Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dirk M'yott

NAME: Dirk M’yott
FACTION: The Collection
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
EYES: Brown/Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Leathery tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: subconscious emotional sensing. Is open to how other people around him feel.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Adept at reading group/individual emotions and relating to them

  • Technophile

    Repairing and modifying starship

  • Slicing cameras, doors, and computer systems

  • Has cybernetics to interface with computer systems

  • Has cybernetics to enhance audio and visual input

    Can see a fly on a wall while enhanced vision is engaged from 100M

  • Can hear a whisper from the other side of a duracrete wall


  • Hit emotional sensitivity drawn from others around him can affect his own mood if it is too extreme

  • His cybernetics are wired directly into his systems and could seriously damage him if disrupted

  • Animals are very difficult for him because the emotions given off by most are pure and instinctual

With short, black hair, Dirk’s average height helps him to blend into most human crowds. His tanned skin from time spent on planets near suns is fairly leathery and tough. Hints of cybernetic implants peep through the skin above his left eye, sometimes requiring him to cover it up. His left ear also shows signs of tampering, with matte black metals showing within his ear canal. He generally has a stubble of a full beard showing his apathy to hair care. The hair on his head is several inches long, slicked back for easy maintenance. On the back side of his wrist, a metal lined hole is visible, that a snaking interface device can slide out of.

When Dirk was younger, he was constantly taking things apart and putting them back together. He enjoyed dividing into computer systems and learning how to hack machinery together to fit his will. As he grew up, he dreamt of flying massive starships that cut the sky. He joined up with the military to follow his dream but quickly discovered that he lacked the discipline and patience to follow through. The training he did receive gave him enough to start and he ran with it, defecting and finding an outer rim maintenance job that satisfied his goal of starship mechanics he built up a large knowledge of computer systems from the broad range of ships that stopped by. One of the ships that stopped in provided him with cybernetic augmentations, in exchange for his savings account, that allowed him a deeper connection with what he loved most. A few months later he hitched a ride out of the system. During the ride, he turned of the oxygen and killed the crew. It was during this event that he felt the fear and pain of the crew in their last moments and he directed the ship to a planet devoid of intelligent life. The animal life around him was friendly, but it made him feel uncomfortable because he was able to feel the raw emotions of survival. He dealt with this pain for several months and eventually was able to overcome what he had felt. With his NTX-091 starfighter that he had taken from the crew he killed, he proceeded to travel the galaxy for a home, somewhere that his love for technology could fulfill and nourish. He believed that technology could help the galaxy, that it could make it whole. He steadily grew more and more disentangled with his feelings for other beings, yet he still held non-intelligent animals close to his heart. In his late 20’s, Dirk had been able to turn profits by transporting cargo for companies as an independent contractor. Not being able to carry too much cargo, he mostly stuck to smaller valuables. He heard rumors of a group, that called themselves “The Collective”, who believed that technology was the way to progress society and jumped in.

SHIP: NTX-091 "Talon" Heavy Starfighter
KILLS: None.

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