Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dieter Jusik

NAME: Dieter Jusik
FACTION: Liberty Vanguard
Unit: 1st Drop Trooper Battalion
Branch: Orbital Drop Shock Corps.
RANK: General
SPECIES: Human, Bespinian
AGE: Thirty Four
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Caucasian

Ribbons/Medals: Combat Action Ribbon, Enlisted Infantry Ribbon, Air Assault Ribbon, CZ-836 Expert badge, Melee Combat Specialist Ribbon, Drop Trooper Officer Ribbon,

Formal Training: CIS Army Basic Training, School of Infantry, Drop Trooper School, Air Assault School, Officer Candidate School


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Extremely well trained and loyal, inspires confidence from subordinates.

Quick temper and more than a bit rash. Overreacts.

BIOGRAPHY: Colonel Davin Jusik's long lost bastard younger brother, he was yet another product of the pairs' traveling Stormtrooper father. As a very similarly written bio once went, Dieter was raised by his single waitress mother on the mean streets of Mos Eisley. Typical of such poor and oppressive upbringings, Dieter developed a temper to match the level of violence that surrounded him, and out of necessity would often beat a child who insulted him to establish dominance in social situations. A selective bully of sorts.

His toughness both served and betrayed Dieter when he became an adult and for lack of other opportunities enlisted in the Confederate Army. The attitude he'd developed to survive was quickly squashed by the abnormally large Drill Sergeants that stalked about the Confederacy Basic Training center on Tatooine. After overcoming his character flaw Dieter went on to distinguish himself from the other Privates. Performing higher on nearly every level from those around him. His dedication earned him a slot in an experimental new school dubbed Drop Trooper Selection and Training. Shortly after the young soldier's completion of Infantry School Dieter was shipped off to the far reaches of Confederate Space to begin a grueling six month training regiment.

Dieter completed the training and was returned to an Infantry Unit, being told that when the project was fully green lighted he would be transferred into the an available unit slot. Dieter went through a few years of service within the regular Infantry and eventually attended Officer Candidate school before being called back to Drop Service after the creation of the Corps.

After finding out the truth behind certain Confederate Ops Jusik led the OSTs to join the newly formed Liberty Vanguard. The Corp promoted him to Commandant shortly after.

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