Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dinar Sullux

Dinar Sullux
Name: Dinar Sullux
Faction: Freelance​
Rank: Mechanic/Pilot​
Species: Nautolan​
Age: 24​
Sex: Male​
Height: 6'3"​
Weight: 175 lb.​
Eyes: Black​
Hair: N/A​
Skin: Green​
Force Sensitivity: Mild​
Cunning: Dinar is pretty crafty and can find a solution for most problems fairly easily​
Charismatic: Dinar is a man of the people. Easy to relate to and reasonably likable​
Wingman: You'd be hard pressed to find a mechanic or pilot as skilled as Dinar​
Impulsive: Dinar often acts based on emotion alone and gets himself in trouble because of it.
Authority: Dinar is resentful of authority. The more power someone has the less likely Dinar is to like them.
Dinar is tall and slim with green skin and tendrils extend to his shoulder blades. His eyes are black but are often times covered with goggles. He mostly wears simple clothes that have acquired quite a bit of dirt in his time. Brown long coat over a brown vest and a brown shirt. Brown pants which trail down to, of course, brown boots. He wears a pistol on each hip along with a satchel of miscellaneous tools he may need.
Dinar Sullux was born the younger of two brothers on the planet Rishi in the Outer Rim. His family established there a few generations prior because even though it has some rough edges it was still beyond the reaches of the empire. Dinar’s parents passed to sickness when he was a child so his older brother Oran was left to take care of him. Oran became a junker selling parts of ships that people sold him to make ends meet. He didn’t care where the ships came from as long as the money was good. He taught Dinar how to work on ships with him and together they built their first craft: The Duchess.
When times were tougher for the two, Oran would reluctantly agree to do some smuggling into the inner rim. Neither one of them liked it but it put food on the table. [SIZE=8.5pt]Eventually[/SIZE] they were able to get enough spare parts and money to build a second ship for Dinar: The Maiden. Oran taught Dinar how to fly and maintain his ship. And for a few years, life was good for the two. Unfortunately, the times got hard again. And Oran needed to do more jobs, riskier jobs. Dinar would often offer to help but Oran forbade it, wanting his brother to keep his hands clean. This continued until one trip where the First Order stopped Oran at a checkpoint. Knowing he’d be detained, or worse, he fled but his ship wasn’t meant to be fast, it was just a hunk of junk. He was shot down within ten minutes.
After receiving the news Dinar became lost. He re-named his ship The Black Maiden and began stockpiling explosives. His plan: Load them on to his ship and crash it into a first order building or base or ship. Whichever he found first. On the day he was planning to take off for the final time, a man stopped him. The man said he understood his pain, but his plan would achieve nothing. He told Dinar that he could use the explosives to do a lot more hurt to the First Order and convinced Dinar to give them up. Dinar never saw that man again and never found out who he was, but he decided that day that he was going to dedicate his life to helping other escape from tyranny rather than throw it away on revenge.

Dinar’s ship is called The Black Maiden. It was originally a Corellian Assault Ship but it’s been taken apart and put back together so many times you wouldn’t be able to tell. All but one of the guns have been removed to help redirect power to the ship for more speed. The shields and hyperdrive barely function so Dinar tries to keep their use to a minimum. Room for two pilots and roughly 6-7 passengers.

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