Din Xirzek, like most Kaleesh, possesses the striking, reptilian features typical of his species. Standing at an imposing 2 meters tall, he has reddish-brown skin marked with subtle scales and pronounced facial ridges that emphasize his elongated, bony snout. His piercing yellow eyes with slit pupils give him a predatory intensity, while small tusks jut subtly from his lower jaw. Adding to his distinctive look, Xirzek wears his long, black hair in thick, tightly woven dreads that cascade over his shoulders, a rare but striking choice for a Kaleesh. He often dons a traditional Kaleesh-inspired Mandalorian helmet, carved with intricate designs, blending his warrior heritage with his adopted Mandalorian identity. His lean, wiry frame speaks of a lifetime of training, perfectly balanced for agility and strength in battle.
- A set of Kaleesh-modified beskar’gam
- A Lig sword-inspired beskad
- A pair of Mandalorian vambraces
- A HW-55 multipurpose blaster
- A kal dagger
- The Crimson Karabbac, his modified VT-49 Decimator
Mando: Having grown up Mandalorian, Xirzek is well versed in their ways of combat and survival. He knows how be equally effective with hand-to-hand as well as ranged weaponry.
Nimble: As a Kaleesh, Xirzek is built in a lanky, agile body plan that make him quick and nimble
Bug Hater: Due to the ancient rivalry between the Kaleesh and the Yam’rii, Xirzek holds a sense of distrust to insectoid species.
Loyal to Creed: Because of his upbringing, he is hesitant to join up with one particular Mandalorian faction or another. He feels that each only exhibits part of the Mandalorian creed, and thus tries to remain neutral in things. Additionally, he ascribes to the tenets of the Children of the Watch, vowing never to remove his helm unless in private. Needless to say, some find his adherence as extremist.
Din Xirzek, born Xirzek jal Quggonth, is a Kaleesh warrior whose life was irrevocably changed by tragedy. Raised on Kalee, he came from a lineage of proud fighters, with his parents joining the resistance against the New Imperial Order, a rising neo-Imperial faction. Their rebellion ended in their deaths, leaving Xirzek orphaned at a young age. A Mandalorian named Din Vaelinn, a descendant of Clan Mudhorn, took him in to settle a debt owed by Xirzek's father. Vaelinn adopted Xirzek as a foundling, immersing him in the Mandalorian culture and training him in the ways of the Creed.
Under Vaelinn's guidance, Xirzek completed his verd'goten and embraced his new identity as "Din Xirzek." Combining the fierce warrior traditions of his Kaleesh heritage with Mandalorian discipline, Xirzek became a highly skilled combatant. Despite his loyalty to the Creed, he honors his roots, incorporating Kaleesh-inspired elements into his Mandalorian armor and weapons. This duality defines Xirzek’s identity, making him both a proud Mandalorian and a Kaleesh warrior.
In the fractured state of the Mandalorians, Din Xirzek has chosen to remain neutral among competing factions, instead dedicating himself to the Creed above all else. As a mercenary, he offers his skills to various Mandalorian groups, seeking to unify his people through his actions and adherence to their shared traditions. Haunted by the loss of his family and the divisions among Mandalorians, Xirzek strives to honor both of his heritages while restoring strength and unity to the Mandalorian way.
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