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Discussion: Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan #1

Due to the extreme lack of hype here about all the current Star Wars stuff coming out I am taking it upon myself to get the ball rolling on some discussion. Right now there are some fantastic Star Wars comic series existing right now. One of them is the fantastic series called Kanan: The Last Padawan.

Now the title gives the basic premise. It is about Kanan, star character of Rebels, and how he survived Order 66. I doubt it'll go all the way up to the start of rebels due to the fact that the novel series A New Dawn already functions as a pretty strong lead in to the series. Now it may take a different title eventually but I think it is only going to be about those early moments after Order 66.

Any Discussion After this picture will likely contain some spoiler content.


First of all the comic is fantastic. The Art work is great. I chuckled because there seems to be a small nod to the fact that we really do not know much about Depa Billaba (Kanan's master) anymore. The line in question goes something along the lines of "after Depa emerged from... where ever it was that she was" she took Kanan as a padawan. I found it funny. Honestly, I love the canon reboot but I'm going to be fascinated to see what comes of certain character's backgrounds.
I like the Art work that went into this as well. I think its cool to see them incorporating more of Billaba. She was always an interesting character to me, and i've always wanted to see more of her. I prefer this storyline to the other where it is assumed she perished in the temple while in a coma.

I haven't the chance to read it personally but i've read from other sources about the story and the characters. I feel like it ties in well to what we already know to happen in that time frame.
Aye, I am far more intrigued by the idea of Billaba dying Order 66 than in a coma. Admittedly I've never been a big fan of her though. Was not all that into Shatterpoint which was basically the only thing she was in iirc. (I understand she was maybe in other stuff but that was kind of her only big role)

I highly recommend picking it up, [member="Sochi Ru"]. I think it is certainly worth a read.
I actually really liked the art in the small section that takes place in the Ghost at the beginning of the comic. I know this is going to sound incredibly nerdy that I even noticed, but the way they drew Sabine's hair was rather unique.

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