[member="Edison Bulkhead"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Ostanes"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Ember's dang strong, but moving a planet...I'm not down with saying he's that strong.
Remember that Clone Wars episode where Nightsisters got doused in ritualized Water of Life, and it cloaked them for their attempt to assassinate Dooku? Well, I was reading the Book of Sith, and the ritual shoved them halfway into the Spirit Realm. Now, SW lore is chock full of alternate planes -- Beyond Shadows, the Gates of Grontiessant, Chaos, the monolith from Crucible, Otherspace, the Spirit Realm, etc.
Let's colonize one.
I'm thinking the Dathomiri Spirit Realm. Bit blasphemous from a Witch perspective -- it'd be like hopping over to Heaven and parking a motorhome, then going back and forth at will -- but why the heck not?