the end, maybe, during the trilogy, it comes down to Luke's successful student vs Luke's failed student?

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