Short Swords
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Action: Finishing Martial Training
Outfit (No Right Arm)
The practice dummy received several kicks but with a single left swing the flurry of attacks ended. Ariana sighed and felt her knuckles pulsate, warm and her skin had already reddened despite the well-worn wrappings around them. Her eyes narrowed as she continued to inspect her sole fist and unclenched her fingers with a large sigh. It had been nearly two hours and yet the young Du Couteau heir felt no less tired than when she first began this morning.
Coruscant, for all its trillions of inhabitants, felt rather lonesome in the Jedi Temple. The wide expanse of the galaxy beckons the many would-be Knight and Masters to explore systems not yet protected by the Galactic Alliance Defence Fleet. Perhaps a bit strangely Ariana for the most part enjoyed staying well within the Inner-Core worlds. Her home-world being Empress Teta played a rather large part of her bais; but her father had taken them and her brother to Wild Space and nothing there attracted the young Du Couteau heir.
The practice dummy remained motionless and with a soft pat with her left hand Ariana walked away to gather her bag and gear. Her studies needed to be done, but those deadlines were as far away as the far reaches of Galactic Alliance controlled space. The only task that she had evaded with little justifications were her meditation hours. Rolling her eyes as she drank water, Ariana had little wiggle room left to continue ignoring her meditation requirements.
“Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta,” She mumbled as she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Her annoyance was clearly expressed across her face as she walked down the lengthy hallways of the Coruscant Jedi Temple. While she relished each and every opportunity to be alone, the unfortunate reality that it often allowed little to no distractions to help her avoid her meditations.
What more could she do to keep herself distracted before reaching the mediation chamber.
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Action: Finishing Martial Training
Outfit (No Right Arm)

The practice dummy received several kicks but with a single left swing the flurry of attacks ended. Ariana sighed and felt her knuckles pulsate, warm and her skin had already reddened despite the well-worn wrappings around them. Her eyes narrowed as she continued to inspect her sole fist and unclenched her fingers with a large sigh. It had been nearly two hours and yet the young Du Couteau heir felt no less tired than when she first began this morning.
Coruscant, for all its trillions of inhabitants, felt rather lonesome in the Jedi Temple. The wide expanse of the galaxy beckons the many would-be Knight and Masters to explore systems not yet protected by the Galactic Alliance Defence Fleet. Perhaps a bit strangely Ariana for the most part enjoyed staying well within the Inner-Core worlds. Her home-world being Empress Teta played a rather large part of her bais; but her father had taken them and her brother to Wild Space and nothing there attracted the young Du Couteau heir.
The practice dummy remained motionless and with a soft pat with her left hand Ariana walked away to gather her bag and gear. Her studies needed to be done, but those deadlines were as far away as the far reaches of Galactic Alliance controlled space. The only task that she had evaded with little justifications were her meditation hours. Rolling her eyes as she drank water, Ariana had little wiggle room left to continue ignoring her meditation requirements.
“Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta,” She mumbled as she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Her annoyance was clearly expressed across her face as she walked down the lengthy hallways of the Coruscant Jedi Temple. While she relished each and every opportunity to be alone, the unfortunate reality that it often allowed little to no distractions to help her avoid her meditations.
What more could she do to keep herself distracted before reaching the mediation chamber.