Selena Halcyon
Jedi Master
Tython thankfully was a planet under Republic rule despite it being primarily the home of a temple for the Jedi Order. The exile doubted her presence would really be permitted if it were not under Republic control. Selena Halcyon still also had a wealth of friends within the Jedi Order, many who did not understand why she was exiled. Many more who thought that her exile made little to no sense, especially with her trial turning up no evidence or even putting up any actual charges.
One of those supporters had made it very publicly known at the trial where he stood. As one who still intended to do something in the galaxy about the problems in it she needed to get involved. And while she had been cast out of the Order, Selena felt a deep connection to it nonetheless. After all, she had spent her entire life within the Order. She knew little else. So the connections she did have were important as they offered her a conduit to keep that connection at least somewhat alive.
On Tython she went to a local colony. One of little importance aside from the fact that it was not filled with Jedi. Not that she was concerned with them seeing her. They posed her no threat and she none to them. It just kept her away from them and possibly having to deal with obnoxious complications. Instead, she came to meet with the Jedi Master Syn. His confinement to Tython made this really the only place for her to meet him.
So she hung around the village, drifting around, helping its people with various daily tasks until the man was to arrive.
One of those supporters had made it very publicly known at the trial where he stood. As one who still intended to do something in the galaxy about the problems in it she needed to get involved. And while she had been cast out of the Order, Selena felt a deep connection to it nonetheless. After all, she had spent her entire life within the Order. She knew little else. So the connections she did have were important as they offered her a conduit to keep that connection at least somewhat alive.
On Tython she went to a local colony. One of little importance aside from the fact that it was not filled with Jedi. Not that she was concerned with them seeing her. They posed her no threat and she none to them. It just kept her away from them and possibly having to deal with obnoxious complications. Instead, she came to meet with the Jedi Master Syn. His confinement to Tython made this really the only place for her to meet him.
So she hung around the village, drifting around, helping its people with various daily tasks until the man was to arrive.