Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discovering a Direction

Tython thankfully was a planet under Republic rule despite it being primarily the home of a temple for the Jedi Order. The exile doubted her presence would really be permitted if it were not under Republic control. Selena Halcyon still also had a wealth of friends within the Jedi Order, many who did not understand why she was exiled. Many more who thought that her exile made little to no sense, especially with her trial turning up no evidence or even putting up any actual charges.

One of those supporters had made it very publicly known at the trial where he stood. As one who still intended to do something in the galaxy about the problems in it she needed to get involved. And while she had been cast out of the Order, Selena felt a deep connection to it nonetheless. After all, she had spent her entire life within the Order. She knew little else. So the connections she did have were important as they offered her a conduit to keep that connection at least somewhat alive.

On Tython she went to a local colony. One of little importance aside from the fact that it was not filled with Jedi. Not that she was concerned with them seeing her. They posed her no threat and she none to them. It just kept her away from them and possibly having to deal with obnoxious complications. Instead, she came to meet with the Jedi Master Syn. His confinement to Tython made this really the only place for her to meet him.

So she hung around the village, drifting around, helping its people with various daily tasks until the man was to arrive.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]

The small colony well it wasn't much but Syn had arrived once he heard the message. While some didn't like that he was back or still around. He had been welcomed back by plenty. Something Dragonsflame didn't understand and underestimated in terms of reputation, where the knight on the council had ideals and bolstered his ego, the jedi master had spent centuries working to improve the order even if he went about it sometimes in the wrong way. He could admit to his impatience and ego had pushed him to act rashly committing a crime against the Republic, then Darron had invited him back with the punishment of being confined to a planet unless needed. His own need of balance, of reattaining connection to the lightside, to reason was something he appreciated. It was good to be back even if he could only train and help out on a single planet.

That was why he had been sent after all to the trial of Selena before he returned here. She had done from reports... nothing wrong and at the trial no charges were brought, no accusers appeared. It was all a questionable sham, something to waste time and energy as the few jedi there had seemed to be there in support of her. She had tried to eliminate the darkside.... Had went after enemies of the jedi who were and would always be a threat treaty be damned. They never seemed to honor it and using it to let a shadow academy survive, no thrive in Republic space because we want to be the victims on the galactic stage. If the sith attacked the whole plan seemed to be play hurt feelings and that would garner sympathy.... Except signing with them had gained no support from others. Omega had basically been stalled in talks, the Mandalorians didn't even come to the table it seemed, everyone else signed one to be a superpowers. Leaving the former chancellor to nothing while her vice gave away a ship with no promise of actual peace.

Bah thinking it over as he walked brought a sterner expression to his face when he reached out with the force and felt her. The jedi master stood in trousers, boots and a tunic just cream and crown, nothing special as it stood but beyond his sabers on his hips. A sash over his eyes he stood looking around the village for Selena and breathed in the scents of the area. He had caught it at the trial briefly but that wasn't much, he moved over and started to help some of the people while he spoke. "Have you seen a woman? A jedi master come through here?" His face went up and about while he listened for an answer but also checked. Tython was a wonderful place full of jedi and secure for the most part.
At the moment Selena was surrounded by village children as she told them the story about when she was a youngling traveling with her master across the galaxy. She was animated and almost comical in her expressions, enunciation, and gesturing. The kids were eating up. One who watched her would likely not ever peg her to be the stoic that Selena was known to be. However, behind the actions was nothing. Simple peace. Her investment in the activity was small, just doing a kind act for the people of the town. The gestures were that of an actor. Her lack of true connection to the way people thought and acted forced her to be an excellent actor when not purely around Jedi; it was a skill that had been very useful in her time as a Shadow.

She sensed the approach of the other master as she told her story, and quickly began to wrap it up. "And with the princess safe from her captors the young padawan and her master left the planet to search for more to give aid to." A large smile was one her face as she got up from where she sat. The children pleaded with her to tell another and pulled on her robes. Patting one on the said she politely declined. Despite the moans of the children she was allowed to leave in relative peace.

The exile placed the other Master in the village easily enough. When she got to him she gave a polite bow, as was the Jedi way. "Thank you for coming to meet with me."

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]

Syn was surprised when she found him, it was a strange sensation and all of his senses said one thing. Peace she was calm to an almost unnatural amount like he was at times. It made being a shadow easier and right now some ease would do them well as he bowed back. Her presence in the force still the same as at the trial. "Master Halcyon it is good to see you, I am glad you have found yourself well." He could mean that while offering a half smirk and motioning to the side and somewhere they could sit or at least be out of the way of others. With a look around he spoke. "Not one of the moves I would have thought you'd make, coming to Tython as an exile but if there is any place you could go it would be here. Welcome home I suppose."
"I suppose it would be home," she mused slightly to herself. Being born and raised a Jedi had made Tython where she had spent her childhood during the end of the 400 Years of Darkness. It was not like she really held connections like that though. The only connection she had was to the Order, and if they were anywhere else that was where she would be. "I've been traveling a bit since my exile. Doing what I can where I can. If not for the credits I had once thought pointless and held to the side that were rewards for bounties I'd fulfilled as a Shadow I might be truly without any power to aid the galaxy much at all. I am not one to really dilly dally much. With the order as it is I am curious as to where it is going, no grandmaster and a small council seems strange. And the beat of the Jedi seems to be that they want to step out and take the fight to the Sith without the constraints of the Republic. Rumor is that an Army of Light is being formed by some."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]

She was better informed then most and he had to agree, a small council, no grandmaster and the Republic for the most part wanted to keep their peace even if it was an illusion at all costs. It was a strange notion though at least to him. When Ben was here it was just him and Joshua with Darron and Je'gan coming and going. Now he was left to stay in the chambers unless needed. Hell right now while he looked at her compared to half the council she was at least here. Few chose to come to Tython unless needed. "The Army of Light is something interesting, as much as I should admonish them for wanting to fight or go after the sith.... I can't the Republic has taken to preserving the accord with the sith as all costs. Knowing it has failed they don't meet with people who can be their allies and anti jedi sentiment in the senate is rampant. The council is an idealist, a man who has done much but stays away and me. The rest if they appear have no opinions and other masters seem to fade in and out. The order needs a leader and after all that has happened I cannot try it, Darron does not want it preferring a council of masters. The council was quick to judge you when they didn't realize how much they would need you."

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