Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dire Straights

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Outer Rim Territories/ Greater Javin
Anoat Sector
Tokima System

3 Months Ago...

The old spacer came to among the echoes of the mangled ship's screams. The clover lay strew across the ice encased trees. The largest chunk of the ship's remnants being the cockpit, thankfully. Harkin was in pain, but as to from what exactly he was struggling to gather. Blood stung at his eye as it dripped from the tip of his nose into his matted hair. Only then did he realize that he hung from the pilots chair upside down. Peering through the hazy aftermath his sight rested on a faint orange glow.


He attempted to reach towards the tempered glass that lay at his head, but he was met with a sharp pain that pierced his armpit and wrapped around his shoulder. Tokima's climate had caused the nerves around his prosthetic to freeze up.

Frack me...”

Reaching with the other arm he numbly gripped a decently sized shard of glass. His hand, too numb to appropriately grasp the glass began to drip with his bright red blood. He was too cold to realize, to cold to care. If he didn't hurry he would soon find himself in more pieces than The Clover.

He began to crudely gnaw at the safety restraints with the mundane knife.

It wasn't long before an audible rip was met with a sound flood as Harkin dropped into the jagged wreckage. An animalistic growl blended with the solid stream of cursing. Using his functioning arm he pulled himself out into the snow and out into the elements. It wasn't long before a crimson trail ran back into a violently raging inferno. Somewhere, back in the wreckage, flames kissed at a distress beacon that murmured only briefly towards [member="Judah Dashiell"] and [member="Thessa Kai"]...

Squinting through his misty eyes towards an opening in the trees, he saw her. Her smile warmed his cold bones, and her rose red dress brightened the dark skies overhead.


The world went black.


Present Day...

Harkin hugged hard against the tree as the large elk-like creature tromped cautiously on the other side. Clenching hard at the spear in his hand he made doubly sure the tip, a shard from his discarded arm, sat tightly in it's notch. In one swift movement he fell from his hiding place and heaved the spear hard towards the startled animal. He was met with a satisfactory thud as the beast leap off in a clumsy retreat.

He needn't track her far.

'You are getting better.'

"Think so? I used to do this kinda thing on Alderaan all of the time."

'You were always supposed to take me there.'

As Harkin spoke he tore at the insides of the beast leaving all but the meaty parts to whatever might use them. Spear tucked beneath his arm and hooved leg in hand, Harkin began his trek home. The way was marked with a pillar of welcoming smoke stretching far into the pale sky. Stopping periodically to collect the spoils from his traps, he continued to converse with the premonition...
[member="Harkin Kane"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]

Siren's Song glided through the black, its blue-green hull cutting through the stars. Judah, Thessa and young Makai were supposed to be headed out into the Tingel Arm, off in Sanctum space. Acquiring information on old space lines and star charts, Judah was searching for a planet that could be used for his next business venture. Business didn't wait for anyone though and the Dashiells had to make a side trip, with Judah stopping at the icy and snowy world of Tantra where he had an undersea mining base. Thankfully the trip was short and the Siren was floating in real space for a bit until he could decide on a hyperspace route.

Deciding would have been easier without the "help" Judah was receiving from Makai. The boy was in the galley sink, taking his bath. More like the Magical Makai Show where the first twenty rows would get wet, no exceptions. Taking the edge of a towel, Judah wiped off the datapad and looked to his son. Gnawing on a purple octopus bath toy and looking quite innocent.

"It wasn't enough to get your Octopus and Kelp baby food everywhere but now the water as well? Payback for the time I've been away I bet, isnt it?"

A small giggle was followed by the octopus making its own splashdown in the soapy water. Thessa was busy "resting". Not that Judah blamed his wife for getting away. More often than not he felt guilty about leaving her alone with Makai. The last thing he needed was for his mermaid to begin feeling like a single mother. Which was in part the reasoning behind taking the family on the trip.

Whirring of wheels sounded behind him and Sparky entered the galley on the luxury personal freighter. Beeping and trilling all rolled into one, as if the droid was too excited or nervous and letting his messages roll all into one.

"Bit more slowly, will you Sparky? It just sounded like a jumbled mess."

With an indignant noise, Sparky purposely resent his message, going at a snails pace. As if he was trying to communicate with someone who was just grasping basic. Obviously their first 'child' had inherited Thessa's attitude.

"Distress beacon? Harkin?Harkin Kane?For this ship? I haven't received anything."

Another round of trills ended in a sad tone, Sparky's receptors turning to blue.

"Long-range sensor has been on the fritz? I haven't used it to notice, just the comm lately. Sparky do your best to focus the beacon since you said it was very weak. I'll be up in the cockpit in a few minutes to set our course."
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

Leaning in the doorway, she listened to it all; her slightly amused expression turned quickly somber when she heard the name.

Harkin Kane.

Family friend. Ex-bounty hunter. Would be god-father to Makia, if she and Judah actually did that kind of thing. And, slightly crazy.

She stepped into the room and gave a reassuring squeeze to Judah's upper arm. "I'll go with Sparky to the cockpit and set a course. You take care of our happy swimmer," she offered her shaggy-haired husband a brief smile that didn't reach her eyes. She was just as worried as he was. "Join me in the cockpit when you can. I'll let you know if I hear anything before then."

Sparky whistled and happily followed its preferred owner out.
[member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="Harkin Kane"]

"Be there shortly Darlin'"

Traitorous droid.

Turning back to their little swimmer, Judah pulled him out of the water. The boy whimpered and outstretched his little scaled arms back towards the sink, trying to twist out of his fathers grasp.Judah had to keep a firm grip the entire time he was putting Makai into his pajamas. One hand remained on his son while he drained the water, the boy turning his crystal-blue eyes to watch it drain. Judah took the opportunity to stick his sons arms through the long sleeves.Which should be interesting, considering his son never wore anything with a long sleeve. Ceto was way too hot and humid for that.Little arms immediately went to his face, with Makai gnawing on the fabric of his sleeve. Judah merely shook his head and picked the boy up.

"Lets go find out what your Ma is up to. Looks like we got a call from Uncle Harkin. Don't let her fool you. She acts rough and tumble but its just a cover up."

Stepping into the cockpit after a short trip, Judah strapped Makai into crash webbing behind Thessa. He had to modify the webbing a bit to adjust to a creature so small but it seemed like it was going to hold. Makai took to trying to chew the fabric off his footed pajamas once more, leaving Judah to slide into the co-pilots chair. He never flew if Thessa was aboard. It was just their thing.

"Alright Boss, you and Sparky get a lock on?" Judah eyes scanned the systems before landing on his wife. Expression softened a bit, blue eyes searching hers. "He's okay, you know. We'll find him."
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

She looked to Judah, her shoulders tense. "We have to find him. And Sparky's got a lock. Looks like Tokima. It's a good thing we packed our winter gear and it's a good thing Sparky can babysit."

The droid warbled in protest as Makai giggled behind her.

What seemed like forever and no time at all, the icy-landscape of Tokima soon replaced space outside their viewport. The ship shuddered as they flew down toward the planet's surface. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the beeping instruments and turbulence. "I think I can get us close to the signal but it's touchy with this storm. I can't see anything. We'll have to makeup what we miss on foot." The ship lurched again and she grimaced, thankful of all those flight simulator hours she maintained even while pregnant with Makai.

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
((Sorry for the absence!!))

Harkin Kane's stay on Tokima has been far from pleasant. The Oku tribes were hostile towards the outsider due to a trapping mishap. Harkin had been snaring some of the larger game in the forests. A young Oku fell victim to one of these snares and it costed the being it's life. In retaliation the tribes have been conducting hunting parties to apprehend the old spacer. The new found popularity has hampered the amount of food Harkin has been capable of gathering. Of course, dealing with all of these factors with one arm and an eye doesn't help his odds. Things are grim, and the man is getting desperate...

The hunter, losing interest in the exchange of calls between the other animals and himself, perked at a distant sound seeming almost foreign but all so familiar to him as well.

"What is it?"

"That's the engine of a ship."

"Surely you're mistaken. The mines on this planet were abandoned years ago. You're losing it ol' boy."

"Says an apparition in my head!" The man's unintentional snarl caused himself to flinch. "I've been at this too damn long to nuff' this one up. That is a ship. And I'm getting off this damn ice block."

Harkin, gathering his spear in his arm, sulked away from the welcoming fire-pit and into the snowy night. The fire was no doubt risky, but the night would simply be to cold otherwise. At this point, if they sought to kill him in his sleep, he'd hardly put up the struggle. But this ship, this ship would be the warrior's salvation.

"Please tell me we have a plan."

"Of course I have a plan"

"And do tell."

"No doubt the locals heard the ship, and we both know the welcoming they'll get. Best case, I beat the locals and warn the crew. We load up and get our happy asses the hell off this rock. Worst case, I'm late and the Oku eat em' or whatever it is they do. We sneak aboard and fly off anyway. Easy day..."

"What then, oh wise one, if the crew doesn't want to escort a one armed, unbathed nomad off planet."

"...Then I take the ship."

"You would kill them?"

Clenching the spear ever-tighter Harkin silently pressed on into the night. The thought pulled at his mind and his heartbeat increased. It wasn't a question in his head. He'd knew wholeheartedly he would stop and nothing to get off this planet. The fact was troubling, but really his soul had been damned so long ago anyway...

[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Thessa Kai"]
[member="Harkin Kane"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]

Judah had all the confidence in the galaxy regarding his wife. The storm swirled outside the view ports, providing white out conditions. Hands glided over the control panel as he flipped through several screens. The snow and ice were jamming up their sensors, making a weak signal even weaker. Frown graced his features. He wasn't one to be prepared for cold weather and he didn't expect the Siren's sensors to get jammed so quickly. Crying in the jump seat behind him brought Judah out of his musings. Makai was crying up a storm and looking terrified. Judah supposed he would be terrified if roles were reversed. Unbuckling from his crash webbing, the salvager unbuckled his son and picked him up.

"Don't worry, your Ma has never crashed. Correction, only once. Right into the hangar of a capital ship." Tears were soaking the shoulder of his shirt as the story didn't seem to have a soothing effect. "Thought she was going to take on some Sith Master. Lucky for her, I was there to save the day. Used all our credits to get back to damned Republic space. We were poor back then, living in her cruddy apartment with the stuck door."

Makai was whimpering against his shoulder now and Judah rubbed his back. He looked out the view ports again, snow was sticking thickly now. As if wet and heavy. Take off was going to be a pain.

"Going to handle our little guy. I trust you won't kill us all."

Having Sparky babysit his 'younger brother' was going to be a challenge. He really should have brought along Ferox. Then again, a side trip to some weird abandoned planet wasn't on the to-do list either. Little hiccup-whimpers were still coming from his son as Judah changed the boy and put him in fresh pajamas. Judah figured if the boy went to sleep it bought them at least four to five hours. Makai went into his crib, Judah during down the lights in the cabin. Most of the shaking had stopped now and the terror seemed to take a lot out of the young boy. Sneaking over to his and Thessa's cabin, Judah pulled thick snow gear on over his regular clothing. Nothing too restricting - he wasn't going to look like a bloated tick.

Zipping up his coat, Judah paused. He hadn't been to a cold planet since Daxton Bane had tortured him. Tortured Thessa. Being in the environment in similar clothes was bringing a bad feeling he couldn't shake. He had nearly died. His wife had only been a handful of months pregnant. The last several months had been unusually quiet, leaving Judah to often wonder if it was the calm before a larger storm. Yet now there was so much more at stake.

Shaking his shaggy head, Judah finished zipping up his jacket, hands shaking now. He quickly stuffed them into gloves. He had to keep moving. It was better that way.
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

The ship was landed and secured with outside clamps as she met Judah in the hallway, bundled-up in her own winter gear. Goggle fit snugly over her iced-azure gaze. The wind from the storm slammed against her form and threatened to push the hood right off her aqua-driftwood streaked hair.

Gloved-hand gripped her blaster as she looped an arm around his for a moment, to keep her footing for the first step out. "There are a lot of life-signs out there. I'm guessing not too friendly. The ship is set to automatically lock-down once we leave. I don't want any locals getting close to Makai."

There was a sharp-edge of worry in her tone but mostly from the paled-face of Judah. She didn't need him to speak to know what he was thinking. Gloved-hand shifted to squeeze his for a moment.


Another chilling breeze swept against their forms.

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
The Oku of the area were nomadic. Sticks and stones would do little to the ship, but infuriate [member="Judah Dashiell"] at the scraped paint and dents. The creatures, were however, resourceful, and if they managed their way into the ship their sheer numbers could prove catastrophic to the group...

Harkin, thinking himself to be making good time continued the silent feud with his morals. His hands had long been stained by the blood of innocence, but never by his own will.

"It will not come to that." He muttered softly under his frozen breath as he came to cliff overlooking a patch of forest. To his best guess, the clearing sitting just beyond the patch of forest had been the landing zone. The wind protested too loudly for the engines to be heard making it impossible to be sure. He lost his footing on the first step in his descent sending the man tumbling to the frozen ground below. With a sound thud and the cracking of ribs Harkin stuck his landing. Seconds later his head met the ground and the scene went black...

So much for beating the locals...

[member="Thessa Kai"]
[member="Harkin Kane"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]

"Sparky, you know what to do if things get rough."

Judah yelled back as the inner doors were sealing. Thessa's hand gripped his arm as they carefully went out, trying not to slide down the ramp. His other hand contained a blaster identical to his wife's, finger resting lightly on the trigger. The ramp went up as they stepped off, the Siren locking herself down. The cockpit viewport darkened as the lights dimmed, all in order to keep a lower profile in the wilds.

Hand squeezed hers back and Judah merely inclined his head to indicate he was ready. Judah paused for a long moment to get his bearings before steering Thessa east. Cliffs and rocky terrain laid that way, along with the signal. Snow and ice crystals were already sticking in his goatee as the storm continued to swirl around them. The wind was certainly playing tricks on his ears as well. It sounded like someone was throwing rocks at them and missing. Maybe ice falling from trees? Judah couldn't be sure.
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

She moved next to Judah with her head ducked down. It was hard enough to walk and see, let alone talk above the storm. For a moment, she thought she saw something drop from the cliffs up ahead but couldn't be sure.

"Judah," she yelled and pointed ahead. "I think I just saw...OMPHHH."

A sharp something or other thunked into the back of her hooded-head and she face-planted into the snow, her blaster flung from her grasp. "CHIT," she grumbled and pushed away the pain as she scrambled for her blaster as more flying projectiles headed their way.

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
The white furred natives were nearly impossible to see on the back drop of Tokima and to make matters worse the storm was especially cruel this evening. The war parties were sporadic at the arrival of the great flying beast. Decades passed they prayed for the angels to return to the mines, but the world had been abandoned once it had been bled of its resources. Harkin's accident did little but tear the scab off a long festering wound. Now the Oku charged the ship without reason or thought...

Harkin lifted his head from the snow fast accumulating in an attempt to swallow the man whole. Blood ran from a gash somewhere in his matted hair. The man looked like a Wookie undergoing stage two chemo. "Chit" Wincing as the worked, Harkin managed to make it to his feet, and, after sifting through the snow, found the spear he was lucky not to be wearing. He could hear a stampede of crunching snow deeper in the trees. No doubt things were about to get ugly for the poor fools who docked on the winter wonderland...

[member="Thessa Kai"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="Harkin Kane"]

Oh what'd we do now?

Strong arm reached down and pulled Thessa back to her feet. Projectiles continued to rain around them. One dinged Judah in the shoulder, ripping the coat fabric. So they were throwing sharp rocks. Of course. It wouldn't make sense to throw the regular ones. It was difficult to make out exactly what was attacking them. The pair wasn't used to such conditions and all Judah saw was white-on-white.

Remaining protectively positioned by Thessa, his eyes searched the horizon. He was waiting. Soon enough a rock projectile moved their way. Blaster immediately raised up, his shot following the trajectory of the thrown object. Judah fired several shots in a short space, listening. The last had gotten lucky and their was a howl of pain. It was animal. Primal. Judging by his shot they were quite tall as well.

Rocks rained around them and Judah kept his back to Thessa, protecting the front. Slowly he was pushing them back, trying to listen for movements. No need to get trapped and leave their son an orphan.

"I think you should slowly double back. I'll distract them. See if we can't get the Siren closer to the cliffs, maybe on top. We need the higher ground." Judah had to all but yell to be heard. Whether Thessa was going to follow his plan was another story though.
[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

“Frack!” She yelled her frustration into the storm, her blaster lost with the fall, already buried by fresh snow. Arms came up to protectively shield the side of her head and Judah’s if something came flying from the back. She wanted to argue with him because she didn’t want to leave him alone in this mess. She didn’t even know if she’d be able to find the ship again. As a mother and a wife, her fears were split evenly. The thought of what would happen to Makai if something happened to them both was…terrifying. More terrifying than any torture Daxton Bane had performed (almost – save for what the sith did to Judah). She could handle her own torture but of those she loved…

It would be a miracle if she made it back to the ship if she left. But it would be an even bigger miracle if they both survived whatever this was if she stayed. She refused to tell Judah about being weaponless. He would give his up and there was no way she was leaving him here with nothing. Gloved-hand reached out and grabbed Judah’s jacket, half spinning him for a moment so they were face-to-face. “You better be alive when I come back Dashiell!” A crooked-smile spread across tense aqua-lips. “That’s an order.”

Cupping his face quickly with her gloves she kissed him longer than was probably advisable or appropriate before she stepped back and disappeared into the white-out.

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
@[member='Thessa Kai'] @[member='Judah Dashiell']

Harkin's ears were ringing courtesy to the splitting headache that was plaguing his senses. The break in the trees could nearly be seen through the static night. The sounds of an onslaught of rocks pounding against the ship echoed throughout the night. Focusing hard on the commotion he had nearly bumped into the two Oku propping against the trunk of a near tree. The two had yet to notice the man in hand's reach. Hesitant, Harkin peered hard at the duo for a small eternity. This was his fault. He had caused the war just beyond view. Was it sinful to kill these beings? His gaze fell to the tip of the spear he had assembled from his scrapped arm. Their blood would be on his hands, in the literal since. Those hands, already so stained. He felt he had more than secured his reservations in hell if there was such a place. Surviving only prolonged the inevitable. But if he chose not to carry their deaths, than he had caused those of the crew. With a sigh he made his decision...

'Well, ol boy, do you wanna live forever?'

With a war cry Harkin plunged the spear hard into the head of the closer Oku. Turning the pole (Oku still shish kabob'ed) He ran into the chest of the other as it had attempted to create ground. Between it's last agonizing screams and his own yelling it would surely spur the attackers attentions from the ship...
[member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="Harkin Kane"]

"Only if you promise to kiss me like that again!" Judah shouted after her disappearing form. Just as he finished a rock dinged him in the head. A look of frustration crossed his features as he shot in the general direction of the rock. After a few shots there was another howl of pain. Judah ripped the glove off of his free hand and dug down into his pocket. Hands clenched around the cold comlink as he hailed the Siren's Song and Sparky.

"Sparky! Take off the emergency power mode." Judah fired another shot, carefully backing up. "Flip on the lights I use to salvage. Thessa is coming back to you." There was a affirmative beep and Judah shoved the comm back in his pocket. Hopefully the bright 'salvaging lights' would cut through the snow and give the mermaid some idea of where she was headed.

More rocks rained down. Judah managed to catch one, cutting his hand. He threw the rock back into vast white nothing. Firing off a few more shots to keep them at bay. He had to figure out a better strategy. Suddenly there was yelling and howling. He paused, wondering if a larger or more dangerous predator was moving in to make an easy kill. Shaking the ice crystals from his shaggy hair, there was someone attacking the white snow beasts. It looked like an anorexic Wookie. Judah would take any help he could get though.

Firing continued on the white beasts while the....other thing...continued attacking them as well. The snow was beginning to stain red in some areas, a hopeful sign of their impending victory....or escape. Judah would take escape.
[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Gorramit," she grumbled, her biggest enemy the fracking storm. Gloved hand came-up, trying to shield the swirling snow away from her face. Out of the corner of her vision, she caught a flash of lights.

And that's why I married him.

Feet trudged through the snowdrifts, toward the beacon of the ship-turned-lighthouse. She saw the ramp was down and her feet quickened. She could just make out the dome-shape of Sparky at the top.

"Sparky!" Her voice got snatched-up in the wind just as quickly as a white living object slammed into her from the side. Fists came up instinctively. Jab-hook-knee-elbow.

With a roar, the astromech droid started its repulsor jets and flew toward its fallen owner with shocker-stick out. The Oku screamed and the smell of tinged-flesh reached the mermaid's nose. She pushed the weight off.

"Don't get cocky, Sparky. Yes, yes, I know you saved me. Let's go save Judah."

With the ramp sealed, she honed in on Judah's signal and lifted off, staying low and keeping the lights on.

But where was Harkin?

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
The furry fury danced from three to tree silently dropping the abominable snow people one by one. Suddenly the ship leaped from the ground and began hovering over the events. The ship seemed all to familiar to the man, but he was unsure why. He was winding quickly, and his head was throbbing from his fall. The ship surging to life sent babbling locals scrambling. Some of the braver stayed to finish the kill, but most scattered off into the night like an infestation from a flame. Harkin swung the spear madly through the stampede of Oku on his triumphant sprint towards the light. A figure, bundled tightly in an assortment of garbs, appeared the focus point of the ships lights.

Feet from the figure the loud cries of reinforcements echoed from just inside the darkness. They had found their bearing and they had mustered their forces. Harkin turned his back to the figure and raised the spear to the ready.

This was not over...

[member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Thessa Kai"]
[member="Harkin Kane"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]

Lights lumbered towards him, the roar of the engines drowning out the sound of the storm. Blinking against the brightness there was a temporary blindness effecting his vision. He could hear the creatures retreat then the sound of more movements. The sickly looking Wookie? Judah couldn't be too sure. He wasn't sure if the creature wanted a ride off the snowy planet. Where was he damned translation droids when he needed them?

Now bathed in lights, Judah could see the snow creatures. Raising the blaster, he took out the beast running towards him after several shots. Judah was sweating underneath the winter gear, a mixture of exertion and mild fear. This had to end and his eyes scanned the Siren's Song. The ramp was shut and for good reason. Judah wasn't sure if their snowy little attackers were jumpers.

"Think you can give us some cover fire and lower the ramp?" Judah held the frozen comm in his hand, the blaster in another. "I really want to come home n-" A heavy weight slammed into his back, tackling him face down into the snow. The snow creature was growling, angry. It was also heavy. Immediately Judah went about trying to free himself before he become dinner for the creature. Cracking the case off the comm, Judah slammed the pointy metal parts into the creatures' leg.

Probably just pissed it off more.
[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Hard to lower the ramp, dear, when I'm hovering a dozen feet off the ground," she grit her teeth as Sparky warbled an interruption with a series of beeps.

"What do you mean the other life-sign by Judah is human?"

More beeps and a few razzles.

"Yes I know what that means! Think you can keep us from crashing and steady for a few minutes?"

More razzles.

"I'm not doubting your skills, I was just....just take the controls! And crack the ramp opening."

An angry whizzle.

The Galan left the controls and sprinted back to the ramp. She hooked a harness around her waist and attached one end to an inside hook. Frigid-air slammed into her form as the ship opened. She backed-up to the opening, rappel-style.

Here goes.

The flood-lights caught her form as she jumped out and hovered above the two life-forms that were supposedly human. She caught the shaggy-haired head of her husband beneath the other one. "Judah and Harkin," she yelled, hoping she and Sparky were right, or she was probably about to get mauled by a yeti. "Stop messing around and grab my hand! Preferably one at a time!"

She knew it wouldn't be long until the locals got ready for another assault and they were all in a very vulnerable position.

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