@[member="Lavania"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"] @[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Aston Jacobs"] @[member="Elayne Hawk"] @[member="Satara Hawk"] @[member="Novorian Asha"] @[member="Donovan Baldor"] @[member="Ember Rekali"] @[member="Jensen Watson Sabbatab"] @[member="Madoc Hawk"] @[member="Pai Ling"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]
I know there is a lot here, but feedback is needed so WoD can be shape how we as a group want it. So say what you think the structure of the Witches could be with leadership, clans, current standings of political environment, and so on. We are trying to get us moving again.
I am thinking that we need to bump WoD's timeline up a little bit. It might been when clockwork was happening when WoD was alive and well. There has been events and time since than. So frm what I understood of WoD when it was started was all clans (even Nightsisters) made peace and unification was in the works. However, the Mando's take over and OOC poofs of many for whatever their reasons were... I think that peace unification fell apart.
From that idea of blaming, chaos and inner fighting over who to blame, a series of threads to push and get Dathomir united again. The structure I'm thinking is one leader and council made up of Clan Mothers (Clan Fathers for clans that might be more equal rights). From there, clans would 13 as it is number of moons in a year for RL (have that tie in.) So clans are listed below:
Singing Mountain Clan
Frenzied River Clan
Misty Falls Clan
Red Hills Clan
Dreaming River Clan
Great Canyon Clan
Bright Sun Clan
Red Mud Potters Clan
Blue Coral Divers Clan
Scissorfists Clan
Nightsisters (Overclan and their sub ones: Night Brothers and Spider Clan)
Morte Clan
Sarlacci Clan
Crime and Punishment
Crimes were punished by exile, but that has changed. When particularly the use of the dark side; this was often thought of in terms of "night spells" with some of it being applied when a sister used anger to fuel an otherwise permissible Force power. The change was now a trial with five witches and the Clan Mother. If guilty, the punishment is given by the Clan Mother and most of the time it is a fair and just punishment. The punishments that have been record have ranged from temporary enslavement with shock collar to death.
Slavery and Men
Regarding males in the society, over seven hundred years of men being subjugated, some changes had occurred on the planet and its society. Newer clans embraced the ideals of women and men being equal while some still held to the old ways. However a major turn happen when the clans united, it was made sure that the clans had men on an equal footing, and could lead a clan. While the witches had their training and ways, new order called Jai was created for the men.
While the change has been embrace by the many clans, some witches have kept the old ways going about it in new ways. Many use supplying room and board, food, clothes and other means of living with title of Jai or servant as the way to justified having the men serve the witch without being force to give up the comfort the witch was use to before the unification. It is pretty much known to the Clan Mothers but long as witch states the men have a choice in some manner to stay or have chance to be more independent. Then they will not step in until a report of abuse is given.
Dathomir Rancors are semi-sentient, caring creatures who mourned their family members when they died, and who passed on oral histories of the matriarchal herds into which these rancor organized in to. Their native way of life seems to have been very primitive, using their strength and size to hunt live prey across the planet's savannahs. A symbiosis of rancor sow and female rider seems to have played a major role in dictating the subsequent structure of Dathomiri society. According to the rancors' own traditions, the symbiosis began when a warrior-woman met and healed an injured female; by mounting the rancor's back, her sharper eyesight enabled it to hunt better prey during the day, so that it grew in size and status to become a mighty herd-mother.
Most of Dathomir's rancor population lived in symbiosis with the planet's Witches of Dathomir clans, being used as mounts, and learning to make and use armor and bladed weapons with their help. Rancors of a clan were marked to show clan ownership, but younger ones were not marked and could basically serve as undercover mounts, belonging to no clan. After the years of the New Republic, Tosh the herd leader of the Singing Mountain Clan's rancors, learned to read and write, and began to pass on this skill to other rancors in her group. Then it caught like wild fire to the other rancors herds with present day rancors able to read and write their own language, witches’ language and basic language.
The witches all hold their rancors in high standards and respect but this has not stop some from abusing and manipulate the rancors. Overall, the tone for witches and rancors is the creatures are sentient and spoken to as a person would to another person. They are become family members or best of friends. All tied closely together to better each other. When outsiders sneak in and dare to try to get a rancor for prize, it at times is viewed as an act of war towards the herd and witch clan. Only way of it end is each outsider involved is served as a fest for the herd.
Wedding / Bonding Cermony - Marriage, or the closest thing the Dathomiri get to it, is achieved through the "ritual of bonding". While the idea of a powerful and culturally superior woman attaching herself to one man for years when she could have as many as she wants at any time may see counterintuitive to the ideals the Daughters of Allya support, they are no immune to love. Every once in a while, a Witch finds a single male who seems to turn her into a babbling little girl again. Or, more commonly, she'll find a woman who does the same thing. This isn't to say lesbianism is more common for Dathomiri women - some just have issues seeing men as worthy of deep enough feelings to realize love for a man. Most have no such problems with women.
The ritual of bonding has few of the limits the galaxy at large puts on the idea of "marriage". Partners of any gender (male/male bonding is mostly informal, since few Witches of appropriate rank would stoop low enough to join two slaves) can be bonded to each other in a formal, intimate sense. There is not an expectation of a single bond, though those women who find themselves the target of too much "true love" draw a bit of suspicion. Several women, however, keep multiple bonded slaves and one or two very intimate friends close to them.
Unlike many aspects of Dathomiri culture, the ritual itself differentiates little with gender variation. A man bonding himself to a woman enjoys (temporarily) a respect almost equal to that of his beloved. The ceremony is generally presided over by the Clan Mother, and each Clan has their own traditions for what is said at these uniquely important occasions. The only uniform aspect is the end of the rite, during which each party gives the other something to represent their bond. This is generally a small article of clothing to be worn at all times. Slaves normally hand-craft a bracelet, anklet, or charm necklace for their mistress and lover. Women can afford much higher-quality gifts, which tend to be magnificent jewelry for other free people or expensive collars for slaves.
There is a quirk in the Dathomiri mindset about marriage and slavery. For a moment, a man becomes an equal. For a lifetime, he becomes "more than a slave" while retaining his official, legal status. And of course, the free Witch and her peers never look twice at how much time she's spending with her property, or how much devotion she seems to have to it.
Since the entire ritual is conducted in Paecean as a rule, translating it to Basic generally involves the words "husband" and "wife". These are not titles inherent to the culture, but their "best guess" analogues in a different language.
Collaring Ceremony - On Dathomir, slavery is so common that the word "slave" is roughly as precise as the word "starship". That is to say, not terribly. Slaves run the gamut from basic working drones to breeding stock to personal assistants to skilled labor. Since they're such an intricate part of the Dathomiri lifestyle, slaves have a kind of culture of their own, though not even a fraction as well-developed as the rest of the world. Much of this culture centers around the collar.
The average slave does not recieve a collar immediately. He (the majority of Dathomiri slaves are male) has to prove his worth in labor, discipline, and conduct. Failure is punished harshly, and continued excellence is rewarded with the status of being collared. While collared, a slave enjoys the benifit of respect from fellow slaves, and is generally looked at with more consideration from freewomen. Of course, this collar can be taken away, and expressly is as a more radical punishment.
With the amount of importance slaves put on their collars (and the amount of attention their owners give them) it's not surprising that there are specific rituals dedicated expressly to the presentation of a slave's collar. The normal ritual is barely a handwave, perhaps a few words spoken by the woman presenting her slave with his collar and a some words of dedication, hollow or not, from the slave who's earned it. With more esteemed or important slaves, however, and those in softer, more people-oriented positions, rituals can get very elaborate.
An example of a slighty important social slave, most often a maid, would be the girl (female slaves are much more common out of the fields/breeding) kneeling naked with her head bowed for several minutes before her mistress walks in and recites carefully picked lines to emphasize her position, her duties, her importance...to which the girl gives equally careful responses. After the festivities, she's given a very personal bath by other slaves whlie her mistress tells her the symbolism of being cleaned before she touches her collar, her new life. When she feels the metal close around her nec and her mistress' lips on her forehead, the girl is given a better understanding of the importance of the entire ceremony.
Rancor Companionship - The overall view between witches and rancors always has been compare to friends/ allies assisting each other out. Although on a more personal level, it is more on the level of family… mother/father daughter/son or some like it as siblings. All paths build a strong bond for the two. Some feel like death is the only thing that could break the bond. It had been noted that the loss of a witch or rancor don’t find or bond with another as a replacement.
Steps for Witches:
- As a child, learn how to speak with rancors and get exposer by time with rancors
- Grown up in teen years, hunting and fighting with trained rancors
- For a trail/ Adulthood, find the rancor that will bond with the witch
Steps for Rancors:
- The children learn about the bonds of the herd and clan, and play with kids in the clan
- Adults learn fighting and hunting while being a citizen of the clan
- When witch is seeking to bond, rancor tests with “fire” to see if the witch’s level is what it should be to gain their respect and loyalty
Respect and loyalty is shared between the two. In linking the two gains a sense to know where one another are can communicate in any way to each other. Language does not matter in that instance. The bonding is a hunt or week long travel across the land to lean each other ways. Relaying on each form the bond and naturally a battle forges it faster because of the pressures they are place under.
Wild ones have a similar way. However, it is more in line with their mating ways and it is beyond abnormal to see wild rancors bonding with a person of the same sex. The rancors then will spend a life with them and can be over protective.
Naming Ceremony - A naming ceremony of some type is common to most societies. It is a ceremony where a new born is introduced to his/her community as well as to the Force. It is an important ceremony for the family and friends that are involved even if it does not mean much to the infant at this point in time. It makes the newborn a real and concrete member of the community. It is very important socially, not to mention that it brings the infant to the attention of the powers that be, whatever he/she will call them later, during one of the most vulnerable times of their life.
Naming ceremonies are normally done no sooner than one week after birth (to allow for recovery of both baby and mother from the birth) and normally no longer than a couple of months after the birth (if more time passes the infant is already a part of the community and has probably already been called to the attention of the Force in some way so it becomes a rather moot point). The ceremony is best done at sunrise or at least in the morning and is best if done during a full or waxing moon.
New parents should invite family and friends that they feel will be close during the child’s life. A naming ceremony can be simple and non-Dathomir enough that those of other views of the Force should feel comfortable attending.
* This ritual was originally performed in plaza (Clans town square, whatever you want to call it), or any sacred space with clear quadrants will do.
* The Clan Mother over sees and perform the ceremony.
* The ritual can be adapted for a male child, a single parent, or parents of the same gender.
* Elements (earth, wind, water and fire) are used to bless the child while using the cardinal directions (north, east, south and west) for each stage.
Funerals - Clans pretty much do what fits in their ideals. The Nightsisters like to mummify their dead and place them in cocoons that bath them in herbs and oils to slow their decay rate. Even in death, a nightsister still serves the clan as a zombie warrior. They are the only clan that uses their dead in that manner. Morte Clan has a massive mausoleum that houses a large crystal that been used to pull dead force users from their bodies and hold them. They are used like ghosts in a black mist. Mist is summoned to wash over a battle ground so there are ghost assassins.
Rest of the clans does not preserve the body of the dead. The clans on the river or close to large bodies of water will place the dead in boats and burn them as they float away. Some might place armor and a few passions on to the boat. The Sarlacci clan feed the sarlacci creature near the stronghold their dead. The land lock clans burn their dead like the Singing Mountain Clan and Great Canyon Clan. One thing all clans have is the entire clan witness and be in the procession when the ceremony happens.
Trial by Fire –This trial is taken from the nightsister’s ideals; however, more controlled and less the risks to falling to the dark side for those that wish for those results. The first five times (stages) an initiate attempts to cast a spell learned in an hour. The use of the new spell is extremely dangerous, possibly even fatal if the initiate is not fortunate. Each time the witch or jai attempts the stages, the danger goes down slightly and it is less likely to backfire on them. It is also possible that, as well as the spell back firing the witch is also drawn into the dark side fro attempting to gain such power so quickly. After the five stages of the trial, the witch has no difficulty casting the spell.
Trial by the Ancestors -This trial mirrors the trials of Knighthood for other Force-using groups. The initiate is taken to the Temple of the Ancestors in the Morte Clan stronghold to begin initiation into the step in their life. The initiate entire clan and others that wish to be there watches as Leader of Faction (title to be chosen) , initiate’s Clan Mother, Clan Mother of the opposing influence and Herd Mother of the initiate’s clan (Rancor blood) take collection of their blood while the initiate shed all material items that they have on. The initiate kneels on the altar while the Mothers write spells on their body with the blood; three old protection spells to aid the witch or jai.
After the spell is written, the Mothers place their hands on different parts of initiate's body. The soon-to-be-Knight has a hand on the back of their neck, one on their chest just over their heart and the last hand just above their genitals. As the Mothers chant, the applicant feels a growing amount of heat, pain and pleasures coming from the areas their hands are covering. The areas form into burnt black symbols and become permanent tattoos.
The ceremony continued with giving a lightsaber with the color that represent them and a new force forge sword. From there the Mothers listed twelve tasks for the person to complete to fulfill the rite of passage into knighthood. An example of a task is to go out and alone to gain a friendship and symbiotic relationship with a rancor. Once the tasks are done, the person is consider to have the force ranking of knight on the board.
Trial by the Force -The ritual for the rank of Master/ Mistress is simpler because the final task for the knight is to train another. The soon to be Mistress/ Master watches their student go through the ritual of knighthood then they are sent to the temple of the Force built underneath the Temple of the Ancestors. The temple has hovering floor with several large carved stones floating around. There the Mothers that perform the Trial by the Ancestors chant and infused the knight with a deep connection of the force. At the same time strengthen their abilities. The person would feel their blood boiling as they charge up the new Master/ Mistress. Then is sent out into the wilderness and face a new challenge, like the cave on Dagobah the person experiences are unique and may kill them. Because there is a mixture of force induced visions and droids, the droids have holographic capability to trick witch or jai. After a week the member returns to their home clan with the force ranking of master/mistress on the board.
Magic/ Force:
The Book of Dathomir is the sacred book of the Witches of Dathomir, written as the new unified collection of knowledge and spells given from the former Jedi Knight Allya and updated with new spells by Clan Mothers.
The section about the Force and Witches of Dathomir. The way Witches of Dathomir call the force is Allyan Magic, also Dathomir Magic and for the Nightsisters it’s Magicks. No matter the name, it is the use of the Force and power from it. This knowledge came from the rogue Jedi Allya, who was exiled to Dathomir and taught the powers of the Force to her children there, giving them an evolutionary advantage over Dathomir's other inhabitants. As a result, many generations of Allya's descendants survived. However, the practitioners of Allyan Magic believed themselves to be casting spells rather than making use of the Force, and often were unable to make use of a "spell" without speaking its assigned name or performing the ritualized singing, dancing, chanting, and/or writing associated with it. The work of the Force was attributed to the Spirits instead.
List of Spells to help inspire:
Magic link thanks to Lavania
Arrows of Fire
Initiate: When this spell is used upon a fire (such as a campfire, lantern, or candle), it causes the fire to flash and shoot small arrows of flame that shoot out at a 10 feet radius. The directions of the arrows are uncontrolled and random. The amount and speed of arrows varies as per the size of the original flame.
Spellweaver: When this spell is used upon a fire (such as a campfire, lantern, or candle), it causes the fire to flash and shoot small arrows of flame that shoot out at a 20 feet radius. The directions of the arrows are now mostly under control, although the occasional arrow may shoot off at a random direction. The amount and speed of arrows varies as per the size of the original flame.
Force “Blanket”
Initiate: Gives another the sensation of being covered or smothered, making normal breathing hard. This is a mental spell that aims to distract an enemy in combat.
Spellweaver: The caster uses the Force to give its enemy a sensation of being covered or smothered to the point of physically choking them.
Force Crush
Initiate: Used to crush little items (small rocks, for instance) or holding down a single body part of a person.
Spellweaver: Force Crush I Used to crush medium objects (bones, hard wood, slightly larger rocks, etc).
Elder: Used to crush big and hard objects (blasters, metal, boulders, etc).
Mountain Sense
The ability to sense veins of ore and gemstones within the rock of mountains. The more experience the caster has with this, the deeper into the rocks and mountains the sense can go. Although this spell does tell the caster if there is something, it does not detail as to what it exactly is.
Night Sight
This skill allows the witch to call on the Force and enhance her sight to see more clearly in the dark.
Probe Spell
Initiate: Search if there is life nearby. Probe for surface emotions and the existence of mental blocks.
Spellweaver: Probe a person’s mind to gain random surface thoughts. The castor cannot search for specific thoughts.
Elder: Probe into a person’s mind beyond any block they may have placed to search for information and sense their intentions.
Spell of Communication
Communicate with others regardless of the language they speak, and with animals too.
Spell of Focus
This spell is used by a witch to prepare her focus for extreme use of magic. If she has a difficult spell or task to perform, she usually will begin the spell or task with this spell to draw on the energies or strength she will need in the upcoming task.
Spell of Healing
Initiate: Numbs pain in the caster’s body, helps slow bleeding down, helps enhance natural self healing speed a little bit.
Spellweaver: Numbs pain in the other people’s bodies, helps slow their bleeding down, helps enhance their natural self healing speed a little bit. If cast on self
Elder: Stop pain in others and self; Awaken from unconsciousness; Stop bleeding; Close up wounds; Give strength or part of life force to the wounded.
Song of Power
A witch casts the spell of power to increase a single attribute for a limited time to jump higher, see better, take more damage, run faster.
Spell of Water
Using this spell one is able to locate pure water tables.
Initiate: Ability to lift small objects (no greater than half of the carrying capacity of the user) and move them, hovering the item in any direction. This ability also includes the ability to apply telekinetic energy in bursts to “push” and “pull” objects such as levers.
Spellweaver: Improved Telekinetic abilities – specifically the realization that “side matters not”, nor does the number of objects. A caster with this ability possesses both greater refinements in control over the object(s) they levitate as well as an ability to lift starfighter-sized objects.
Elder: Enabling complex feats such as pulling a capital ship down to the surface of a planet, levitating a building, or unleashing a massive telekinetic wave capable of destroying an entire attacking force. This ability, when used to a degree as described, results in exhaustion and can only be used sparingly. It also permits use of telekinetic abilities without the use of hands or other limbs.
Initiate: Call upon a gentle breeze, light drizzle or faint snow.
Spellweaver: Call upon heavy rain or moderate snow.
Elder: Cause a thunderstorm, blizzard or tornado.
Weather Sense
This skill allows the individual to sense coming weather patterns; storms, etc. This skill does not allow him/her to make swift and sure predication of coming weather patterns. The better the individual knows the area, the easier he/she will be able to sense the coming weather changes.
Animal Healing
Similar to Healing skill. The difference is that this skill is specifically designed for the healing of small animals.
Call Mist
Calls forth a mist or a fog to engulf the general area the caster is in, making the eyesight of potential enemies much more difficult.
Call Rain
Initiate: The caster can call upon gentle drizzle.
Spellweaver: Calls forth rain when the season is too dry. This is used only in dire circumstances and the crops will wither and die without intervention.
Ground Communications
Initiate: This is used to sense when nutrients are too low to accommodate certain crops and when to plant.
Spellweaver: Users now also learn to use this communion to infuse a portion of their own life force into the ground to encourage the growth of crops.
Seeking Spell
The caster can sense the presence of a specific individual for whom she searches, the caster can see how badly wounded diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the person is.
Shield Spell
This skill allows the witch to surround herself with a Force Shield, which can repel energy and physical attacks down to the molecular level. Can be sustained for short amounts of time only.
Spell of Deception
Altering the perceptions of another person. Can be used to counter-spell the Probe spell.
Spell of Element Protection
The caster can use this spell to create a wall of earth, fire, or any other natural element that is already present on the battle field in order to protect herself. The Witch should take into account the possible damage to the ecosystem this spell may potentially cause.
Spell of Fire Creation
Initiate: By concentrating, a witch can generate localized sparks. These sparks are strong enough to start fires with. It has been theorized that these individuals are able to hyper accelerate particles in the air so that these sparks can occur.
Spellweaver: This skill enables the witch to cause fires - from as small as a torch or lantern to as large as the area of effect - to reduce in size and brightness; to become mere coals. Note that this does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the fire. The witch can affect any or all fires in the immediate area. She can alter their intensities with a single gesture while tapping into the Force. The effect lasts until the witch cancels it, all fuel is burned, or the user's will/energy/concentration expires. The witch can also extinguish all flames in the area.
Tide Sense
This skill is used to sense the ebb and flow of the various rivers and other waters that have a high and low tide on Dathomir or other planets. Its helpful in finding the best time to fish, swim, and other activities that have to do with the water. (Essentially, this would be the advanced version of “Spell of Water”)
Warding Spell/ Deflection
Simple hand gesture to deflection incoming objects (such as a blaster bold, person, incoming spells against oneself).
Enables the caster to absorb harmful energy such as blaster bolts and Force lightning. This energy must then either be dissipated in some manner; otherwise it becomes harmful to the User, causing injury and, in more severe cases, death.
Alters flow of energy, fire, water, and other materials around spell caster.
Call Frost/Snow
Calls forth a frost or snow when the season goes too long. This is only used in dire circumstances to give the planets and ground time to rest in-between seasons so it will be fertile and not worn out for the next planting.
Forcing Minds
Controlling of someone else's actions, thoughts, and emotions by invading that person's mind.
Mind Weave
This skill will allow two persons to interweave their thoughts so they can share experiences and emotions that cannot be communicated in words or actions. This skill is often shared most between those mated and strengthens the bonds of intimacy. While anyone can be mind weaved, the spell caster (who doesn’t have to be one of the weaved people) must be of Master level.
Seer’s Spell
Description: Brings visions of the future.
Spell of Lighting
Casting of this spell causes bolts of electrical energy (lightning)energy to spring from the caster's fingertips, directed against one or a small group of opponents, and to light fires.
Spell of Mind Touch
Mind-speaking to another over distances; Send images or share sight to another over distances.
Spell of Ordering
This skill allows the individual to make sense of apparent chaos. The individual can see such things as pottery shards reformed into a whole pot, shreds of paper formed into a page, scattered parts as a working machine, or specific trails appearing out of overlapping footprints. The individual studies seemingly random elements--broken bits of glass, shreds of paper, intermingled trails, etc. The items to be studied must be tangible--coded flashing lights, garbled speech, or thoughts of any kind cannot be studied. The individual must study the random elements for one round. If the items studied are truly random, no information is gained, but if they were once part of a whole something can be gleaned from them. After the individual has visualized the pattern, he can attempt to reassemble the parts into their original form. The amount of time required and the quality of restoration vary according to the complexity of the pattern. Reassembling a shredded map may be easy; reassembling a broken clock is significantly more difficult; rebuilding a shattered mosaic is extremely difficult. In any case, the individual can make only a reasonable copy of the item.
Summon Companion
Elder Level Only: The summon companion spell/ritual is a form of teleportation that lets the user the ability to summon their pet (like Rancors for Witches of Dathomir) to appear at their desired destination. This is a heavily focused spell that takes two or more posts and can be interrupted during that time. Also the spell is consider completed when the creature starts to appear.
So what are you thoughts on WoD?
I know there is a lot here, but feedback is needed so WoD can be shape how we as a group want it. So say what you think the structure of the Witches could be with leadership, clans, current standings of political environment, and so on. We are trying to get us moving again.
I am thinking that we need to bump WoD's timeline up a little bit. It might been when clockwork was happening when WoD was alive and well. There has been events and time since than. So frm what I understood of WoD when it was started was all clans (even Nightsisters) made peace and unification was in the works. However, the Mando's take over and OOC poofs of many for whatever their reasons were... I think that peace unification fell apart.
From that idea of blaming, chaos and inner fighting over who to blame, a series of threads to push and get Dathomir united again. The structure I'm thinking is one leader and council made up of Clan Mothers (Clan Fathers for clans that might be more equal rights). From there, clans would 13 as it is number of moons in a year for RL (have that tie in.) So clans are listed below:
Singing Mountain Clan
Frenzied River Clan
Misty Falls Clan
Red Hills Clan
Dreaming River Clan
Great Canyon Clan
Bright Sun Clan
Red Mud Potters Clan
Blue Coral Divers Clan
Scissorfists Clan
Nightsisters (Overclan and their sub ones: Night Brothers and Spider Clan)
Morte Clan
Sarlacci Clan
Crime and Punishment
Crimes were punished by exile, but that has changed. When particularly the use of the dark side; this was often thought of in terms of "night spells" with some of it being applied when a sister used anger to fuel an otherwise permissible Force power. The change was now a trial with five witches and the Clan Mother. If guilty, the punishment is given by the Clan Mother and most of the time it is a fair and just punishment. The punishments that have been record have ranged from temporary enslavement with shock collar to death.
Slavery and Men
Regarding males in the society, over seven hundred years of men being subjugated, some changes had occurred on the planet and its society. Newer clans embraced the ideals of women and men being equal while some still held to the old ways. However a major turn happen when the clans united, it was made sure that the clans had men on an equal footing, and could lead a clan. While the witches had their training and ways, new order called Jai was created for the men.
While the change has been embrace by the many clans, some witches have kept the old ways going about it in new ways. Many use supplying room and board, food, clothes and other means of living with title of Jai or servant as the way to justified having the men serve the witch without being force to give up the comfort the witch was use to before the unification. It is pretty much known to the Clan Mothers but long as witch states the men have a choice in some manner to stay or have chance to be more independent. Then they will not step in until a report of abuse is given.
Dathomir Rancors are semi-sentient, caring creatures who mourned their family members when they died, and who passed on oral histories of the matriarchal herds into which these rancor organized in to. Their native way of life seems to have been very primitive, using their strength and size to hunt live prey across the planet's savannahs. A symbiosis of rancor sow and female rider seems to have played a major role in dictating the subsequent structure of Dathomiri society. According to the rancors' own traditions, the symbiosis began when a warrior-woman met and healed an injured female; by mounting the rancor's back, her sharper eyesight enabled it to hunt better prey during the day, so that it grew in size and status to become a mighty herd-mother.
Most of Dathomir's rancor population lived in symbiosis with the planet's Witches of Dathomir clans, being used as mounts, and learning to make and use armor and bladed weapons with their help. Rancors of a clan were marked to show clan ownership, but younger ones were not marked and could basically serve as undercover mounts, belonging to no clan. After the years of the New Republic, Tosh the herd leader of the Singing Mountain Clan's rancors, learned to read and write, and began to pass on this skill to other rancors in her group. Then it caught like wild fire to the other rancors herds with present day rancors able to read and write their own language, witches’ language and basic language.
The witches all hold their rancors in high standards and respect but this has not stop some from abusing and manipulate the rancors. Overall, the tone for witches and rancors is the creatures are sentient and spoken to as a person would to another person. They are become family members or best of friends. All tied closely together to better each other. When outsiders sneak in and dare to try to get a rancor for prize, it at times is viewed as an act of war towards the herd and witch clan. Only way of it end is each outsider involved is served as a fest for the herd.
Wedding / Bonding Cermony - Marriage, or the closest thing the Dathomiri get to it, is achieved through the "ritual of bonding". While the idea of a powerful and culturally superior woman attaching herself to one man for years when she could have as many as she wants at any time may see counterintuitive to the ideals the Daughters of Allya support, they are no immune to love. Every once in a while, a Witch finds a single male who seems to turn her into a babbling little girl again. Or, more commonly, she'll find a woman who does the same thing. This isn't to say lesbianism is more common for Dathomiri women - some just have issues seeing men as worthy of deep enough feelings to realize love for a man. Most have no such problems with women.
The ritual of bonding has few of the limits the galaxy at large puts on the idea of "marriage". Partners of any gender (male/male bonding is mostly informal, since few Witches of appropriate rank would stoop low enough to join two slaves) can be bonded to each other in a formal, intimate sense. There is not an expectation of a single bond, though those women who find themselves the target of too much "true love" draw a bit of suspicion. Several women, however, keep multiple bonded slaves and one or two very intimate friends close to them.
Unlike many aspects of Dathomiri culture, the ritual itself differentiates little with gender variation. A man bonding himself to a woman enjoys (temporarily) a respect almost equal to that of his beloved. The ceremony is generally presided over by the Clan Mother, and each Clan has their own traditions for what is said at these uniquely important occasions. The only uniform aspect is the end of the rite, during which each party gives the other something to represent their bond. This is generally a small article of clothing to be worn at all times. Slaves normally hand-craft a bracelet, anklet, or charm necklace for their mistress and lover. Women can afford much higher-quality gifts, which tend to be magnificent jewelry for other free people or expensive collars for slaves.
There is a quirk in the Dathomiri mindset about marriage and slavery. For a moment, a man becomes an equal. For a lifetime, he becomes "more than a slave" while retaining his official, legal status. And of course, the free Witch and her peers never look twice at how much time she's spending with her property, or how much devotion she seems to have to it.
Since the entire ritual is conducted in Paecean as a rule, translating it to Basic generally involves the words "husband" and "wife". These are not titles inherent to the culture, but their "best guess" analogues in a different language.
Collaring Ceremony - On Dathomir, slavery is so common that the word "slave" is roughly as precise as the word "starship". That is to say, not terribly. Slaves run the gamut from basic working drones to breeding stock to personal assistants to skilled labor. Since they're such an intricate part of the Dathomiri lifestyle, slaves have a kind of culture of their own, though not even a fraction as well-developed as the rest of the world. Much of this culture centers around the collar.
The average slave does not recieve a collar immediately. He (the majority of Dathomiri slaves are male) has to prove his worth in labor, discipline, and conduct. Failure is punished harshly, and continued excellence is rewarded with the status of being collared. While collared, a slave enjoys the benifit of respect from fellow slaves, and is generally looked at with more consideration from freewomen. Of course, this collar can be taken away, and expressly is as a more radical punishment.
With the amount of importance slaves put on their collars (and the amount of attention their owners give them) it's not surprising that there are specific rituals dedicated expressly to the presentation of a slave's collar. The normal ritual is barely a handwave, perhaps a few words spoken by the woman presenting her slave with his collar and a some words of dedication, hollow or not, from the slave who's earned it. With more esteemed or important slaves, however, and those in softer, more people-oriented positions, rituals can get very elaborate.
An example of a slighty important social slave, most often a maid, would be the girl (female slaves are much more common out of the fields/breeding) kneeling naked with her head bowed for several minutes before her mistress walks in and recites carefully picked lines to emphasize her position, her duties, her importance...to which the girl gives equally careful responses. After the festivities, she's given a very personal bath by other slaves whlie her mistress tells her the symbolism of being cleaned before she touches her collar, her new life. When she feels the metal close around her nec and her mistress' lips on her forehead, the girl is given a better understanding of the importance of the entire ceremony.
Rancor Companionship - The overall view between witches and rancors always has been compare to friends/ allies assisting each other out. Although on a more personal level, it is more on the level of family… mother/father daughter/son or some like it as siblings. All paths build a strong bond for the two. Some feel like death is the only thing that could break the bond. It had been noted that the loss of a witch or rancor don’t find or bond with another as a replacement.
Steps for Witches:
- As a child, learn how to speak with rancors and get exposer by time with rancors
- Grown up in teen years, hunting and fighting with trained rancors
- For a trail/ Adulthood, find the rancor that will bond with the witch
Steps for Rancors:
- The children learn about the bonds of the herd and clan, and play with kids in the clan
- Adults learn fighting and hunting while being a citizen of the clan
- When witch is seeking to bond, rancor tests with “fire” to see if the witch’s level is what it should be to gain their respect and loyalty
Respect and loyalty is shared between the two. In linking the two gains a sense to know where one another are can communicate in any way to each other. Language does not matter in that instance. The bonding is a hunt or week long travel across the land to lean each other ways. Relaying on each form the bond and naturally a battle forges it faster because of the pressures they are place under.
Wild ones have a similar way. However, it is more in line with their mating ways and it is beyond abnormal to see wild rancors bonding with a person of the same sex. The rancors then will spend a life with them and can be over protective.
Naming Ceremony - A naming ceremony of some type is common to most societies. It is a ceremony where a new born is introduced to his/her community as well as to the Force. It is an important ceremony for the family and friends that are involved even if it does not mean much to the infant at this point in time. It makes the newborn a real and concrete member of the community. It is very important socially, not to mention that it brings the infant to the attention of the powers that be, whatever he/she will call them later, during one of the most vulnerable times of their life.
Naming ceremonies are normally done no sooner than one week after birth (to allow for recovery of both baby and mother from the birth) and normally no longer than a couple of months after the birth (if more time passes the infant is already a part of the community and has probably already been called to the attention of the Force in some way so it becomes a rather moot point). The ceremony is best done at sunrise or at least in the morning and is best if done during a full or waxing moon.
New parents should invite family and friends that they feel will be close during the child’s life. A naming ceremony can be simple and non-Dathomir enough that those of other views of the Force should feel comfortable attending.
* This ritual was originally performed in plaza (Clans town square, whatever you want to call it), or any sacred space with clear quadrants will do.
* The Clan Mother over sees and perform the ceremony.
* The ritual can be adapted for a male child, a single parent, or parents of the same gender.
* Elements (earth, wind, water and fire) are used to bless the child while using the cardinal directions (north, east, south and west) for each stage.
Funerals - Clans pretty much do what fits in their ideals. The Nightsisters like to mummify their dead and place them in cocoons that bath them in herbs and oils to slow their decay rate. Even in death, a nightsister still serves the clan as a zombie warrior. They are the only clan that uses their dead in that manner. Morte Clan has a massive mausoleum that houses a large crystal that been used to pull dead force users from their bodies and hold them. They are used like ghosts in a black mist. Mist is summoned to wash over a battle ground so there are ghost assassins.
Rest of the clans does not preserve the body of the dead. The clans on the river or close to large bodies of water will place the dead in boats and burn them as they float away. Some might place armor and a few passions on to the boat. The Sarlacci clan feed the sarlacci creature near the stronghold their dead. The land lock clans burn their dead like the Singing Mountain Clan and Great Canyon Clan. One thing all clans have is the entire clan witness and be in the procession when the ceremony happens.
Trial by Fire –This trial is taken from the nightsister’s ideals; however, more controlled and less the risks to falling to the dark side for those that wish for those results. The first five times (stages) an initiate attempts to cast a spell learned in an hour. The use of the new spell is extremely dangerous, possibly even fatal if the initiate is not fortunate. Each time the witch or jai attempts the stages, the danger goes down slightly and it is less likely to backfire on them. It is also possible that, as well as the spell back firing the witch is also drawn into the dark side fro attempting to gain such power so quickly. After the five stages of the trial, the witch has no difficulty casting the spell.
Trial by the Ancestors -This trial mirrors the trials of Knighthood for other Force-using groups. The initiate is taken to the Temple of the Ancestors in the Morte Clan stronghold to begin initiation into the step in their life. The initiate entire clan and others that wish to be there watches as Leader of Faction (title to be chosen) , initiate’s Clan Mother, Clan Mother of the opposing influence and Herd Mother of the initiate’s clan (Rancor blood) take collection of their blood while the initiate shed all material items that they have on. The initiate kneels on the altar while the Mothers write spells on their body with the blood; three old protection spells to aid the witch or jai.
After the spell is written, the Mothers place their hands on different parts of initiate's body. The soon-to-be-Knight has a hand on the back of their neck, one on their chest just over their heart and the last hand just above their genitals. As the Mothers chant, the applicant feels a growing amount of heat, pain and pleasures coming from the areas their hands are covering. The areas form into burnt black symbols and become permanent tattoos.
The ceremony continued with giving a lightsaber with the color that represent them and a new force forge sword. From there the Mothers listed twelve tasks for the person to complete to fulfill the rite of passage into knighthood. An example of a task is to go out and alone to gain a friendship and symbiotic relationship with a rancor. Once the tasks are done, the person is consider to have the force ranking of knight on the board.
Trial by the Force -The ritual for the rank of Master/ Mistress is simpler because the final task for the knight is to train another. The soon to be Mistress/ Master watches their student go through the ritual of knighthood then they are sent to the temple of the Force built underneath the Temple of the Ancestors. The temple has hovering floor with several large carved stones floating around. There the Mothers that perform the Trial by the Ancestors chant and infused the knight with a deep connection of the force. At the same time strengthen their abilities. The person would feel their blood boiling as they charge up the new Master/ Mistress. Then is sent out into the wilderness and face a new challenge, like the cave on Dagobah the person experiences are unique and may kill them. Because there is a mixture of force induced visions and droids, the droids have holographic capability to trick witch or jai. After a week the member returns to their home clan with the force ranking of master/mistress on the board.
Magic/ Force:
The Book of Dathomir is the sacred book of the Witches of Dathomir, written as the new unified collection of knowledge and spells given from the former Jedi Knight Allya and updated with new spells by Clan Mothers.
The section about the Force and Witches of Dathomir. The way Witches of Dathomir call the force is Allyan Magic, also Dathomir Magic and for the Nightsisters it’s Magicks. No matter the name, it is the use of the Force and power from it. This knowledge came from the rogue Jedi Allya, who was exiled to Dathomir and taught the powers of the Force to her children there, giving them an evolutionary advantage over Dathomir's other inhabitants. As a result, many generations of Allya's descendants survived. However, the practitioners of Allyan Magic believed themselves to be casting spells rather than making use of the Force, and often were unable to make use of a "spell" without speaking its assigned name or performing the ritualized singing, dancing, chanting, and/or writing associated with it. The work of the Force was attributed to the Spirits instead.
List of Spells to help inspire:
Magic link thanks to Lavania
Arrows of Fire
Initiate: When this spell is used upon a fire (such as a campfire, lantern, or candle), it causes the fire to flash and shoot small arrows of flame that shoot out at a 10 feet radius. The directions of the arrows are uncontrolled and random. The amount and speed of arrows varies as per the size of the original flame.
Spellweaver: When this spell is used upon a fire (such as a campfire, lantern, or candle), it causes the fire to flash and shoot small arrows of flame that shoot out at a 20 feet radius. The directions of the arrows are now mostly under control, although the occasional arrow may shoot off at a random direction. The amount and speed of arrows varies as per the size of the original flame.
Force “Blanket”
Initiate: Gives another the sensation of being covered or smothered, making normal breathing hard. This is a mental spell that aims to distract an enemy in combat.
Spellweaver: The caster uses the Force to give its enemy a sensation of being covered or smothered to the point of physically choking them.
Force Crush
Initiate: Used to crush little items (small rocks, for instance) or holding down a single body part of a person.
Spellweaver: Force Crush I Used to crush medium objects (bones, hard wood, slightly larger rocks, etc).
Elder: Used to crush big and hard objects (blasters, metal, boulders, etc).
Mountain Sense
The ability to sense veins of ore and gemstones within the rock of mountains. The more experience the caster has with this, the deeper into the rocks and mountains the sense can go. Although this spell does tell the caster if there is something, it does not detail as to what it exactly is.
Night Sight
This skill allows the witch to call on the Force and enhance her sight to see more clearly in the dark.
Probe Spell
Initiate: Search if there is life nearby. Probe for surface emotions and the existence of mental blocks.
Spellweaver: Probe a person’s mind to gain random surface thoughts. The castor cannot search for specific thoughts.
Elder: Probe into a person’s mind beyond any block they may have placed to search for information and sense their intentions.
Spell of Communication
Communicate with others regardless of the language they speak, and with animals too.
Spell of Focus
This spell is used by a witch to prepare her focus for extreme use of magic. If she has a difficult spell or task to perform, she usually will begin the spell or task with this spell to draw on the energies or strength she will need in the upcoming task.
Spell of Healing
Initiate: Numbs pain in the caster’s body, helps slow bleeding down, helps enhance natural self healing speed a little bit.
Spellweaver: Numbs pain in the other people’s bodies, helps slow their bleeding down, helps enhance their natural self healing speed a little bit. If cast on self
Elder: Stop pain in others and self; Awaken from unconsciousness; Stop bleeding; Close up wounds; Give strength or part of life force to the wounded.
Song of Power
A witch casts the spell of power to increase a single attribute for a limited time to jump higher, see better, take more damage, run faster.
Spell of Water
Using this spell one is able to locate pure water tables.
Initiate: Ability to lift small objects (no greater than half of the carrying capacity of the user) and move them, hovering the item in any direction. This ability also includes the ability to apply telekinetic energy in bursts to “push” and “pull” objects such as levers.
Spellweaver: Improved Telekinetic abilities – specifically the realization that “side matters not”, nor does the number of objects. A caster with this ability possesses both greater refinements in control over the object(s) they levitate as well as an ability to lift starfighter-sized objects.
Elder: Enabling complex feats such as pulling a capital ship down to the surface of a planet, levitating a building, or unleashing a massive telekinetic wave capable of destroying an entire attacking force. This ability, when used to a degree as described, results in exhaustion and can only be used sparingly. It also permits use of telekinetic abilities without the use of hands or other limbs.
Initiate: Call upon a gentle breeze, light drizzle or faint snow.
Spellweaver: Call upon heavy rain or moderate snow.
Elder: Cause a thunderstorm, blizzard or tornado.
Weather Sense
This skill allows the individual to sense coming weather patterns; storms, etc. This skill does not allow him/her to make swift and sure predication of coming weather patterns. The better the individual knows the area, the easier he/she will be able to sense the coming weather changes.
Animal Healing
Similar to Healing skill. The difference is that this skill is specifically designed for the healing of small animals.
Call Mist
Calls forth a mist or a fog to engulf the general area the caster is in, making the eyesight of potential enemies much more difficult.
Call Rain
Initiate: The caster can call upon gentle drizzle.
Spellweaver: Calls forth rain when the season is too dry. This is used only in dire circumstances and the crops will wither and die without intervention.
Ground Communications
Initiate: This is used to sense when nutrients are too low to accommodate certain crops and when to plant.
Spellweaver: Users now also learn to use this communion to infuse a portion of their own life force into the ground to encourage the growth of crops.
Seeking Spell
The caster can sense the presence of a specific individual for whom she searches, the caster can see how badly wounded diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the person is.
Shield Spell
This skill allows the witch to surround herself with a Force Shield, which can repel energy and physical attacks down to the molecular level. Can be sustained for short amounts of time only.
Spell of Deception
Altering the perceptions of another person. Can be used to counter-spell the Probe spell.
Spell of Element Protection
The caster can use this spell to create a wall of earth, fire, or any other natural element that is already present on the battle field in order to protect herself. The Witch should take into account the possible damage to the ecosystem this spell may potentially cause.
Spell of Fire Creation
Initiate: By concentrating, a witch can generate localized sparks. These sparks are strong enough to start fires with. It has been theorized that these individuals are able to hyper accelerate particles in the air so that these sparks can occur.
Spellweaver: This skill enables the witch to cause fires - from as small as a torch or lantern to as large as the area of effect - to reduce in size and brightness; to become mere coals. Note that this does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the fire. The witch can affect any or all fires in the immediate area. She can alter their intensities with a single gesture while tapping into the Force. The effect lasts until the witch cancels it, all fuel is burned, or the user's will/energy/concentration expires. The witch can also extinguish all flames in the area.
Tide Sense
This skill is used to sense the ebb and flow of the various rivers and other waters that have a high and low tide on Dathomir or other planets. Its helpful in finding the best time to fish, swim, and other activities that have to do with the water. (Essentially, this would be the advanced version of “Spell of Water”)
Warding Spell/ Deflection
Simple hand gesture to deflection incoming objects (such as a blaster bold, person, incoming spells against oneself).
Enables the caster to absorb harmful energy such as blaster bolts and Force lightning. This energy must then either be dissipated in some manner; otherwise it becomes harmful to the User, causing injury and, in more severe cases, death.
Alters flow of energy, fire, water, and other materials around spell caster.
Call Frost/Snow
Calls forth a frost or snow when the season goes too long. This is only used in dire circumstances to give the planets and ground time to rest in-between seasons so it will be fertile and not worn out for the next planting.
Forcing Minds
Controlling of someone else's actions, thoughts, and emotions by invading that person's mind.
Mind Weave
This skill will allow two persons to interweave their thoughts so they can share experiences and emotions that cannot be communicated in words or actions. This skill is often shared most between those mated and strengthens the bonds of intimacy. While anyone can be mind weaved, the spell caster (who doesn’t have to be one of the weaved people) must be of Master level.
Seer’s Spell
Description: Brings visions of the future.
Spell of Lighting
Casting of this spell causes bolts of electrical energy (lightning)energy to spring from the caster's fingertips, directed against one or a small group of opponents, and to light fires.
Spell of Mind Touch
Mind-speaking to another over distances; Send images or share sight to another over distances.
Spell of Ordering
This skill allows the individual to make sense of apparent chaos. The individual can see such things as pottery shards reformed into a whole pot, shreds of paper formed into a page, scattered parts as a working machine, or specific trails appearing out of overlapping footprints. The individual studies seemingly random elements--broken bits of glass, shreds of paper, intermingled trails, etc. The items to be studied must be tangible--coded flashing lights, garbled speech, or thoughts of any kind cannot be studied. The individual must study the random elements for one round. If the items studied are truly random, no information is gained, but if they were once part of a whole something can be gleaned from them. After the individual has visualized the pattern, he can attempt to reassemble the parts into their original form. The amount of time required and the quality of restoration vary according to the complexity of the pattern. Reassembling a shredded map may be easy; reassembling a broken clock is significantly more difficult; rebuilding a shattered mosaic is extremely difficult. In any case, the individual can make only a reasonable copy of the item.
Summon Companion
Elder Level Only: The summon companion spell/ritual is a form of teleportation that lets the user the ability to summon their pet (like Rancors for Witches of Dathomir) to appear at their desired destination. This is a heavily focused spell that takes two or more posts and can be interrupted during that time. Also the spell is consider completed when the creature starts to appear.
So what are you thoughts on WoD?