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Divining Fortunes, Forging for New Truths

Divining Fortunes, Forging for New Truths

The number seventy eight. Each being numbered. All representing a symbol. To each holding hidden truths that divine your future.

The Star, the moon, the magician, and the fool, all can be equations to turn events, and shape futures. The Ace, The Pinnacle of Swords. To shape this story, this possible future, this card is revealed. Do we perchance to uncover a hidden truth... or rather a lost truth?
Location: Hivi Spacestation; Along the Metellos Trade Route ( The Sapphire Purse Cantina)
Waiting For: [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Nemesis Nemonus"] [member="Vehanv Kiva"]

The Sapphire Purse, yes keeping to its theme there was a excess of blue in its decor. There was not a large crowed in the cantina, maybe a total of nine customers, two waitress, and the bar tender. Sitting in a booth and waiting for a waitress, Yokuni safely assumed there was a cook hiding in the back. It was not an educated guess. There was a Duro up at bar eating some kind of covered bread product that inside had some type of white stringy product, it most likely bantha cheese.

It took a little while for a female Twi’lek waitress to come over. Not that it was important to Yokuni but her skin were lovely two tone shades of purples. She was at least middle aged and by appearances had a hard life. When she spoke she was pleasant enough, the hard years was evident within her voice. Yokuni’s order was simple enough, whiskey. Just a small fraction of a moment later the Twi’lek maid went and procured a bottle and a glass and returned it to Yokuni. Now it was just a matter of time for everyone to gather.

It was not going to be a large group. But it was a range of different types of people, people coming from different corners of the galaxy. The Hivi Station seemed like a logical place to met before heading to Tyhon. It was just a matter of time to see who would be joining him in this quest.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka had no real idea why he was going to this space station but he figured it'd be important. He flew in his FT-18 Pillar there so he could land in a small place. Once he landed, he searched for the Sapphire Purse cantina. There were many places in this space station but the Sapphire Purse was easy to point out. Making his way in there, Oka looked for someone specific. He walked by many people but he knew @Togashi Yokani would have whiskey. Oka figured he just got here so he went to where the latest waitress went. As he sat down, he said, "Togashi ..."
Leaving the unfilled glass and a bottle of whiskey the Twi’lek maid left Yokuni be and walked off. Warm and without anything extra he poured his drink. No ice, no soda, nothing. The coined term was straight up and that is how he preferred it. A soiled representation of he perception of life. Harsh, bitter, mixed with a bit of sweetness, and with a element of danger.

Just having poured his drink he seen one of his first guests to arrive, [member="Oka Osaa"] who had just came over and sat down. “Konnichiwa”, Yokuni dipped his head once in a respectful bow as Oka sat down. “Osaa-san, welcome. It may be a little time until everyone shows. Would you care for a drink?”

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"No thanks, I had a drank earlier. We'll probably be here for some time then." Oka said looking around. He wondered if Togashi knew a foreign language since he added san.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
Placing his own glass upon the table, Yokuni felt the stark textures of the whiskey slide through the back of his throat. It was a bit of flavor he knew all so well.

“Hai”, the h sounded deep when Yokuni vocalized the letter and as it rolled through the A sound to the letter I, the I sounded like a E sound. Hai, is yes from a Artisian dialect if his origins. Nodding when he had said yes was a indication Yokuni understood. Some people did not drink as much as him and that was fine.

Like everyone that was coming had set skills that would help uncover the mysterious of the lost art of forging Jedi Katanas. Oka had his own skill sets and just like nearly everyone that was coming this young man was Force Sensitive too. Yokuni knew little else of this young man. It was not like Yokuni was playing a mater mind assembling a group of people. He did not sit for hours pouring over the details of other people’s life trying to find the perfect group. Yokuni had let the Force guide him and others to this quest. For Yokuni this was not a quest for power. This trip for him was about expanding the quality of his own arts in forging by expanding his knowledge techniques that maybe similar but different. He was sure everyone coming would have their own reasons to inspire them for this quest.

“Have you ever been to Tyhon Osaa-san”, simple as the question was it seemed like a good place to start up a casual conversation while waiting for the others to show up.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka looked at Togashi. "No... no I haven't. What's it like?" he asked figuring he'd get a pleasant response. He wondered why he had asked that.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Togashi Yokuni"]

The 'Sapphire Purse Cantina' lived up to it's reputation. The azure tint to several walls reflected the overhead light almost making those walls appear to be glowing from within. Several patrons were spread within, enough for the cantina to make money, but not enough for the place to feel crowded or even full. Glancing at the bar he thought about heading there first but before he moved he felt the subtle draw from a table on the other side of the room.

A roll of his shoulders loosening his muscles as he strode over to where two men were speaking with one another. He felt the quiet presence of the two, but one of them seemed to be consciously shrinking their aura. He slid one of the chairs back and dropped his heavy frame into it. Leaning back he gave a curt nod while bracing his right forearm on the tabletop. The dull thud of a hidden gauntlet resonated on the wood.
It was a logical question [member="Oka Osaa"] asked. Yokuni was about to answer him when a another man approached and addressed them both in conversation.

Yokuni nodded to the man [member="Nemesis Nemonus"], who had just sat down. “Welcome, with you that makes three of us to have shown up thus far.”

Yokuni loked back over to Oka, “Tython is like many things, yet important, something things lost on the young. It is a planet vastly important to not just the Jedi but the Sith as well. It is the place for the first time these two words were first spoken. The twin moons Ashla and Bogan. Ashla the Light and Bogan the Dark. It is here nine star ships traveled to and they were the first temples. It was here pilgrims learned how to harness the powers of Force and the Jedi order began. A short jump in history Jedi learned to harness the power of the Darkside. The greater body of the Order deemed it forbidden to use. A order within the Jedi rose up, the order of the Legions of Lettow, the first order of Dark Jedi. A war was raged and the order of the Legions of Lettow fell. Who survived left and their journey took them to Korriban. There they met the race of the Sith, they breaded with them, together their studies of the Force grew together into the Sith we know today.”

“The story of how the Jedi and the Sith came to be is not way we come here today. It was the favored weapon the Jedi and the Legions of Lettow used that brings us together. The lost knowledge of the Jedi Katanas.”

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

She whistled behind her mask and under her hood, face and body shielded as she walked through the room and straight to the others sitting already. "I assume you are Mister Yokuni, Miss Cinthra sends her regards and her blade to help you with your research. You can call me shade." The robed and hidden woman watched the others, her eyes running over each of them in turn, noting the one of them whom she had already read reports on... it was a good thing to be apart of the One Sith at times, top notch intel and all she did was have to get through a few pesky firewalls. "When do we move out?" She stood, almost at attention as she wore two blasters and a vibroblade over her shoulder, shaped much like a Katana as it was.

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