Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alright, so to make this quick and painless, I am somewhat disconnected from Chaos. It's not a bad thing, it's more IRL issues than anything else. I explained to [member="Ashin Varanin"] and [member="Spencer Jacobs"] that I had an IRL situation with one of my children right now that requires alot of my attention. That being said, my posting is sporadic and not as frequent as some may like to include myself.

That being said, I am doing what I need to with IC Factions/Entities/Characters as I must and keeping it as limited as possible.

So, not sure how long this will be, hopefully until her treatments are settled in and what not. Really just that coupled with other issues I am not able to fully focus on writing as it requires thought :p

I am still on Skype and such, so please feel free to message me and what not. I am still here obviously just not as much for now.
Update: Still on "disconnected" status, so to speak. Little one is doing better, thanks for all who sent well wishes, ect.

Still might be busy for a bit longer.

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