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Dissonance Theory


Moon Name Here | Production Facility

Natalia's cheek sank deeply as she took a large drag from her cigarillo. The laced spiced tobacco filled her lungs with its decadent rush. A smirk twitched at the right corner of her lips. The shuttle that would take them to their production facility would arrive momentarily.

Slevin, Maile and she would go to personally inspect the first batch of the prototypes. Of interest were the improv software mimicking protocols, and word had it that their research and development team had made significant progress.

The timeline was moving steadily underway. Construction of the moon into the various locations for this little bit of exotic paradise would take a few more months, but Natalia was sure she could force them to speed it up.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

He had aleays wondered if all of this would actually work.

Slevin trusted Natalia with his life of course, and he knew that she had faith in this project, but a part of him still clung to needing to actually see everything. He wanted more than the assurances of a factory worker, he wanted more than blue prints, he wanted to see, feel, and touch the progress that was being made.

It was the only way he could allow this.

Perhaps it was a bit silly, but as always his beloved indulged him in his every whim. If Slevin thought it was necessary to take a closer look, then that is what they would do. The sinple dynamic between them was easily solved, and of course Malie had fallen right into her place.

Right where she belonged.

He considered for a moment, and then motioned the two women through one of the doorways.

There was much to see today.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

"Your mind is drifting," Natalia's throaty drawl went sailing over to her beloved. In a tight black number that clung to her curves, the blonde was a bombshell of sight. Exotic and dripping with a certain confidence created for perfection, Natalia Thawne was a force to be reckoned with.

She kept pace beside Slevin's right, Maile joining at his left. The little dear had actually come quite along well. Just a bit of molding, manipulation, and drugs. Just like the rest of the Runners and Natalia's Little Birds. You cultivated loyalty at a young age, making them dependant on you, ensuring that they viewed you as nothing else but their entire world.

They would die for you then.

Natalia took another heavy drag of her cigarillo, cheeks sinking further in before her two fingers plucked the vice and she extended it to Slevin.

"You will be pleased, my love," Natalia assured him, the trio coming to the threshold of the facility. Two Coratanni Cartel guards shifted from their positions and held the doors open for them.

A sidelong glance and she added, "As much as you will be over Dusk and Dawn." recent negotiations with Heartbeat House and Joza Perl had been, rather productive. Pity she hadn't gone for the negotiations herself.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

His hand floated over the small of her back and then lower, grasping her rear for a moment before he spoke. "Oh I'm sure I will, my love."

There was no real doubt that what Natalia was doing here was magnificent. She had skill and intelligence enough to put something like this together a hundred times over. Even though he wanted to see everything didn't mean that he did not trust her. Unlike him, Natalia was focused, driven, and subtle enough to get everything done that needed to be done. Sleivn often got distracted, his emotions got the better of him and more base desires brought him to do only as he pleased.

He knew that whatever she had done here was right, knew that she had made no mistakes. If there was something wrong it was the fault of others, not his beloved. In his eyes Natalia could do no wrong. It was a mark of just how much he loved her.

Natalia wasn't his partner. She wasn't a fling. She wasn't someone he slept with one the side for fun.

She was everything. "Let's go see."

Another hard squeeze before he released her and headed into the facility.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

The facility itself was state of the art, a rather surprising circumstance considering that not a year ago, Slevin and Natalia had nothing to their name when they escaped the clutches of that wretched laboratory.

Now they were nearing the top of the 'verse, carving their own little kingdom to dominate and manipulate to their pleasure. They would mold and shape this Zeltros moon to be exactly what they required, and from it reap the ample rewards of an entire galaxy's vices.
Maile's credit flow due to her recently departed father, and his competitor funded the construction of the facility. The research and development portion came later. It had taken short order to discover the minds that would craft and build upon Natalia's design, but once there, the team was quick to learn their place.

Everything has been constructed underground save for the opulent building over where it stood. This ensured a level of security as well as privacy on the templates that they would be creating.

Snaking her arm around Slevin's own, the tall, buxom woman took the role of the guide, taking Maile and her beloved over to a guarded glasteel turbolift.

Once inside, she turned to him with a knowing smile.

"How goes the contracts?" she inquired, well aware that Slevin had taken to procuring more for their expansion.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

He admired as they wandered. "Well."

It was true, things on Coruscant were progressing almost as quickly as they were here. Natalia of course had the true touch when it came to these things. His beloved was magnificent when it came to ushering through new projects, with her hand back on the jewel of the Galaxy he was sure that the Entertainment District would already have been completed, but alas even with all her talents she could not be everywhere at once.

"Dawn is opened." He said as his fingers played at her side. "Dusk soon follows."

The half dozen other clubs they had planned had also begun construction, Afterlife, Twilight, and of course the Casino. Everything was progressing quickly and perfectly, though there had been a few snags with the Galactic Alliance and zoning authorities. "Miss Perl is proving quite useful."

She had managed to undo quite a few flare ups.

"I'll have to introduce you soon." He pulled his beloved just a bit closer, hand floating to her rear. "She would look darling in your lap."
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

There was a cooing purr that came from Natalia's mouth, a slight wiggle and press as the woman delightfully enjoyed the open affection her beloved gave to her. Oh, he had told her everything about Joza Perl. About the Zeltron that owned Heartbeat and just what they would get in turn from her.

He had also given her a mouthful on just what Ms. Perl could do. There was a thrill there, a sparkle to Natalia's feline green eyes.

"Promise?" her face came close to Slevin's, her breath fanning his lips as crimson bit onto the fullness of his lower lip. The large hand went drifting with languid proprietary over the ample curve while her own crimson tipped nails gave a rake of his neck. Devaronian Blood Poison coated the enamal, but only worked if it broke the skin.

Maile stood alongside, not making any passing comment. She knew her place now. Knew exactly what was expected of her. Slowly she had been molded to be an extension of Slevin's and Natalia's will. And right now, that will would not be disturbed as the trio descended into the facility.

"When will you meet her again?" it was like a hunt. One that she would enjoy as much as Slevin, perhaps even more because it was typically Natalia that would dabble with long term seduction games.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

"Oh yes." He said quietly. "Her little pink legs draped over either side of you..."

That was an image he had contemplated on his journey back to Zeltros. The trip wasn't a particularly long one, shortened by hyperspace routes. The Alliance of course made him go through customs, Coruscant being on lockdown due the war with the First Order, but by and large that was easy enough. To most people he was just another business man, one that happened to be giving quite a bit of money to the people of Coruscant. That earned him more than a little bit of respect.

"You would both look lovely." The implication was more than clear of course, and as his fingers slowly scrunched together Slevin didn't have to say another word about just how he imagined them together. He smiled at her for a moment before, glancing briefly towards the top of the lift to see where they were.

"Next week." Slevin told her with a whispering kiss. "Dusk will be opening soon."

The second club, and the far more adventurous one. "I want her to see it before it does."

There was also opportunity, blood in the water so to speak. Their first encounter had been an enjoyable one, the press of his fingers having guided Joza right to where he wanted her, now it was time to slowly press her just a little bit more forward. Slowly, just as Natalia had done so many times before.

"I'll bring you back a taste." He said with a hard kiss, the lift ringing as they reached their floor.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

"You better," Natalia cooed with a low hum of pleasure, equally kissing Slevin forcefully as they tangled their mouths together. It ended with a bite to the fullness of Slevin's lower lip, a drop of blood welling upon the flesh. The flat of Natalia's tongue swept over it, tasting the copper bead in her mouth.

The ping of turbolift's doors announced their arrival, the steel gray sliding back with a faint hiss. Natalia gave a coy wink to her beloved, pulling back from his grasp only to hook her arm against his. Maile took her place just alongside them when they exited the lift.

There were more Coratanni Cartel guards that stood lining the corridor. Each gave an incline of their heads in respect as they went walking past. Instead of walls, there were crystal clear glasteel frames. Inside were several different stations, each with a Human Replica droid at varying stages of production.

"They are all built like standard Human Replica Droids... but our little chemists have managed to enhance the traditional technology into something a little bit more... refined." more lifelike, and certainly, would be able to beat the sensors of a medical scanner.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

"Good." Human Replica Droids weren't exactly uncultured to begin with, but for their work they needed subtlety, they needed humanity.

There was an undeniable quality to real sentient beings that was almost impossible to mask and hide, something that had to be carefully replicated through programming. Slevin had his doubts that such a thing could be done, mostly because the droids he'd dealt with all his life had a certain automatic quality to them. One could always tell when something was artificial. Humans, real humans, and even aliens had odd little quirks about them.

"Do you think it will work, my love?" He glanced at some of the droids. "Will it fool them?"

Normal people weren't as observant as Slevin and Natalia, but still.

"Not every fool wants to fuck a droid." Some did, but not all of them.

The whole point of this was to make it real, and if they couldn't do that it would lose its appeal. When people visited the park they had to believe that everything and anything in sight was actually alive. They had to feel the kill, they had to see the blood, watch the life drain out of the droids eyes. It was a cruel thought, at least to most, but it was what so many people in this galaxy wanted.

To let the dark side out.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

Would they fool others? There was a knowing twinkle within the depths of Natalia's vibrant green eyes. Almost predatory satisfaction reflecting there.

"Maile... go fetch Doctor Oie." like a girl well versed in taking orders, the younger blonde woman did as Natalia requested, murmuring a "Of course." before stepping away from the heads of the Coratanni Cartel.

"Come." Natalia implored Slevin, taking his hand with a continuous pressure. The heels of her S.I.N. stilettos gave a steady and purposeful tattoo upon the floor, the pair moving beyond another hall of glasteel chambers towards a circular version right at the end.

Sliding the door open, Natalia flashed her beloved a smile. Inside there was but a small chair and a table. At the far end another door, but this one solid, the glass steel only reaching three quarters of the room.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Slevin took the indication.

Slowly the Crime Lord wandered into the room, eyes flicking over most everything inside. He trusted Natalia of course, she would never betray him or see him come to harm, but paranoia had set in as of late due to their latest run in with the cartels here on Zeltros. He wanted to ensure that he was safe, but more than that he wanted to ensure that his beloved was safe. He would not have anyone harm her, and it was places like this that were perfect for an ambush.

One had to be careful. "Come here."

He ordered as he sat himself down in the chair, gesturing to Natalia who quickly came to settle in his lap.

The Crime Lord watched with quiet interest, his lips thinning as he turned to face the glasteel. He was sure that Natalia had some sort of a presentation in order, though just what it was he had no idea. He had yet to see any of the new HRD's in action, but his beloved was confident they would impress.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

The distance was cut short by Natalia's saunter, the woman coming to a standing stop right within the vee of his thighs. Large hands, one organic and the other artificial, came up to drift over the blonde's ample curves, charting a terrain he knew all to well. His equal in as so much as his by a proprietary claim.

Natalia's own hands came up, threading through the silk of his dark hair, sweeping it back away from his angular face. Those fingers at her hips dug in, bringing her ever closer, the sway of her slinky dress almost grazing the line of his jaw.

"We have cut down those who would dare. " Natalia added, as if in tune to Slevin's concerns and paranoia. Yet one could never be too careful.

"Tell me more about Ms. Perl... I am anxious to see more of her and you, my love." there was truth to her words. It excited her to see Slevin work his wiles with the Zeltron. There was a rush that she received at watching him work a more subtle game. A game all the more sweeter when he brought a taste of her for Natalia to enjoy.

In the meantime, the director was in the process of accessing the prototype for Slevin to review. They would arrive shortly with Maile.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

He considered her question for a moment. Slevin had already told Natalia much about Miss Perl and exactly what they had gotten up to. He spared his beloved no lack of detail, though perhaps she was seeking something more, observations that she herself might make had she met the Zeltron herself.

Slevin had never been particularly bothered with such things. His method and means were usually violence and brutality. He did not gently cup the flower, he crushed it within his grasp. It was the great contrast between he and Natalia, though it seemed those lines could be blurred at a moments notice. Both of them were skilled, both of them were quick learners, and the more he thought on Miss Perl the more he realized he enjoyed playing his little game with her.

Something that he had already shared with Natalia. "She is independent."

His fingers floated beneath her clothing, bracing against her skin.

"Strong." Slevin considered. "But scarred. Deep within her back, and her mind. She's a Zeltron, but I think holds herself in higher regard than others of her species. Not above them, but more controlled. It's lovely to watch her lose it."

Something that Slevin had already enjoyed once.

"I like her." He said as he brushed his lips against her, Natalia would know exactly what his words meant. "She's more than just a ditzy little girl."
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

A throaty chuckle came bubbling forward, a distinct predatory gleam coming to her eyes. Hearing such tidbits on Ms. Perl was promising indeed.

Her fingers ran through his hair, the strands clinging to those slender digits. A dark forelock fell over his brow, and she delicately went sliding it back.

"You need to woo her," Natalia told him, lips twisting into a wolfish grin.

"She may be independent.. but Zeltrons do adore their little tidbits of pleasure and appreciation." she bent down, breathing along with his ear and nipping at the lobe with her teeth.

"Make her writhe under the palm of your hand, my love." there was a hitch of excitement in her voice. Anticipation. Greed.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]


What an entirely foreign concept.

Oh Slevin already did such things for Natalia. That came as naturally to him as breathing. He bought her gifts, stole her valuables, doted on her as though she were nothing less than a Queen. Yet no one else had ever received such treatment, no one else had even seen a glimpse of it. Some of the girls at the club received complements, smaller glimpses of the joy that Slevin could provide, but they never got what Natalia had. He considered for a moment.

"Perhaps she craves something deeper." He said simply. "Perhaps she wants more than to just be another Zeltron in a row, more than an object to lust after."

He was no expert, but he'd seen how Joza squirmed and moved.

"Perhaps she wants, love." The idea amused him slightly, not for any real reason, but because Slevin had only ever loved one being.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]

A throaty chuckle followed. Now that was a rather curious thought. Indeed, to a degree, one could even suggest that such a concept that a Zeltron desired love would be laughable.

Well, then again...Love was a way to manipulate others. A rather fleeting emotion, one that the riff-raff that they dealt with never truly were able to comprehend.

"Love." she echoed in emphasis.

"A Zeltron?" her fingers continued their playful trace along the shell of his ear, humming at the slide of Slevin's hands over her skin.

"Beyond the physical? How quaint."

Her green eyes studied her beloved.

"Mmm....then make her believe it." it was a game and an enjoyable one at that. Yet they both knew exactly where they stood with one another. No one else could come between them. No one else would be the same. Like knew like. They loved each other; like sharks loved the scent of blood in the water.

He could give this Joza Perl the illusion of love, a taste of spice much like any other drug. But Natalia knew, as her fingernails went raking over Slevin's neck -- it would never equal to the emotion Slevin gave her.

No, that was a line one could never cross.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

It was not difficult for Slevin to imagine this, how it would all work and wander.

He had already done most of the job, he just needed to sprinkle a bit more..attention on it. Joza was smart, at least from what he could tell, and in truth he wasn't quite sure if he would be able to fool her, not completely. There were some things that were simply beyond him. "She is a force user."

The Crime Lord added.

Neither Slevin, nor Natalia feared those that could use the force, in fact more often than not they were little more than a joke to them. Sure Sith and Jedi were dangerous, but they could be killed just like any other creature. With Joza however, there was no killing her, at least not unless she discovered his truth.

"I may have to tread lightly." He said as his fingers sprawled over her skin. "I'm unsure of what she's capable of."

Would she be able to detect his lies?

So far she hadn't, but he would have to make sure that it stayed that way.

Distraction was the way to go, giving her not a second to question or ask anything of him.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

A force user? Ah, that so-called mystical hoodoo. The upper lip of her crimson mouth gave a slight upward twitch. Her nostrils flared, and the woman gave a tilt of her head. Exotic green eyes went narrowing, focusing on that information.

"We do need to be careful." she agreed, letting the sharp tips of her nails rake down his shoulder and over the wirey brawn of his arm.

"Perhaps, it is also a way to discover just what make her weak. This Force is nothing but a crutch... we can take advantage of it." And find a way to neutralize Ms. Perl if required.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

He nodded, albeit slowly.

"I have no idea how she utilizes it." Slevin admitted, something that bothered him. From what they knew of the force it was mostly for combat, though it had other applications that went far beyond such things. Unfortunately they had never managed to capture a Jedi or a Sith alive to truly understand it, though perhaps they wouldn't have to.

"I could ask her." He mused. "I'm sure I could get her in a relaxed state."

That was usually when people were more apt to opening up.

"Question her on her abilities." Though he would have to be careful about it, slow, subtle, perhaps even playful. He mused for a moment more on the idea of it, how he could go about finding out more about her.

Everyone liked to feel unique, perhaps that was the way.

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