Social Information
• Name: Dinah Winters
• Homeworld: Unknown, assumed Umbara
• Sexuality: Heterosexual
• Marital Status: Single
• Force Sensititve: Yes
• Force Alignment: Darkside
Physical Information
• Species: Near-Human
• Race: Half-Umbaran
• Gender: Female
• Age: 18
• Eye Color: Blue
• Hair Color: Blonde
• Skin: Pale
• Kingdom of Panatha
[Family]Kain Zombrano Her adoptive father. She adores this man, shadowing his every move, and staying close, although she may not receive the same love or care she presents him with. She has much to be grateful for.
• In the beginning Dinah is very shy, mistrustful, and fearful. This stems from her being bullied and left out from the other children of the orphanage. Even when she wasn't around them she could still hear all of their thoughts, having no way to shut off this innate ability, the bullying remained constant even when she was alone. She usually stays away from others, choosing to lock herself away to try and shield herself from the outside world, because the voices she hears is of everyone she happens to be in the proximity of. Her personality changed slightly, when she came under the care of Darth Vornskr. She has only been able to trust him, and she doesn't shy away from him, choosing to remain in his shadow; in his presence.
• Now she has left all of the shyness, and timidness behind her and in the past. She has gained control of her abilities to the a degree where she can willingly block out voices so she isn't subject to hearing everyone's thoughts. From spending all of her time at the side of her father, she has adopted his traits becoming ruthless, cynical, and cruel, though these manifest themselves in their own way. She tops it all of with her manipulation that she has grown to have a niche for.
+ Telepath - She has prodigious potential in this area, abilities that's also second nature to her due to her Umbaran blood. Though she hasn't complete control over her abilities yet.
+ Natural born Manipulator - Though unbeknownst to her, Dinah has the ability to manipulate others through the Force, she has displayed this ability when commanding people to stay away or to leave her alone, but she hasn't knowledge that she is doing so.
+/- Eyesight - Her eyesight far surpasses that of most due to his Umbaran heritage, allowing her to see in vary degrees of light, darkness and UV. She can also tell when someone is not being honest with her, due to her sensitive eyes and their ability to sense heat. Though she has been blessed, this can also be a downfall, as her eyes are extremely sensitive to bright flashes of light, which can be very disorienting for her.
- Inhibited - Dinah has been known to have massive anxiety attacks when she feels abandoned, this can cause her powers to become uncontrollable, and she can possibly lose all control.
- Limited - Her affinity for Mentalism comes at a price. To utilize any other abilites, extreme concentration is required. This results in exceptional difficulty when using other powers (Exp. Telekinesis) She chooses to just stick to what she knows.
+ Natural born Manipulator - Though unbeknownst to her, Dinah has the ability to manipulate others through the Force, she has displayed this ability when commanding people to stay away or to leave her alone, but she hasn't knowledge that she is doing so.
+/- Eyesight - Her eyesight far surpasses that of most due to his Umbaran heritage, allowing her to see in vary degrees of light, darkness and UV. She can also tell when someone is not being honest with her, due to her sensitive eyes and their ability to sense heat. Though she has been blessed, this can also be a downfall, as her eyes are extremely sensitive to bright flashes of light, which can be very disorienting for her.
- Inhibited - Dinah has been known to have massive anxiety attacks when she feels abandoned, this can cause her powers to become uncontrollable, and she can possibly lose all control.
- Limited - Her affinity for Mentalism comes at a price. To utilize any other abilites, extreme concentration is required. This results in exceptional difficulty when using other powers (Exp. Telekinesis) She chooses to just stick to what she knows.
Notable Force Powers
• Telepathy
• Projective Telepathy
• Receptive Telepathy
• Neural Storm
• Projective Telepathy
• Receptive Telepathy
• Neural Storm
Notable Lightsaber Forms
• Trákata
Biography Summarized
Age 11
• Dinah hasn't any knowledge of how she came to be, other than brief dreams and assumptions here and there. All she knows is the world of being an orphan. She was only one of multiple orphans on Morellia. The conditions were terrible, and consisted of a vast wasteland, full of the poor, bandits, and local warlords. The mistress of the orphanage was nothing but a spice addict, and care too little for the well being of the children. Most of her time was spent locked in her room, crouched into a corner where she tried her hardest to shut the world out. All of the pain, and suffering found a home in her head; in her thoughts. This wasn't aided by the fact that she was singled out daily and beaten, and bullied for being weird. What she didn't know was that she was force sensitive, and her innate abilities were beginning to manifest themselves.
When the New Order came to take control of the planet, everyone was left to fend for themselves, and it was at this time where she met Darth Vornskr. The man was ruthless in appearance, and she initially trembled in fear when being blessed with his presence. He saw something in her, possibly saw how much potential she had, and he spared her, soon to adopt her and raise her as his own. It could be possible that without her being able to unwillingly penetrate his kind peaked her interest in him. She wasn't sure what it was he saw in her. Now she resides with him as his adoptive daughter.
Age 16
• Dinah has grown into her own, embracing most of the traits of her father. She has still continued to train under numerous Lord and Masters to further hone her abilities. Her telepathic skill, and power had only since grown with her age. As much as she was content with her new life she still longed for answers to a question she had from as long as she could remember, just who were her parents? Upon the revelation if her finding out she is of Umbaran blood this was the first place she would look; Umbara.
Her search would prove successful when she found ties to her mother. She had her brought to Panatha, and then realized realizing that the woman's occupation was nothing but a mere slave, a servant to an upper caste;a consequence of trying to rise in the castes system. She found this pathetic, and wasn't empathetic to see the condition of the woman. She however, decided to allow the woman to speak and plead whatever case she felt she needed. As she would speak, Dinah sat there with no emotion but hatred building up inside, she unknowingly used a new power, overloading the woman's neural network causing her to become extremely disoriented, causing her to vomit continuously. She then had the woman locked away.