Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dishwasher Gloves


Disney's Princess
Dishwasher Gloves: & How to Suck at Bounty Hunting,


This image is of an unnamed villain taken from the video game Trailer of StarWars 1313. When I saw it, I paused the video, and noticed his gloves. I have a pair exactly like that in my house. Except they are yellow and I use them to wash dishes.

How noob can a Bounty Hunter get? Well. When he wears Dishwashing Gloves to work. That's noob for ya. :p


Disney's Princess
Mr Clean approves. It must come standard issue with a Sponge and Detergent. Wash that battle off ya! Bleh. :D :p


Disney's Princess
~ "Something you'd like to share with the Class, Mr Isley? Go on. Stand up and tell us all. What is so funny?"

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