Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did 'The Force Awakens' Look Familiar To You?

Connor Harrison

Now you can see where you saw all those cool looking shots and sequences from 'The Force Awakens' before.

In that other film made in 1977.

Connor Harrison

That means we're gonna get a barnstorming EpVIII if they're following the old trilogy. ;)
Of course. The entire movie is predicated upon beating you over the head with nostalgia to the point of vulgarity and screaming "HEY! Remember this thing you liked about the old movie? Have another serving!"
Keep in mind how much people were complaining when they deviated from the formula of the original trilogy. There certainly are a lot of call backs to the original trilogy. I don't personally see any issue as the characters are new, yet filling the same basic roles since it is still the Hero's Journey story just with new heroes instead of the well known ones. There were references to the prequels and even Sev from Republic Commando was referenced. Needless to say I was disappointed when I pointed that out to a friend and he just gave me a blank/confused stare and said, 'Who the hell is Sev and what are you talking about?' Overall though I view it as an homage to the origins of the series. My $0.02.

Connor Harrison

They had to be safe, to make sure the world was ready for this new era of Star Wars. Also they had to remind old fans this was back in "safe" territory, and welcome new fans to the narrative than won over their elders years before.

Now it is safe, they can continue in the understanding that we trust Disney and the talent on and off screen. I do, for sure.
[member="Connor Harrison"]
Having now seen this video properly, I have to call bullshit on about 75% of it.

Some of them are direct imitations/references/homage to the original. That was intentional.

But cherrypicking certain things and comparing them with other things completely out of context is just stupid.

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] Totally agree - certain ones like Ren interrogating Poe, it's not exactly ripping off Vader and Leia. And shots of fighters and ships and's classic cinematography, not ripping off previous films.

It's that style you watch where you KNOW it's got that authentic SW stamp. The look and feel should be similar to make you feel "comfy" watching any SW film.

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