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Character Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch

Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch

Height2.08 meters (6 ft. 10 in.) {not in armor}
Weight140 kg (310 lbs)
Force SensitiveNo


Dieter is muscular, he is buff in all the right places. This is furthered by the fact that he is Atoan, which means he is already stronger and faster than the average human because of his spread-out hearts. His hair and beard are always neatly trimmed to Imperial standards, although he has a bit of leeway due to being an officer. He normally wears his black stormtrooper corp uniform, but when he is on mission he wears his IPAPA-1 armor, decorated with the blue markings of an officer.




Dieter, may not seem like the caring type, but he is. He has repeatedly turned down promotions to stay on the frontlines with his men. He believes a leader should lead from the front, not the back. He would never ask his fellow soldiers to do something he wouldn't be willing to do. He believes that his soldiers' lives come before his own, a sentiment he picked up from serving as a naval security officer under Karl Von Strauss during his years raiding pirate convoys. One of his only shortcomings is that he is loyal to a fault, he never questions orders. He was this way even before his training in the Paragons. Although, killing children is a strong no.


Faster and Stronger:
Being an Atoan, he is naturally stronger and faster than most humans. He is even stronger due to his training regimen as a Paragon. (NOTE: do NOT challenge him to an arm wrestle, you will more than likely lose.)
Weapon Mastery: Due to his experienced background, he is well-versed is every small arm you give him. He has earned more than a few marksmanship ribbons.
CQC Master: Being an Atoan, he is more likely to overpower an opponent, but that doesn't mean he hasn't trained day and night in close-quarters combat techniques.


His own species is a weakness. Because of the multiple hearts, he is more likely to bleed out if not properly treated.
Loyal to a Fault: He never questions orders. Good soldiers follow orders.
They Come Before Me: His men come before himself, and that might put him in bad situations so they can get out.


Interviewer: "This is interview number four eight two seven, with Dieter Kovasch. So, Mr. Kovasch, how long have you worked with Captain Von Strauss?"

Dieter: "I've been with Captain Von Strauss for nearly twenty-two years now. Before him, I was working as a mercenary. Hopping from planet to planet, job to job, tovarisch. Then I heard about a good opportunity to make some creds, little did I know it was working for some posh nerf herder in a shiny First Order ship. Hell, I didn't like the idea at first working for him, but raiding pirate convoys, is good for soul. I was eventually contracted as a naval security officer and quickly worked up the ranks becoming a Sergeant, and known for my ability to board an enemy ship and get shit done."

Interviewer: "It says in your file, that you never left any pirate crews alive. Tell me why is that?"

Dieter: "Because tovarisch, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. If you leave one alive, then they will hunt you if given the chance, I do not like giving them that chance."

Interviewer: "It also says, in your file, that you go by the name 'Breaker' why is that?"

Dieter: "Have you ever heard the sound of a spine breaking in two?"

Interviewer: "No I haven't."

Dieter: "Then you are lucky."

Interviewer: "...okay. Next question. Why do you want to join the Imperial Paragons?"

Dieter: "Because I am good fit, no? I'm highly athletic, I shoot straight and true, and I'm good at disabling enemy ships from the inside. What more could want?"

Interviewer: "Would you swear loyalty to the Emperor of All Imperial Kind, Velran Kilran?"

Dieter: "As long as I can raid ships and shoot bad guy, I swear fealty to the Emperor."

Interviewer: "Well, Dieter I think you are a perfect fit for the Imperial Paragons. We are glad to have you onboard."

Dieter: "Thank you, Mr. Interview Man. I assume I'll hear from you soon, no?"

Interviewer: "I think you broke my hand."

Dieter: "Ahh, is fine. Drink blue milk, you be good as new. Ha! Goodbye now."

Interviewer: "I don't even like milk."

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