Coruscant Undercity
Club Nightland
Club Nightland
Xiann Syndulla looked over the floor of her club from the loft her private room was in. had to get new carpeting and some clean up after an incident a few weeks back, but things were spick and span. Especially now, as she had invited someone for dinner. Like all good crime lords, Xiann had her contacts to hear information. A few days ago, she heard that the Blood Matron, [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] herself, was making her presence known on Coruscant for a period of time. So like any good hostess, the Twi'lek sent off an invitation, yet without any expectations. She got an accepted reply.
So now her chefs and lackies were prepping Xiann's private suite with fine food as she could get. Different liquors and booze lined the walls. She wanted her guests to feel at home as possible. She moved away from the window, moving to the refresher to change. She had been dressed in a skintight, tactical catsuit , home from a quick job. She soon slipped into a black evening dress with matching accessories. Plus, her pistols in case she needed to keep the piece in her club.