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Approved NPC Dimeria Nykerian

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Intent: To finally submit one of Laira’s long time companions
​Image Credit: Here | Here | Here
Role: Guard | Ambassador
Links: Order of the Eternal Flame

Age: 25
Force Sensitivity: Force-Dead
Species: Human
Dimeria Nykerian is a tall woman, standing 185 centimeters tall with an athletic lean build befitting a person raised for combat. While muscular in frame and build, she maintains a feminine physique.

Dimeria has fair skin, black hair which she dies to fade into a dark purple. She normally wears her long hair in a top-knot, shaving the rest of her head regularly. Her most striking feature however is her bright eyes, which change colors depending on her mood much like Yuuzhan Vong Mqaaq’it'it.

Name: Dimeria Nykerian
Loyalties: Royal House of Alderaan | House Organa | House Cadalthor
Wealth: Comfortable
Dimeria has very little personal wealth, but is provided a monthly income by House Organa for her expenses, and resides within the holdings of House Cadalthor in comfort and luxury. She isn’t rich, but lives well above her means with little personal holdings.
Notable Possessions:
Dame Nykerian is primarily a melee warrior. She’s well trained and skilled with a blade, as skilled as one would expect from an experienced warrior. The woman is a skilled fencer and capable bladeswoman, while only being an average markswoman.

She is also a talented with police and detective work, such as simple investigation, observation, and data analysis associated with those fields. She is trained in the basics of wilderness survival, hunting, and tracking animals which are hobbies for the Knight.

Finally Dimeria is a skilled painter, with a fondness of landscapes and preferring pastels to brushes.

While many of her sisters in the Order of the Flame are considered somber and melancholy, Dimeria is outwardly very jovial, willing to chat with those far below her station casually and forgo military protocol and regulations, preferring casual conversation to professionalism. Compared to her sisters she seems very aloof in her mannerisms and demeanor.

For most people, Dimeria is relatively detached and nonchalant. She doesn’t seem to care about their daily lives, what is new with them, or how they are even those she has grown up around or spent many months in close proximity with. The woman is capable of being conversational with almost anyone, but really doesn’t care about all but a select few.

Despite her calm, almost familiar outward appearance, the Knight is very morose. She hides her true emotions under layers of sarcasm, humor, and duty when in truth she feels very alone much of the time and is unwilling to open or divulge her nature to anyone whom she feels she has responsibility to. A lifetime of conflict and suffering, watching her friends and family be killed have left her cold and dispassionate keeping her from being attached to most people. She also believes that she and those like her lack a soul, or the availability of an afterlife, meaning that she has no paradise with the Force or Netherworld awaiting her upon her death. Only the void. As such she has devoted herself to living her life to the Knowing that revealing her melancholy and feelings of aloneness to those around her could result in the loss of their trust, as how can someone trust a person that is depressed and mildly suicidal.

Those very few that do break through the layers and defenses she places between herself and others she becomes very attached to, often seeking to remain in their company for as long as they are willing to tolerate her presence.

Weapon of Choice: Phrik Atrisian Style Sword | Baragwin Flame Thrower
Combat Function:
Dimeria is a shock trooper first and foremost. She is capable of participating in firefights, full scale battles, and heavy melee combat as well as any other elite warrior from other cultures. She is most deadly in melee where she might be comparable to such beings as an IG-100 Magnaguard or Imperial Inquisitor.

The primary difference to her combat style being her obligation to uphold honor and traditional chivalric values of her homeworld, which prevents her from participating in massacres, slaying unarmed beings, and other such activities.

Being Force-Dead she is immune to direct applications of the Force, similar to the Yuuzhan Vong which afflicted her with such abilities. This Force-Death extends to objects such as clothes and her sword, that are on her person or being wielded for some unknown reason however it doesn’t affect her power armor or other weaponry.

Dimeria was born during the One Sith’s occupation of Alderaan, her mother one of the millions that were enslaved by the Yuuzhan Vong and impregnated with Slave Coral in order to use them as a labor force. Though highly uncommon, because her mother was implanted while pregnant with her, Dimeria was one of the girls that inherited a rare type of genetic mutation that rendered her dead to the Force. Other complications of the mutation included her eyes developing as Mqaaq’it instead of human optical nerves, a smaller pain center in her brain, an inability for Surge Coral to grow in her body, and the development of chronic depression.

She was born into slavery under the Legion Yun’Do, and under the Sith Worshipping Yuuzhan Vong she was first exposed to hardship and suffering, watching what few friends and family she could remember slowly fade and become mindless while she was immune. Like many of her future sisters, she spent the first years of her life scavenging for scraps and hiding her deformity from her masters, developing a fierce independence and hatred for slavery.

After the Netherworld Rapture, many sentients were taken by Akala and the One Sith’s grip on Alderaan was released in the subsequent collapse of every galactic government. Finally free from the Yuuzhan Vong and the One Sith, the Republic’s presence allowed Alderaanians to rebuild their homeworld and return the lost or suppressed parts of their culture to those that had been captured on the planet. One of them was the Knighthood, that following the occupation became increasingly popular among the populace. Like so many orphans born during the occupation Dimeria sought to join the Knighthood only to find herself unable to join, as concern over the young girl’s mutation, had raised suspicion among the Knights who believed they could be used as sleeper agents and other such deceptions.

While the politicians, scientists, and knights discussed what to do with the young girls Dimeria and those like her were placed into an orphanage where they underwent constant testing. Jammed with needles daily, often made to do physical tests and placed through rigorous academics designed to help shape them into usable warriors, Dimeria became withdrawn, even from her sisters.

Dimeria was thirteen when the Knightly Order of the Eternal Flame of Alderaan was officially proclaimed and accepted by the monarchy, having spent her entire life in what she considered to be slavery. Even after being liberated by the return of the other Alderaani she found herself confined and experimented on, nevertheless, there was little else she could do. For a time she despised her superiors, believing them little better than her Vong overlords and so she trained herself to hide her thoughts from them, just as she had hidden her nature from the Yuuzhan Vong she would hide her mind from the Knighthood.

Her teenage years were spent much of the same, growing, planning to take the skills they provided her and leave as soon as she was able. All she could imagine was the stars, the freedom they offered, leaving everyone and everything she had ever known behind. And then she watched one of her sisters leave through the front door. No one tried to stop the woman, no one barred her way. The Knights that trained them waved goodbye to the fifteen year old, made sure the girl had enough money to start her life. They even recommended her to the Collegium for Young Ladies in New Crevasse City and suddenly Dimeria realized the cage she found herself trapped in was not designed by others, but by her own fear. That slavery had been all she had known for so long she couldn’t imagine being free to do as she pleased.

And so she left the same day, given a sum of money, a path to almost any future she could have wanted paid for by the Crown, and freedom. Her very first taste of freedom, and she felt so completely alone. She booked passage off world shortly after and made her way to the Outer Rim, seeking out Shadowports where she could find a job on a freighter. Her skills made her valuable to any crew of smugglers or freighter captain, and without Jedi present on their ships no one knew about her mutation, no one treated the young teen like a freak. She was just another spacer, trying to run from something just like the rest of them, but it ate at her every day.

She attempted to wander, but soon found herself staring out of viewports thinking of frost covered trees and fields of wildflowers. Even the Vong-covered wastes were memories she longed for once again while she wandered the Outer Rim. She longed for freedom all her life, and now that she had it she realized it would not fill the void in her chest that left her empty and alone. It would be stale and meaningless, that a life unlived would end and she would be no more, fading into the void while everyone else moved on to an afterlife. And so she longed to return, to be something more than a memory that would soon fade. So she returned to what she knew to complete training with the Order.

After she was Knighted Dimeria began her life as a Knight she was deployed to Atrisia with her sisters to aid in dealing with a number of Sithspawn that were left in the wake of the Sith Lords following their defeat by the Galactic Alliance on the planet. While stationed on the planet nearest the Dark Nexus that had been left, Dimeria saw a great many horrors left in the wake of war.

For the most part, the populace was glad to have the Knighthood present and seemed to accept that the handful of the Knights of the Flame were some of the few that could venture into the hellscape and emerge unscathed and untainted, and so Dimeria had her first taste of being considered heroic. The sensation of being beloved and glorified brought the Knight a small reprieve from her depression, granting her a possible path to avoid the utter darkness that death would bring. The chance to be more than a fading memory.

On Atrisia she gained notoriety and experience, slaying several sithspawn during the Order’s hunts and campaigns into the Capital City’s ruins. On one such hunt, Dimeria and her sisters engaged a wounded Terentatek lurking in the ruins, hunting for prey as survivors and treasure-hunters wandered through the hellscape. During the battle the Centurion leading the small group of Sisters was slain, crushed to death in the creature’s grip and several others wounded by its vicious talons. During the fight, Dimeria climbed the creature’s back, mounting the beast herself in an attempt to incapacitate it with her sword, however its hide was barbed and thick, the blade shattered upon its skin as she struck blow after blow. Another sister perished under the beast’s weight, and desperate for weapons Dimeria found an Atrisian sword, buried to the hilt within the creature’s neck. With all her might, the Knight pulled the sword from the monstrous sithspawn, slashing its throat in the process.

The sword was later identified as a blade crafted for a swordsman sworn to House Togashi who had been travelling with members of the Alderaani ExplorCorps that had gone missing some time ago. When Dimeria presented it back to the swordsman’s family his wife requested that it remain in her possession rather than sitting on a mantle. She claimed that her husband must have known Dimeria and her sisters would need it and left it so that they could claim it in their hour of need.

At age twenty four Dimeria was elevated to the rank of Praetorian, an honorable title given to the sisters who choose to fight and quest alone rather than raising the next generation. Given her elevated status, the Knight’s name was carved into a stone at the Keep which houses the Order, the first step in leaving behind the legacy she desired.

After her appointment, Dimeria was dispatched to a tour with the Free World’s Coalition Ranger Corps by the Order. The Knights of Alderaan were often dispatched there so they could learn investigative techniques and detective work alongside experienced law enforcement such as CorSec and the Sector Rangers as well as providing young knights with a great deal of field experience. For Dimeria, she was teamed with a young woman named Laira Darkhold as her senior partner. While in secret the Knight had been chosen to be Laira Organa’s unofficial bodyguard so that the Princess wasn’t travelling alone.

During their adventures, the pair investigated several cases, including abductions on Hapes and Onderon resulting in the destruction of a Dark Side cult dedicated to raising the spirits of long Dead Sith on the Demon Moon of Dxun, during the rescue of the hostages. The pair were also present on the Queen of the Core when a mysterious biological agent was released into the ship, infecting most of the passengers turning them into mindless, flesh-eating monsters. Dimeria and Laira were able to escape, though not without the help of the Eldorai of House Cadalthor. As they made their escape, Laira’s arm became infected and the unlikely allies were forced to amputate her limb and carry her back to the hangar, where Dimeria and the Duchess of the House were forced to engage a very large mutated creature until they were able to escape.

Shortly afterwards, the pair were sent to train alongside Firemane Forces on Arkas while Laira recovered from her injuries and waited for her arm to be cloned and ready for transplant. While on the planet, the girls and the handful of Rangers that accompanied them in order to learn different tactics and train under the rigors of pitched battle that they were unused to. Reports of an island being besieged by an unknown force, where once again they encountered the mutated flesh-eaters that had amassed in a horde. These were able to manipulate electronics to a degree which forced the Dimeria and Laira with the Firemane officer Tempest to assault and disable an anti-aircraft weapon. While fighting there, the two Force Sensitives were beset by illusions and a potent hive-mind, Dimeria being blank, null to the Force, was unaffected and forced to fight off the waves of flesh-eaters alone, almost to the point of exhaustion while they Force Users overcame their mental assailant.

After surviving that ordeal, the two were once again dispatched, this time to a derelict ship that had been connected to both the outbreaks, a cargo vessel that had docked with the Queen of the Core before making a trip to Arkas. It had sense gone missing and never arrived at its next scheduled destination, and eventually was sighted outside the Corellia system listing a drift. Dimeria did not board the vessel, but did provide the operatives that did with some assistance by piloting the ship and taking regular scans of the vessel to update them with intelligence and data.

After so much time together, Dimeria began to feel close to Laira, becoming like a sister-figure for the young Ranger as the redhead slowly worked her way through the many layers of armor the Force Dead Knight wore around herself. Eventually, her true identity was revealed and the Knight closed up once more, suddenly deceived and feeling vulnerable to someone that she was sworn to protect. With Laira beginning to work closer with the Resistance, she no longer had need for a bodyguard, and the crown believed that having one of their Knights alongside the Resistance would unofficially align Alderaan with the rebel military junta. And so Dimeria was promoted for her trouble, to be the ambassador for House Organa to House Cadalthor and the Eldorai as a whole since she had the most exposure to the species and its hierarchy.
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

This is mostly in order except for two things:

The bolter in her equipment is not open market and needs a purchase order, a thread or something similar to indicate permission.

Being Force-Dead she is immune to direct applications of the Force, similar to the Yuuzhan Vong which afflicted her with such abilities. This Force-Death extends to objects such as clothes and her sword, that are on her person or being wielded for some unknown reason however it doesn’t affect her power armor or other weaponry.
By the way this reads the extension of force deadness is not a physical attribute of the equipment (much like organic yuuzhan vong tech), but more something she... somehow projects herself? Is there some reference that you could link to explain that a bit?

Because from the top of my head I don't think force deadness has worked that way in canon, but I might be wrong, of course.
First, if you check her Links the Order of the Flame has links to the purchase thread where I bought them for the Unit, of which she is a member. Here it is for ease of tracking it down.

Second, Legends is Crazy, right. Nyss Nenn and Syll Nenn were specifically listed and described as NFU's able to Sever other beings' connection to the Force around them and appear to be Force-Dead for all intents and purposes, and their gear for that matter. For her, its kind of an extrapolation of their ability, in that she is able to extend the effect to the things she wears/wields instead of all the way to other beings. Weird I know, but cool.

[member="Jairus Starvald"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

It's mostly better to directly link to the purchase in the submission that uses the purchase, because that minimizes the time necessary to go looking through it. That being said that link is plenty for this.

I have mixed feelings about the latter.

But considering opposing writers can't call hits on you and your equipment without permission, this isn't really anything more than a plausible IC explanation of OOC reality anyway. As long as you remember that a NPC is always less effective versus other PCs, this is fine.

Nice work on it, lots of detail, I dig it overall. Pending secondary approval!
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