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Approved NPC Director Jeni Apraxa

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"I see no reason to justify what I do. Does gravity need to justify itself? Does starlight need to offer explanation? No? Then neither does progress."

  • Intent: To provide a character with more corporate savvy by which [member="Darth Vesper"] can run his corporation.
  • ​Image Credit: Director Haas' Pet Project
  • Role: Adviser, scientist, and confidant to Darth Vesper, chair of the board of directors of Luxarc Biomedicals.
  • Links: Luxarc Biomedicals
  • Age: 47
  • Force Sensitivity: Latent // Untrained (Unaware of her own sensitivity)
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: The chairwoman regards you with a cold expression on her lined face. Her hair, cut to a sensible bob, is mostly brown, but touched by a streak of white. Her manner of dress is professional, keeping to restrained earth tones. When she speaks, her voice is firm. (Dir. Apraxa prefers to dress in an understated fashion, in contrast to her master's flamboyance. She believes that true power speaks for itself.)
  • Name: Jeni Apraxa iv Koroosi; Chair of the Board of Directors; Director of the Department of Research; Vassal of House Koroosi
  • Loyalties: Luxarc Biomedical corporation; House Koroosi
  • Wealth: Wealthy (High-level member of Luxarc Biomedical)
  • Notable Possessions: Wrist Blaster (disguised as a smart watch); H-2 Executive Shuttle;
  • Skills: Knowledge of economics, corporate personnel management, biology and cybernetics.
  • Personality: No-nonsense: This is a woman who had received far too little for far too long, and finally is getting her recompense. She expects people to be reasonable and rational, and to act the way she needs them to - and when they don't, she expects them to be punished. When pushed to extremes, she lapses into denial rather than face defeat.
  • Weapon of Choice: Dir. Apraxa prefers to fight with her words, talk down her opponents, escape, or otherwise leverage her resources to defeat her opponents. Barring that, however, she has passing fair aim with a wrist laser disguised as a timepiece,
  • Combat Function: If forced into a combat situation she is unable to reason her way out of, Jeni will flee or take cover in as efficient a manner as possible, trying her best to escape. She tries to avoid using her wrist blaster, preserving it for as long as possible to take her enemy by surprise.

It has been millennia since an outsider received the high honor of being bound to the Sith clan of House Koroosi - a family that was characterized for its reclusivity and its tendency to fly in the face of tradition. Now, the name has perished from the Galaxy, save for one, its estates on Nar Shadda and Dromund Kaas reduced to rubble and nothingness. Its only heir has little attachment to it, keeping its name as one might keep an interesting bauble, not out of sentiment, certainly, but then perhaps out of amusement.

As such, it is curious that an older human, barely sensitive to the Force, would be the next to be inducted in a small, private ceremony on Malachor, characterized by solemnity and secrecy. Yet, in a way, it was natural. Both Darth Vesper and Jeni Apraxa, those two who wear the title "iv Koroosi," feel as though the Galaxy owes them. And one way or another, both of them are dead set on collecting.

Jeni is unaware of her own sensitivity to the Force, assuming she simply has superior intuition, having been blessed with a trace of latent power by the Netherworld crisis, which she only has ever channeled subconsciously. She sometimes suspects, but believes more firmly her path to power - and immortality, for she too desires this - will be through science. Trapped for too long in a dead end corporate job, passed over for promotion, sinking slowly into existential dread, the approach of Darth Vesper was like a deal with the devil - yet she gladly accepted.

Leaving her job for the fast-track to leadership, she oversees experiments ranging from the dubious to the unethical to the cruel, thinking only of profit and advancement. She likes to think that she simply is suppressing her morality, but the truth is, in her heart, she never had any.

As she moves further into darkness, further into riches and power, Vesper watches intently, rewarding her with aid, succor, advancement, and the occasional indirect promise or allusion to the eternal life she so desires, feeding her hunger for power as her sole provider and ensuring she always relies on him - and with surprising loyalty, she welcomes this, drifting into the coils of his manipulation willingly as long as she receives in return.
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