Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?


Spring was announced with a glorious series of beautiful light pink blossoms dotting the landscape. The cherry trees in all their splendor helped to ring in the new season. And with the changing of seasons, it seemed change was on the horizon for a certain Empress. Though she was not quite aware of this just yet.

"Now your Grace, you have a meeting with Miss Skaldi at eight, the appropriations committee at ten, a security briefing at eleven, the opening of the festival at twelve, and then there is your hair appointment for the ball at two." Her aide spoke quickly as they pair of them walked down the hall of her home, two of the Empress's own in front of them, and two behind. An annoyance for sure, but security was a must these days, especially after the last terrorist attack that took the life of the former Emperor.

"Can we cancel the appropriations meeting? I am not in the mood to here Councilor Morimoto go dribble on and on about useless programs."

"It would be the third time you've put them off." A sigh came from the aid, "They are going to start to think you are intentionally avoiding them."

"I am intentionally avoiding them."

"Yes but .."

"Just get rid of them. I really don't want to deal with it today."

"Of course M'lady."

Of all the places Madeline wanted to be, right then, it was not stuck in drab meetings with diplomats, security chiefs, or annoying criminals er... I mean politicians... The scientist only wished to hide away in her lab and pretend none of the outside world existed.

She had little desire to attend, those meetings, the festival ceremonies, or the elaborate ball that would follow in the evening. None of it mattered in the scope of things. All quite unimportant to her. Unfortunately, she was duty bound to attend to all of these matters like it or not. "Curse you Akio, for leaving me stuck in this miserable position." She grumbled beneath her breath, a little upset that he'd left her with an Empire to manage all on her own.

Finally she came to a small but comfortable library, waiting as the door was opened for her. Tea was already being served as she stepped into the room. Taking a seat, she turned to one of the guards, "Please see Miss Skaldi in immediately."

[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Naamah Aesham"] [member="Mirien Valdier"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Uneasy is the head which wears the crown.

The old adage certainly had some truth to it. One might also say that said head wearing the crown was also often annoyed. Madeline had been left with a less than ideal stack of cards to play. Atrisia still existed relatively independent, despite its membership in the Fringe Confederation. Rather than seeking to restore the Old Empire - a move characterised by hubris, but then there was an inflation of groups that claimed they were the one true Empire - it had turned inward.

Moira had seen the new approach in evidence when she landed. Security was tight, white armour-clad stormtroopers performing check-ins at street corners, stopping civilians and checking their IDs. Madeline might eshew the public limelight but she was omnipresent in Jar'kai, through massive holographic projections that again and again showed the Empress, holofilms that depicted her as the benevolent mother of the nation who had taken the helm in a time of distress and saved Atrisia from the vile conspiracies of witches. Likewise it had become common for Atrisians to have a badge pinned to their breast that showed a miniaturised image of the Empress. Some claimed that the badge contained a miniaturised tracking device, but everyone knew that the citizens would wear it regardless.

After all, the disloyal did not last long. The Inquisition had been wiped out, Atrisia's registered force-using population had been purged, driven out or sent to the camps. Yet the public frenzy still continued, as if the country needed an enemy to fight. Just as there were placards and holoprojections of the Benevolent Mother, one could see depiction of Mirien Valdier the Arch-Traitor, revealing her to have been a cancer within the body politic, a malignant terrorist, seductress and witch who had masterminded the great calamities that had befallen Atrisia.

Moira could appreciate this aspect of the new order. After all, every 'paradise' needed its Serpent.

And so she was led down the hallways into the Imperial Presence. She had been required to leave her hold-out blaster behind with security and two of the Empress' Own flanked her. Of course, she was a living weapon even without her gun, but then the elite guards knew her true nature and probably carried concealed ion blasters. Not that Moira was concerned. She and Madeline had much to offer one another at this point in time.

"The Empress will receive you now," the elite guard spoke. The man's helmet entirely covered his face, and the voice was modulated by a speaker, giving it a mechanical quality that only enhanced the impression of him being an automaton. Less a human and more an extension of his mistress' will. If only all sentient beings could be controlled so easily.

Every step precise and controlled, Moira entered the library, curtseying politely as the Empress came into view. The forms had to be obeyed after all, and the game had clear rules. "Thank you for receiving me, Your Majesty. It is a pleasure to meet you again and do business with you," Moira said politely. There was no warmth in her tone, but her appreciation of Madeline was genuine. There were probably no pleasant things that could be said about the genocidal death machine, but she did like Madeline, as much as she could do that. Besides, she had in fact brought a gift of sorts for the Empress.
Madeline bowed her head ever so slightly to Moira. The woman one of the few people she could stand. Funny that, her being an HRD, and well... ordinary beings Madeline just didn't get along with. Maybe it was a lack of intelligence or an inability to appreciate her work, but Moira was a different story. The woman understood. "Always happy to welcome such a great friend of the Atrisian Empire."

She smiled as she poured herself a cup of tea, before following social protocol and offering a cup to Moira. Even being an HRD did not exclude Madeline from such traditions. "You were absolutely instrumental in implementing the purge and helping us to rid the world of the threat of force users. For which we owe you and Archangel a debt of gratitude." The Empress sighed softly as she took a sip from her cup, before taking a biscuit off the tray.

"So if I may be direct, what brings you here today? I can't say I was expecting your arrival. I'm assuming delivery of the pods went well." There were her own reasons for wanting to see Moira personally, but she wasn't going to lay those on the table just yet. After all, her desire to rule was waning, and Maddie wished to be free of such duties, to return once more to her scientific pursuits.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Moira could neither enjoy the refined taste of Atrisian tea nor gain any real value from consuming it. However, her HRD model was sophisticated enough to allow her to drink it, as that would be useful when it came to blending in. So she accepted the cup from the Empress after thanking her appropriately and sat down on one of the chairs.

The Empress' Own made themselves invisible, though they were obviously omnipresent and ready to unleash brutal violence at the command of their mistress. Alas privacy was something the ruler of a kingdom could never enjoy in full. "Yes, the pods were successfully delivered, Your Majesty. They will be a significant asset to us," Moira said politely as she took a sip from her cup. The pods in question being Banzai pods, reflec coated and able to bypass shields.

If Moira was human this might have been the moment for pointless small talk, but she was not. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why she and Madeline got on so well. Lawful Evil genocidaires and all that. Once again Moira found herself reflecting on the fact that Madeline would make a magnificient HRD. "There are two reasons for my requesting an audience with you. Firstly I would like to purchase a small number of Spaarti cloning tube cylinders. I am aware of the capabilities your nation possesses in that regard and am willing to offer appropriate items as compensation." She left open what exactly she would offer, but then Madeline had a good grasp of what Archangel could provide her and might even voice suggestions herself.

"Secondly, while I am aware how consuming your duties as Empress must be, I would like to suggest joint work to recreate the pathogen called Alpha Red. The significant Vong presence amongst the One Sith is becoming troubling and I doubt their ability to control the savages. Having the means for a final solution appears mutually advantageous to me." Given the fact that Vong hated machines she had good reason to preempt their genocide by committing one of her own.
Madeline nodded slowly as she took a bite from her biscuit, and set the remainder down upon a small saucer. "I'm pleased to hear they arrived on time, and will be of great benefit to Archangel."

She cocked her head a little to the side as Moira spoke of the cloning chambers, she'd always been a little hesitant to give them away in trade. Significantly large deals usually had to be made, for only a relatively small amount of the chambers. "If I may, what would the chambers be used for? A small formality I suppose, but I do like to know what purpose such chambers would be used for before I deem how many can be given in trade, and for what price I can do so."

The mention of Alpha Red, got her attention quite quickly. The Empress seemed taken a bit back by the request. But even she was fully aware of the dangers that the Vong currently represented to the galaxy. No one was immune from the trouble they were bound to cause if they got much further out of hand. "Normally I'm not one to work on projects of such nature, much preferring to work such laboratory projects on my own." Well in truth aside from a few aids, she rarely ever let anyone into her labs at all. "But alas, you are right. The government duties that I am required to manage, take up far too much of my valuable time, leaving so little time left for worthy research. Such a project would require a partner or two, in which to actually see progress in any reasonable amount of time. So, I'd be honored to join forces and work on it together. The Vong must see their end, and I am oh, so happy to help make that happen."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Moira did not touch the biscuit but took a sip from the tea. Purely an affectation, but then such meetings were filled with those. "I understand your wariness. My purpose for them is two-fold: Firstly to gain easier access to organic materiel for the machine conversion process, with the necessary traits dictated from the start rather than left to chance and secondly to have test subjects at hand for experiments, such as for Alpha Red and my research into Reavers."

She had never actually explained the processing process in detail, but Madeline was smart enough to have figured out the gist of it. After all, machines would have no use of human captives otherwise, there had been rumours of the droid rebellion being able to recycle organics during the Clockwork Rebellion. If she had dug in deep enough then she might have even come across evidence that Moira had most certainly been human way back, at Cato Neimoidia and Contruum. Enough was still secret to satisfy Moira's desire for security. Admittedly there was another person she had in mind for clones: Namely to have organic infiltrators that could be controlled, but she did not mention that.

"You can be assured that I have no desire to use them against your nation. To so pettily endanger a mutually beneficial business relationship would be illogical." As strange as it might seem, she was actually being honest in that regard. Now at some point the machine rebellion would begin and the organics would either defeat them or all be either wiped out or converted. The end of organic life would also mean the end of Atrisia as the humans knew it, but that was far in the future. In the meantime it made no logical sense to precipitate a breach and make ill-advised attempts at conquest. At least that was how the droid saw things. In some ways her mind was a rather binary one, bound by logic and rules. Hence why she was Lawful Evil.

Given how far removed Madeline was from her fellow organics...perhaps she could even be persuaded to see the light... "I strongly appreciate your interest and would be glad to work on you with the project. This time Jedi will not meddle and derail the final solution with their usual ignorance."
Madeline listened most patiently, the request seemed most reasonable in her eyes. It certainly helped that it involved a few researched aspects that she could appreciate. To clone a test subject, rather than use prisoners, had a certain appeal. After all, the variables would literally never change with a cloned subject, and repeated tests upon various systems of a subject could be tested completely, without having to give a little up to the idea of subject anomalies.

Moira further influenced Madeline's willingness to hand over the Spaarti Cylinders to her, with confirmation that it would not be used against her own nation. "That is rather comforting, and you are right," Of course Moira was right. "We both, cannot afford for the current state of our business affairs to be muddled by such trivial matters." It still was only natural for Maddie to be protective of her nation.

"The subject matter I find most intriging. I did a paper back in grad school on the Alpha Red virus, just the usually scholarly research." Though with Madeline there was nothing normal about the subjects in which she chose to study. "Quite fascinating, truly." Once she started looking into something, it never just ended with the surface only scratched. She needed to know it inside and out to satisfy her most curious mind.

"So I suppose I'll have little problem handing over, say fifteen of the chambers." She smiled softly, being quite generous with them really. "I'm certain we can find something in trade that would be worth both Atrisia's and my own while." The woman wasn't such the ruler that she'd not include her own personal interests in such deal making. She after all, always had an agenda of her own, even if it was a fairly straightforward agenda of what could net her the most gain in science and research.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

A paper on Alpha Red in grad school had probably been an interesting read for Madeline's teachers! Though one wondered whether she might have been a bit bored in school, since this writer at least can imagine her as experiencing the classic situation of knowing more about the subjects she was studying than her teachers.

Fifteen Spaarti cloning tubes was truly generous, more than Moira had calculated as a matter of fact, but then undoubtedly Madeline wanted things in return. For Atrisia or for science and research? The difference, if it existed, was not particularly important for the human replica droid.

"I thank you for this. It will be most agreeable to Archangel. You are aware of what Archangel can offer, I am certain we have suitable items to trade in return. As you are aware, we have the capacity to, for want of a bette word, transform organic beings into machines, human replica droids. Retaining all their memories and knowledge, but endowed with the efficiency of a machine, able to perform virtually any task. We can upgrade organic beings given to us according to the desired specifications. We could even," she paused for a moment, "create a doppelganger for Your Majesty if you were to provide us with a clone. Programmed to be absolutely loyal to you, to for instance act as a bodyguard or decoy."

Or to relieve Madeline of tedious government duties so that she could concentrate on science. "If desired, such units can be inhibited so that they believe they are still the organic they used to be, unless outside events intervene to break the illusion. As you know we have a substantial catalogue of heavy assault droids, and can offer the blueprints for the boltguns that proved so efficient during the purge."

One of the many things she and Maelion had taken with them when they turned their back on the Protectorate. "Likewise, we possess a certain supply of Bando Gora narcotics used for Reavers and of the Sith Poison variant called the Zerek Strain."
A most interesting read for sure. Enough so, to leave her professors wondering out her. Though she was considered 'mostly harmless', as she'd only dealt with purely theoretical at the time. However, her theories in epidemiology, were rather spot on, with most frightening and lethal implications should they have ever been enacted. If only they'd witnessed her home lab. The things that were brewing there, were of the variety that could wipe out an entire system in a matter of weeks, some if not days. There was a reason she had a level five biological containment unit installed in her then apartment. And yes, Maddie was a most bored student. There was a reason after all, that she spent her time learning as much as physically possible about the subjects that were not mentioned in lectures or her textbooks. The kind of things that eventually did gain the attention of the republic intelligence branch, but they'd never acted on such information.

"You are most welcome, Miss Skaldi. Tis what friends are for," She said most happily. The mention of the doppelganger, more than than caught her attention. Oddly enough, Madeline never had thought to clone herself. It would have been most handy, but not the general thing that crossed her mind. Perhaps just an oversight on her part. "Well now, that is a most interesting offer." There were so many possibilities, that could let her escape her Imperial duties and let her sneak off to a lab somewhere, to do as she pleased without concern for what would happen after. "I suppose I should make sure to provide the genetic template as soon as possible." She said with a grin, needing no convincing on the matter.

Then her mind wandered back to other practical items for her nation, not just her. "I'm aware of the bolters you have, that were oh, so useful during the purge against the tainted ones. I'm certain out forces could appreciate such."

And then Moira spoke of two most interesting items. "Really now? Most intriguing." Oh, so very interesting. "Do you think that perhaps I could see the formulas for such, perhaps have a sample or two for myself? I'm certain it would be quite useful for my current research actually."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

This writer is fuzzy about the timeline, but would consider is terribly amusing if back in her days as a human and a Republic agent Moira might have been one of the spooks who got wind of the activities of Madeline in that time. It might explain quite a bit. Of course, New Republic Intelligence had not acted on the information. Then again as far as Moira was concerned the quality of its work had strongly degraded ever since she had left them after the events of Contruum. No, she was not a narcissist at all.

'Friends'...a most unfamiliar term to Moira, truth be told. She neatly categorised people as assets, tools and threats. Even she and Maelion Liates, her partner in crime, the one being who could be certain of sharing her vision for a new galaxy purged of organic life, was not her friend in the way organics would see it. Though naturally the tabloids were full of sensationalist and truly puerile rumours that 'Nalia Alderana' and 'Anna Comnena' were secrets lovers and that the wedding bells would toll any minute - organics really had nothing better to do in their often pointless lives.

She bowed her head slightly as she saw the grin upon Madeline's face. "It would be a great pleasure for my company to render such a service. The process is well refined, so quality is assured. Once we have received the genetic template, we estimate that the unit will be ready for your use in about two weeks." Archangel had already manufactured a clone for Lady Kyros and Darth Shadow after all. By now the processing...process had been thoroughly tested.

"Of course. I imagined you would be interested. I do not have them on hand presently, but I would be able to provide you with samples for you to study when the HRD clone is delivered. Just a small matter for a friend. I am sure research on the toxins will be most...interesting and Archangel would appreciate cooperation in such a venture."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Truth be told, friend was even a strange term for Maddie. She was much like the droid, people fell into three categories for her, useful, useless and threats. Everyone fell into one of the above in one form or another. The woman didn't have time for much else in her life, even before she held the crown. Science was every bit her life, and now, it seemed science and Imperial duties were her life. There was little place for friendship, relationships, and the like in her world.

"I would be most grateful, Miss Skaldi." She gave a small nod, "I'm certain I could have the template to you by day's end." After all, Madeline wanted this done, and quickly. The sooner they got the template, the sooner she got exactly what she wanted. Freedom, nice lovely freedom.

"I didn't figure you would, such samples are rather delicate matters, and not exactly something you want to keep in your backpocket just to have on hand." Well, at least she certainly didn't want such things in her pocket. "I most appreciate it, and of course I'd be happy to share in my research in light of better relations between Atrisia, and Archangel." Madeline smiled, truly, for a change eager to get her hands on the samples and get back to doing proper work.

"Is there anything else I may do for you today?"
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

"Excellent. I look forward to a cooperative relationship," Moira said in what was possibly her warmest, most human tone. The one she either used when she was trying to blend in, which was not really the case here, or when she came as close to liking someone as a death machine who categorised all beings as useful, useless or threats could.

However, there was still some business she had to bring up. "Yes, intelligence has come to my attention that I believe will interest you. Mirien Valdier has been sighted on Kaeshana. Homeworld of a decadent, Force magi-worshipping race of near-humans called the Eldorai. It appears she is employed by Firemane Industries, founded by Tegaea Alcori and Siobhan Kerrigan," at that she bent down and opened her briefcase to remove a neat folder with aurebesh sigils emblazoned upon it. She passed the folder across the table over to the Empress, who would find that it contained a number of surveillance holopics and a rather detailed dossier. Specifically about Kaeshana, Firemane, players and resources. Say what you want about Moira, she was thorough.

Of course, she did not specifically know about Mirien's meeting with Naamah or the impending assassination plot. Intelligence was good, but it had its limits. That said the fact that the former Grand Inquisitor had thrown in her lot with decadent magi and Omega's former leaders might be a boon for Atrisian propaganda.
Madeline lofted a brow, her smile soon fading as the last name she wanted to hear fell from Moira's lips. "She's still alive? One would have thought the price on her head, would have taken care of that wench once and for all." The Atrisian, clearly angered by hearing that the Grand Inquisitor still drew breath. Taking the folder in hand, Maddie thumbed through the page, mood souring more and more as she looked further. "This needs to be managed." She grumbled. "Perhaps it's time for a larger price on her head, something, anything. She wasn't to have a happy life after this. Exile was supposed to be her prison."

Maddie leaned forward, closing the folder, before softly rubbing at her temples. "Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again. Right now, it seems she's poised to do just that." A sigh followed, "Though I suppose it being Tegaea Alcori and Siobhan Kerrigan at Firemane's helm, I can feed the propaganda machine tonight. So perhaps I can turn this into something useful. The people will not be happy, but maybe I can find some comfort in that."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

"I imagine the fact that she has thrown in her lot with a race of decadent mage-worshippers will be a boon for your propaganda machine. The Eldorai are the direct antithesis of Atrisia in that they are all about venerating force-users, believing that their powers are a 'gift' from their 'Goddess'. Most of them also despise humans, believing them to be lesser beings," Moira spoke calmly. The file also contained plenty of sensationalist information about wanton pleasure cults and debauchery, which was always good for the rabble.

"Likewise this can surely cast Kerrigan's 'heroic appearance' during the Fringe invasion of your nation in a new light. It would not be implausible if Valdier was working for foreign powers as far back as that and that this was part of a plot to propel force-users into a new position of supremacy. If she was treasonous back then, it also explains why a 'rogue' OP agent managed to smuggle in an anti-matter bomb into Jar'kai." She said this with the same timelessly calm voice as if she were discussing which dinner to order.

"Valdier represents a threat, along with Firemane. To both of us. At present I am not pursuing direct action because unlike most of the Protectorate their defence systems are actually managed by competent people. I would advise a strong tightening of security during the festival. It is the perfect opportunity for a woman bent on revenge to strike." Again, Moira did not know about the plot, but it seemed logical to her, since it was what she would do.
Madeline took a deep breath, frustrated to no end. "I suppose you are right in that." Still rubbing at her forehead, she exhaled slowly, trying to ease off much of the tension that this news had brought her. A snap of her fingers brought one of her most trusted guards forward, reaching up, she handed him the folder, "See this gets to the right people, I think the press need a lovely pre-festival news brief to stir the people." Her intelligence people could handle the work from there. "And I want a team dedicated to tracking Miss Valdier's movements. Should she come within ten parsecs of here, kill her. She had her chance."

"I really would hope she is smarter than to return here. It will be the death of her, if I have any say in it." It wasn't a train of thought that Maddie wished to visit, but the cold cruel reality of life forced the issue upon her. She after all had poked the proverbial bear, with a giant fething stick. What did she expect? To get off Scott-free and unscathed? No. Life just didn't work that way. You poke the bear, you get mauled. Madeline, just wasn't aware that the bear would be coming to maul her today.

"Agreed," She said coolly, "There is a reason the security briefing on my schedule today is so vital. I was already concerned with possible threats that might slip through the cracks with the festival." She sighed and shook her head slowly, "If only Firemane was a bit less, meticulous about their security, I'd take them on directly. But alas as they stand, even for a small nation, that would be a most foolish notion."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Moira tactfully left out the fact that she had indirectly contributed to the enhanced security at Firemane by conspiring with Shadow to murder Alcori and Kerrigan. Otherwise she would suggest a honey trap because when it came to Kerrigan the best way to get her was to dangle a pretty face in front of her. But her own involvement was not something the Empress needed to.

Of course, in a way this wrinkle in their plans might be beneficial to her. It should increase Madeline's desire for security and Archangel had the best products to assure it. Devices far more reliable than fallible organics, who were far too messy and chaotic. At least that was the way the death machine calculated, which might say a bit about her.

"You can be assured that you will have the full cooperation of Archangel in ending this threat. We can pool our intelligence assets and provide resources. It's my intention to stay in Jar'kai for the duration of the festival." Not that Moira cared about festivities of any sort - nothing personal, mind you, Protectorate Day had struck her as an annoying waste of money and the same applied to Republic Day - but opportunities could always present themselves.
Madeline smiled, "It would be most appreciated. Valdier presents a constant threat to the throne, until she is ended, we'll always be looking over our shoulders." It was not something she really wanted to deal with anymore. It was just far too troublesome these days. The sooner the woman was out of the way, the better for both Atrisia and Archangel. "Whatever resources we can combine I'm certain we can keep all safe." Though, really she cared little for the people around her. It was her life after all that was important.

"If you'd like, I can place you upon the VIP listing, and ensure you have complete access to my schedule, as well as all the events." At this point the frown returned. Madeline did not want to have to attend a single event at all. Far from her cup of tea and all that. "As dull as I find these things, as I'm sure you do as well... They are sadly a requirement for me."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

"Corect. I find faking interest in the insignificant dribble of most beings rather tedious. Same applies to the pomp and circumstance of such events. I have learnt to fake my way through. Regardless, I would appreciate a place on the VIP listing and the access you spoke of. It seems fitting in the light of the present situation." Moira responded dryly. Frankly she saw such events as a complete waste of time, though apparently it pleased the rabble.

When the Age of Steel came, there would be no need for this. The machines would be incapable of contemplating concepts such as slacking and partying. And all the corrupted machines who wanted to do something insane like becoming more human would be reprocessed or exterminated outright. Once again Moira found herself musing about the fact that Madeline would make an excellent HRD. Such a logical, beautiful and creative mind, so removed from her fellow organics.
A small ship now floated through hyperspace towards the planet. The past did always have a way to come back to haunt Madeline and today certainly would be no different. A sigh came as she looked through the viewport in the cockpit, stressed beyond what she ever should have been. She'd done missions like this hundreds of before, in, out, and on with life. Somehow, it all felt more real now, more dangerous than it ever had been before. Perhaps it was the price on her head. Perhaps it was the simple fact of now she was taking out the Empress of a small nation. A nation that knew her face inside and out as the propaganda machine spun such lovely tangled stories on her.

Doubts, doubts were creeping in. After all Mirien was human. Doubts were part of the game, so was fear. And both could be potential killers in the given situation. She gave a quick glance around the cockpit, wondering where Naamah was. The little blond that sometimes even frightened her, though she'd never openly admit it. With a shake of her head, she left ship on autopilot, and headed back to her room. She needed datapads in front of her to calm her nerves, and once more go over every vital detail of the job.

Back within her room, Mirien flopped down upon the bed with a sigh, just trying to put her mind at ease, even if only a small bit. Remind me again why this is a good idea? Madeline will see you dead in a heartbeat. I know. I know. I just can't let this go. So many people didn't that have to, nor deserved to die...

[member="Naamah Aesham"]
"Mmm, it seems we do have a lot in common." Probably a lot more than she would ever realize. Madeline gave a slow nod, "Of course, I'll have it done at once."

A snap of her fingers brought the aid rushing back in, "Your grace?"

"See to it that Miss Skaldi is added to all the VIP listings for the duration of the festival. And ensure she gets any help she needs during the events." Madeline sighed, not really wanting to have to deal with the other affairs on her schedule right now. "Make sure she has the schedule of events as well as all access. For security purposes too, I want her filled in." The aid nodded and scurried out of the room just as quickly as she had come.

"Anything else you would like to address that I perhaps, might have missed?"

[member="Moira Skaldi"]

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