Davik Tren
The Friendly Fiend
Nar Shaddaa
Outside the Soaked Tusken
Just one more night on this planet... Davik had been to a lot of sleazy scum ridden areas of the galaxy, but none very well compared to Nar Shaddaa. Everywhere you went the air was overwhelmingly filled with pollution. Dust, smoke, puke, and oil. This could also be do to the fact that he was walking along the cities lower levels, and the lower levels of Coruscant were rarely known to be any more sanitary.The sight of the familiar glowing sign which included a comical image of a Tusken Raider drowning in some sort of tropical drink, though this was to be no indication of what was waiting inside. He knew because he had sought this place out on his first trip to the planet, that client was long dead however.
Upon entering the usual scent of a hideaway would hit a patron's nostrils, as it now did with the spacer who set his flight bag in one of the booths and ordered a Corellian Ale, his drink of choice. Who knows... Something may come along tonight.
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