Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Do You Believe in Magik

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

The cityscape of Jutrand had been the home Aerik knew more than any other. His nature longed for the forests of Stewjon, the planet Gerwald had called home at one time. He loved visiting his father's old home, and roaming the woods to search out the cabin where his aunt and uncle used to join their father for hunts. The stories made it sound as though they had been close. Aerik often wondered what happened, and why he had never met them. Something had broken their pack, but Aer was not sure he wanted to know the cause of it.

He had become adept at sneaking out of the Academy without being noticed, or caught. It was too rigid and structured at times. While it was designed to bring up the next generation of leaders for the Sith Order, Aerik knew there were things he could never learn in an academic setting. He wanted life experience, the kind one could learn on the streets of the city. Kole and Vyra kept telling him he would get caught one day, but until then, he was going to continue.

Aerik kept to the rooftops for now. He did not want to be caught or draw too much attention to himself. The wolf pup simply wanted to observe the parts of life that did not interact with from the penthouse that had been his home. The blonde knew there were different stations in life. There were those who had and those who had not. Gerwald had always provided for his children. He gave them a life he never had. Conversely it came without the trials that made the Sith Lord the formidable warrior he was.

Studying under Carnifex for a season had been interesting on that front. Perhaps it made up for the lack of hardship. Being the son of Gerwald Lechner did not gain him any favors from his Kainite tutor. Aerik was more convinced the expectations were greater, and his master had been harsher because of it.

There were other traditions as well, Magik. Aerik had been exposed to it under Carnifex's training, but they had not delved deep into that aspect of force use. It was interesting, and there were certain places on Jutrand where such things thrived in secret. That was what Aerik was specifically looking for. He wanted to see it practiced or used. Part of him wanted to learn as well. Another approach could come handy in the academy, a secret weapon that could tip the scale in his favor. It could save his life if necessary.

His attention was drawn to a woman with forest colored hair. Even in the dark cover of night Aerik could see clearly. His species allowed him traits not possessed naturally by the typical human. While Aerik looked human, he was far from it. He remained on the roofline as she moved about the alleys of the city. The nagging thought she would lead him to where he wanted to go was too strong to ignore.

ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

The night air of Jutrand would whisper ancient secrets under this moon, secrets long forgotten beneath the layers of metal and concrete that had transformed the planet into a sprawling cityscape. Lesaj glided through the narrow alleys, her figure barely visible in the shadowy maze. The city's lights flickered in the distance, casting sporadic glows on her pale skin and forest-green hair. Her senses, honed by years of practice and discipline, detected the subtle presence of the young Sith Acolyte trailing her. He was careful, skilled even, but a subtle shift in the Force that signaled his curiosity and a hint of darkness had betrayed him. She felt his gaze, intrigued and cautious, as he observed her from the rooftops. Yet, she made no effort to deter him. Let him follow; the place she was going was not a secret that could be uncovered by mere observation.

Her steps led her to a dilapidated building. It was every bit tetric as it was dangerous, deep creaks in every pillar and roof groaning even under the smalles breeze. But that was not all. Upon crossing the threshold, the Force came alive. An ancient spell that had stood there even before the birth of the Thorn Queen. It kept people away and the place hidden, even from fellow gifted. For those who were fools enough to not heed the ominous sense of dread it instilled, the spell would worm deep inside their minds. Lesaj was no exception - the place she wanted to reach would not be entered without trial.

Suddenly, it all was a maze. She was standing in the conversion of what seemed like a thousand corridors, all straight and sprawling into endless darkness. The Witch began her walk down one of the paths, and if the little spy had been brave enough to follow - he would have to do the same. The visions began soon after. Horrors crawling in the walls, helpful faces promising to show the right way or the way out, places where the floor ended and every single instinct would scream not to continue unless one wanted to fall into the endless darkness below. The Witch remembered her first visit to this place...Her mind had almost broken, and for a second, she felt a mixture of pity and guilt for her young pursuer. She wandered what his trial would look like, what shapes and identities the maze would take for him.

Lesaj ignored every single thing that presented, no words spoken, no looks spared. Only the living weave guided her.

It took long to reach the final threshold, and beyond it her mind was hers again. A wall carved in symbols and ancient languages stood before her, but the witch did not press on. Instead, she stood guard, emerald eyes burning into that endless corridor she had just come from.

Would he reach her?
TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

One moment she was there, and the next she was not. If Aerik had not seen strange things in the academy he may not have believed it for himself. The priests would have found this one interesting, or perhaps she would have thought her to be an abomination. Aerik did not trust them, but neither did his father. Gerwald had never been the religious type, and perhaps that was why he disliked the witches as well. Those that formed a religion around the use of the force bothered the wolf, and it was a mustrust he passed onto his children.

Aerik was curious, however.

He leaped from the roof and walked along to the place he saw the woman disappear.


As though he stepped into something else, or someplace else, entirely. Aerik could not see, however, he should have been able to see. Panic set in as heat flooded the room. What was it he was witnessing? Cold, damp, hot and dry, the darkness changed with every step. A laugh could be heard in the deep darkness. Suddenly Aerik felt as though something was pursuing him, like something wanted to…

…devour him.

It was deep, and the ground began to rumble. Aerik ran and he ran until he could find a chance to escape. There was no end in sight. She had to be there somewhere, but Aerik could not see anything. What was he supposed to do? If he stopped the creature would consume him, if he did not stop he would eventually grow weak and the monster would catch him.

This felt wrong. Aerik was not supposed to feel like he was prey. Something inside him stirred. He recognized the feeling, a predator, a creature of some kind. It recognized what was chasing him, or that was what the pup seemed to gather from the sensation within. Should he turn to face it?

Resolve built up within him as he turned and growled at whatever it was that had been pursuing him. He ran toward it, but as he did something shifted. Aerik could feel his bones cracking. This was not supposed to happen, he could not change in an illusion. Was this an illusion? It should have been painful but it wasn’t. Fur grew from his back, hands turned to paws. He was a wolf.

He was his… father’s wolf.

Was this some sort of sign that he was meant to follow in his father’s footsteps? Aerik did not know what to think. He only knew that he continued to chase what had been hunting him. It would die by his hands. As he grew closer to it the ground shook even more violently. Whatever it was came into view.

Black and twisted. Fire came from its mouth. Wings spread from its back as though it could take flight at any moment. Aerik had to stop it. He had to leap into the air. Legs and muscles contorted and contracted. With a push, the wolf leaped into the air and moment, instant, Aerik was human again, and he was standing in an open room.

ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj watched the corridor intently, her emerald eyes piercing through the darkness as if seeking to unravel its very fabric. The hour grew late, and there was still no sign of the young one. Finally, she felt the shift in the atmosphere, a telltale sign, before the young acolyte passed through the illusion and reached her. Her lips curled into a faint, knowing smile. It was a test few passed without faltering, and yet here he stood, emerging from the depths of the trial.

As Aerik stepped into the chamber, the room seemed to breathe around him, ancient energies swirling in subtle acknowledgment of his presence. Lesaj observed him with a now inscrutable expression, her gaze flickering over him with a blend of curiosity and scrutiny.

"You've ventured far and faced the phantasms of your own making," Lesaj began, her voice-of-many resonant, carrying a weight that seemed to fill the room. "Well done, young one."

She stepped closer, her movements graceful and deliberate, each step echoing softly against the stone floor. Lesaj's presence was commanding, her aura exuding a calm yet potent energy. She studied Aerik, noting the remnants of his ordeal, the intensity in his eyes. There was a rawness to him, a potential untapped and unrefined.

"I see the mark of the Sith upon you. Is this a path of your choosing?"

Lesaj paused, her gaze unwavering as she awaited his response. There was no malice in her words, only a probing curiosity. She had encountered many Sith in her time, individuals driven by a myriad of motivations—very few of those she would have described as remotely noble. Her own experiences had left her wary of their kind, for she saw in them a tendency toward cruelty and greed, a lust for power that often blinded them to greater truths. And often did they impose their ways on others.

Yet, she did not judge Aerik outright, that was not her way. The Gloomswell had deemed him worthy of entry, and that alone spoke volumes. There was something different about this one, something that piqued her interest. Perhaps it was the way he had faced his fears or the way the shadows seemed to cling to him. Or perhaps it was his scent, for the witch could distinctly identify animal in him.

"You've earned your right to enter this place," she said, her voice softening slightly. "But know this: the Gloomswell is an ancient magik. It reveals much, yet it demands much in return." Her eyes never left Aerik's, a silent challenge and invitation lingering in her gaze. The choice was his, and it would determine the course of their interaction. However, for now the witch provided no more explanations.

"I would know your name, child. Will you speak it?"
TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

There was a moment where Aerik thought he may have moved from trial to the next, but that ended when the woman came into view and addressed him. What did she call this place? The Gloomswell? Wherever he had stumbled upon, the pup had certainly never heard about it. Why would he have? His time among the Sith had not been spent exploring Jutrand. Sure he had been raised in the city, but that did but mean he had free reign of it.

He looked down at his chest when she suggested he had the mark of the Sith upon him. What did that look like? It made him wonder if he had something on him he couldn't see, like a stain that he should have been embarrassed about. What was there to be ashamed of? He was Gerwald Lechner's son, and even if he was not, Aerik was a proud warrior in his own right even at a young age.

Had the Sith been his choice?


The answer was quick, almost as if it were conditioned. His curiosity was because of the path he was on. He did not have to enroll in the academy, even though Darth Carnifex had encouraged it. There was nothing else for him to do to advance. If Kaine Zambrano told him that was the path forward, then it was the path forward. His father trusted him, and so Aerik did.

His eyes turned back to the woman, observing her closer now that she was not shrouded by darkness. Her appearance was certainly unlike anything he had ever seen before. The green hair was not the only interesting quality about her. It was striking but also contrasted by her pale skin. Aerik was young, but he could still appreciate beauty when he saw it. This woman had her own form of it.


He wanted to ask what her name was, but for some reason he did not think he was in the place to ask or demand anything. It was not the most pressing question in his mind, however. She had mentioned the place would test him, demand more. Had it not just done that? Aerik did not know the vision meant, but whether it was he seemed to have passed the requirements to enter. Life was a series of tests in this phase of it it seemed.

"What now?"

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WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj watched as Aerik's resolve hardened, his quick and unwavering affirmation of his path could have been either a sign of deciseveness or just a practiced response - but Lesaj was not one to question. Even the delusions one made for oneself, where this the case, were a choice to be respected. The flicker of curiosity in his eyes did not go unnoticed, and she found herself intrigued by the young acolyte's spirit. The Gloomswell had chosen well, it seemed.

"The Gloomswell," she began, her voice rich with the weight of ages, "is an ancient nexus of power, not a naturally occuring concentration of the Force but a culmination of millennia of magik channeled into a singular spot. This place is bound by that same magik, and it is what keeps it hidden"

She extended a hand, gesturing towards the shadows that seemed to pulse with an almost sentient awareness. "You have passed the initial test, Aerik, but the journey I make is long and perilous. The energies here will test you, challenge you, and reveal truths that may be difficult to bear."

Lesaj's expression grew more solemn, her eyes locking onto Aerik's with an intensity that brooked no misunderstanding. "There are force specters and creatures that dwell within the Gloomswell. They are ancient and powerful, bound to this place by magik even I do not fully comprehend. You must observe several rules to avoid their wrath and the consequences of their attention. If you want to continue your walk I shall ward you while we are within. My presence will offer some protection, but you must heed my words carefully."

She took a step closer, her voice dropping to a near whisper, the gravity of her words sinking into the still air. "You do not touch them. You do not accept offerings and take nothing without paying a price. You do not thank them. And you do not speak your name. To break these rules is to forfeit things much more important than you ability to draw breath, child."

The Green Witch knew that he would soon come to understand that the Gloomswell was not merely a passage between this realm and the next. Once they crossed, the very fabric of life would unravel. Every single life they had touched, and had been touched by, they would bring with them in one way or the other. The Gloomswell would be connect not only to their own being, but to everything and everyplace that had made them be who they are for as long as they remained inside. Should he falter, it may take a piece of his life force, weakening him or shortening his lifespan. It may scar his mind, leaving him broken or mad. It may erase his memories, stealing moments of joy or the knowledge he'd gain so far. Or it may turn its curses on his loved ones, bringing misfortune or even death to those he held dear even if he made it out unscathed.

Her eyes bore into his, the weight of her words still hanging heavy. "The Gloomswell is not forgiving, Aerick, but it can bestow great power and wisdom upon those who navigate its challenges with respect and care."

Lesaj extended her hand towards the engraved wall before them, its surface covered in symbols and ancient languages that seemed to glow with an inner light. With a fluid motion, she traced her fingers along the carvings, whispering incantations in a language long forgotten. The wall responded to her touch, the symbols pulsing and shifting as if coming alive. Slowly, a passage began to form, the stone parting to reveal a dark, winding corridor beyond.

"This is the entrance to the heart of the Gloomswell," she said, stepping aside to allow Aerik a clear view.

She turned to him, her gaze steady and unwavering. "You have proven your worth by reaching this point, but the true test lies ahead. I will guide you as far as I can, but the choices you make within will be your own. Will you claim what it will offer you?"

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TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

Rules, it seemed everything had rules. The Jutrand Academy had rules as well, despite the fact the Sith Code taught that the force would make one free. This seemed to be different however. It was not that the rules were meant to bring bondage, but rather to teach that certain things came with a price. Magik came at a cost. Knowledge, the answer to Aerik’s curiosity, was going to require him to pay for it. Even as he listened his eyes never left the commanding gaze of the woman which spoke to him.

He nodded.

Her description of what he would face, specters she had called them, would have shaken the resolve of a lesser person. Aerik was not afraid. He knew what his mother was, what his father was, and had learned caution without fear. Perhaps this was the one time he should have been. Confidence at inappropriate times was a Lechner trait which had gotten Gerwald in trouble far too often, and would do the same for Aerik if he did not learn. It was the folly of youth, at least it could be blamed on that for now.

The promise of wisdom and power had been precisely the reason he followed the witch. Aerik had been looking for something which would give him an advantage over the other students. It would remain to be seen if that was the right motive, or if it was his actual reason for being there. Curiosity was winning out. The desire to learn was strong. It was a trait he inherited from both of his parents, or a quality they had instilled in him at least. There was no limit to what he could do or accomplish as long as he continued to push beyond the limitations of what he did not know. Aerik was only weak as what he believed was not possible.

“I will obey the rules,” he said, “but before we go any further, you have my name. May I have yours?”

Diplomacy was something the pup learned from Naedira. She was better at it than Gerwald. While the wolf had taken strides under Srina Talon’s and Lunara Azure’s tutelage on that front, he was still a soldier at heart. Combat was often his answer to most things, even when words were a better weapon. Aerik had learned to evaluate his options, but his experience in practicing good discernment was lacking.

This situation seemed to be obvious.

Orange eyes looked in the direction the witch indicated. Her final question left him with more questions, but she expected an answer. Would he claim what was offered? He did not know what would be offered.

Would it be worth it?

Was this a trap?

What would it cost?

If everything came at a price in this place, that was the question he needed to be asking. She wanted to know if he was willing to take what was given without telling him what would be demanded of him. All he knew was there would be more tests, more challenges. There was likely only one way to truly know whether it would be a worthy venture. He had to step forward.


ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj's gaze softened at Aerik’s request for her name. It was a small gesture of courtesy, but in a place like the Gloomswell, such gestures held significance. She offered him a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Lesaj Ophrys," she said, her voice carrying the weight of her own history, almost as ancient as the place they were about to enter. "Remember it, Aerik. It may serve you well within these halls."

With that, she turned towards the darkened passage ahead, the entrance to the Gloomswell now fully revealed. She moved with purpose, her form casting elongated shadows against the walls as the ancient magik responded to her presence. The air grew thick with anticipation, as if the very stone walls were aware of what was to come.

"Stay close to me," Lesaj instructed, her tone firm yet protective. "The path ahead is treacherous, your will is strong - strong alone won't be enough."

As they began their descent, the transition was gradual, almost imperceptible at first. The cold, solid reality of the corridor began to waver, as if the very fabric of the world was loosening its grip on them. The air around them grew heavy with a tangible, oppressive force, and the shadows seemed to ripple and dance with a life of their own. With each step deeper into the Gloomswell, the boundary between the physical and spectral realms began to blur.

Aerik would feel it first as a subtle tingling at the edges of his consciousness, a creeping sensation that something was shifting, unraveling. The corridor they walked seemed to stretch and warp, as if time and space were no longer fixed constants. His senses would begin to betray him—sounds from his past, the distant echo of a familiar voice, or the scent of a place long forgotten. Images might flicker in the corners of his vision, half-formed figures of people he once knew, moments from his life, both cherished and regretted.

The Gloomswell was connecting to him, entwining with the essence of who he was. Every memory, every emotion, every fleeting thought was drawn out and reflected back in the twisting reality around them. It was as if the very walls were whispering his secrets, exposing the most intimate parts of his being to the ancient magik that permeated this place.

Lesaj walked ahead, her own experience with the Gloomswell allowing her to move with practiced calm. Yet, she was not immune to its effects. The witch could feel the weight of the lives she had touched and those that had touched her, pressing in on her mind, testing her resolve. But she had walked this path before and knew its dangers.

Lesaj and Aerik emerged from the narrowing corridor, the passageway gradually opening into a vast, otherworldly expanse that defied conventional logic. The Gloomswell, in its full, unsettling glory, spread out before them—a landscape that seemed both alive and dead, caught in a perpetual twilight. The ground underfoot was uneven, a strange, blackened earth that seemed to pulse faintly with each step, as if the land itself was breathing. Jagged rocks jutted from the ground at irregular angles, their surfaces etched with the same ancient symbols that adorned the entrance, glowing with a sickly green luminescence. Wisps of fog clung to the ground, swirling around their legs like the tendrils of some unseen creature, giving the air a cold, damp feel.

Above them, the sky—or what passed for it—was a swirling mass of dark, churning clouds shot through with occasional bursts of eerie, pale light. There was no sun, no moon, only the constant, oppressive gloom that hung over the landscape like a shroud. The horizon seemed to stretch and shift, never quite settling, as if the world itself was in a constant state of flux.

Throughout the Gloomswell, ghostly, half-formed structures loomed in the distance—ruins of ancient temples, crumbling spires, and arches that led nowhere. Some seemed to flicker in and out of existence, like memories of places long forgotten, tethered to this realm by the same ancient magik that bound the specters. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the faint, metallic tang of old blood.

"Tread carefully, Aerik. Every step you take here echoes across time and space, and every action may have unforeseen consequences."

As they ventured deeper, the first of the specters began to materialize. They emerged from the shadows, wisps of smoke coalescing into vague, humanoid forms. Their eyes—if they had eyes—glowed with an eerie, unnatural light, their movements fluid and almost hypnotic. They whispered as they approached, with voices of half-heard thoughts and disjointed words, tempting and teasing, trying to provoke a response.

One of the specters drifted close to Aerik, its presence cold and unsettling. It seemed to hover just at the edge of his vision, never fully in sight, yet impossible to ignore. A flicker of movement, a half-seen figure from his past, perhaps a lost friend or a shadow of a loved one, danced in the periphery of his awareness. The specter reached out, not with physical hands, but with thoughts, seeding doubts and fears, trying to make him question what was real and what was not.

Lesaj’s voice cut through the spectral whispers like a blade. "Do not engage them," she warned, her tone sharp. "They seek to unravel your mind, to make you falter. Remember the rules."

The specters circled them, their intentions clear. They were the embodiment of the Gloomswell’s challenge, each one a potential trap, waiting for a moment of weakness or carelessness. This was the true test—whether Aerik could maintain his composure and discipline in the face of the unknown, or if he would succumb to the Gloomswell’s temptations.

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

Lesaj Ophrys. She told him to remember the name because he may need it later. Aerik nodded. The way she continued to allude to the halls and their magik made the pup worry about what he would face. His resolve was strong. She was correct in that. There was no reason for him to doubt her words. The vision he had just to enter the halls of the Gloomswell had almost taken him. Whatever they were about to face, if they were stronger, more powerful, Aerik was concerned the path ahead would be too difficult for him.

He followed regardless.

Every moment of his life laid bare before him. Every person he knew from the most distant of acquaintances to the most intimate of relationships. It was as though he was reliving it all at once, and yet he was also nothing more than a spectator. Events which he could have no memory of were playing in front of him as though each detail was etched in his mind perfectly.

“They’re perfect…”

“What if they are dangerous…”

His parents talked about the triplets with the same uncertainty Gerwald expressed the result of their change. They had been honest with them from the beginning that they could be more than what Gerwald had ever been. Naedira was not human. Gerwald was not human. The children were not human, yet they were something different from their parents. Whatever they were was something the galaxy had never seen, and it was something to be proud of and yet…


Suddenly there was a specter, a ghost. Lesaj spoke as Aerik froze.

“Remember the rules."

He nodded.

“Do not touch them.”

Do not accept their offerings.”

“Do not thank them.”

“Do not speak your name.”

Another nod. Aerik closed his eyes, and just pushed on ahead. He had to continue. There was no choice in the matter. If he was going to discover what this place had for him, he could not waiver in his resolve. Strength alone would not get him through the trials, but why had she said that. What else would he come? Was it not enough to simply will himself to do as he needed to do? The force worked in many ways, and mastery and control over oneself was something that every force user wished to achieve. It was just sought in different ways.


ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

With each step further, the Gloomswell grew denser and the spectres heavier. They whispered and weaved through the shifting landscape, each one a fragment of the place’s ancient magic, each one a potential snare. Lesaj’s footsteps were deliberate, her senses finely attuned to the dangers lurking in the spectral mist. She was prepared for this; the Gloomswell's tricks were familiar to her, yet that did not make them any less perilous.

A specter emerged from the haze, drifting towards Lesaj with an eerie grace. Its form was more defined than the others, almost solid, and it bore the semblance of an ancient witch, clad in tattered robes that fluttered in the unfelt wind. The specter’s hollow eyes fixed on Lesaj, and it extended a translucent hand, in which an object began to materialize, a small, glowing orb, pulsating with a deep, arcane energy.

"An offering, for one who walks the path," the specter whispered, its voice a mere breath in the air. "The knowledge of your ancestors, the secrets of the coven long lost… You need only pay the price."

Lesaj’s eyes narrowed as she regarded the specter. The offer was tempting, valuable beyond measure, but she knew well that in the Gloomswell, nothing came without a cost. With a decisive motion, she reached into the folds of her robes, producing a small, intricately carved talisman—a relic of her own past, imbued with power and meaning. She held it out, her expression resolute. However, she knew this would not be enough, her other hand went out to, palm facing upwards. Knowledge, would require knowledge.

"The price is paid," she intoned, her voice steady.

The specter’s hand closed around the talisman, its other hand diving deep into her own and rumaging through her own memories until it found something that satisfied it. Lesaj saw the visage of the one she had called mother, holding her hand before she began her first trial, back when she was about Aerick's age. She felt that memory dissolve, until it was gone, and in its place remained only darkness, and a feeling of existential emptiness. In exchange, the glowing orb floated towards Lesaj, merging with her hand and then disappearing into her being. A faint shudder passed through her as the knowledge seeped into her mind, ancient and profound, yet tinged with the weight of the price she had just paid. Her heart grew heavy.

Without a word, without gratitude, she turned and continued forward, her presence a guiding torch through the murk.

Behind her, Aerik would share her fortune. The specters had sensed his presence, the uncertainty of his youth, and they closed in on him with offers that spoke to his innermost desires. One after another, they whispered temptations—ancient artifacts, weapons to further his standing on the Academy, secrets of his family's history...

But it was the final specter that would try to hold him fast, its form shifting to reveal a vision that would aim to struck at the core of his being. It showed him his wolf form, growing in size and power, towering above any Lupo that had ever lived. The specter’s voice was seductive, dripping with promise.

"Accept this gift, and you will become the greatest of your kind," it crooned, its tone insidious. "Your strength will be unmatched, your power unparalleled. I give it, freely."

The specter gestured, and before Aerik’s eyes, a thread of life unraveled from his form, shimmering with the essence of his being. It wove through the vision of his transformed self, binding the possibility together in a web of fate. The Gloomswell held within it not only the power to see, but the power to change.

Lesaj stopped, sensing the weight of the spectre that had approached her young charge. She did not know what it showed him, but she knew - the price that would be demanded was high. The witch stepped closer to Aerick, until she towered behind him - placing a hand on his sholder, still tembling from her recent sacrifice. "What does it show you, child?"

She hoped her voice was strong enough to break through the spectre's grip.
TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

He watched curiously as a specter came to offer Lesaj something. There was an exchange. I though they were not supposed to interact with those that approached them. Something was curious about the magik in this place, or perhaps it was rules for him and not for her. One thing she had told him was that it all came with a price. Was that something she had just done, pay a price for something she wanted?

As the others swirled around him Aerik found them easy to dismiss. They had nothing to offer which could tempt him. Knowledge, artifacts, weapons, these were all things he had access to through his sponsor. Carnifex had taught him many things, shown him the mysteries of the force which others could not know or understand as he did. The Butcher King had other students, they had learned what Aerik knew. His siblings were among them. It mattered little. He knew who he was in this regard, and nothing was going to sway him.

Perhaps he should not have been so confident. It was always when one thought they were standing strong they were at their most vulnerable. Aerik should have known this, but at thirteen years of age, it was a lesson he was still far from mastering. Had he experienced his change, and knew what he was, perhaps the specter which spoke to him in a sweet and seductive tone would not have been able to tempt him.


That was not the thing which pulled him.

Knowing what he would be, having the knowledge that none would be able to stand up to him. He had always been haunted by the uncertainty of what he would become, and this spirit simply offered it to him without…

He tried to shake it off. Aerik muttered under his breath.

“Magik comes at a cost.”

The specter had him enthralled. His eyes would not move. The picture she showed him was the only thing which could keep his attention as it did. The rules, he was not supposed to take their offerings, or interact, but all he had to do was reach out and take it. All that needed to be done was to accept the offering. If he just agreed.

Lesaj’s voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it. His hearing allowed her to break through. If he had been a normal human, the boy would have succumbed to the seductions which were offered. Instead, his head turned to the witch. Her question, what was the thing offering him. How did he put into words which she would understand? A picture perhaps, but could he project things in such a place? It was likely something he should not try, not if they specters wanted to unravel his mind as Lesaj had suggested.

“It says it can make me the most powerful of my kind. I can see what I would become if I could shift… or once I can.”

It was a truth he had not revealed about what he was yet. She was going to learn things about him in this place. Would he learn about her?

“Tell me what to do.”

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WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj's gaze darkened as Aerik spoke, his words confirming what she had feared. The Gloomswell had never offered such a profound change to one so young, and it did so now with an unsettling eagerness. The spectres sensed something within the boy, something extraordinary, perhaps even kindred to their own ancient nature. But the price... She could feel the weight of it pressing against the very air around them.

Her hand remained on Aerik's shoulder, the tremble from her earlier sacrifice still echoing through her fingers. She steadied herself, her voice soft but firm, resonating with the gravity of what lay before them. "What you are being offered," she began, "is not just power or strength—it is a transformation of your very essence. To accept it means relinquishing a part of yourself, something dear and irreplaceable. And in the Gloomswell, it is always better to pay more than one should than to risk them finding your offer inadequate."

Lesaj turned her gaze from the swirling mist and looked directly into Aerik's eyes, her expression inscrutable. "Tell me, child," she continued, her tone more gentle, though laced with an edge of caution, "what do you truly desire? Is this the path you wish to walk, knowing the cost that must be paid?"

She paused, considering the enormity of what she was about to propose. The rule of sacrifice was absolute in this place, and perhaps there was a way to lessen the toll on Aerik. But it would mean a sacrifice of her own, a relinquishing of something precious. Yet, if it would protect him from the full brunt of the Gloomswell's price...

"I can help you," she offered, her voice low, almost a whisper. "But understand, to share in your burden, I too must pay a price. The Gloomswell demands fairness, and it will not accept less than it is owed. If you choose this path, I will stand with you. But you must decide, and you must decide now." They were entertaining the spectres attention for too long, and nothing good could come of that.

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

“But you said that I should not accept what they offer.”

His comment was direct. She was there next to him, and it had been enough to pull his attention away from the specter which tempted him. Yet, despite the rules, she was telling him he could pay the price and take what they wanted to give him, what it wanted to give him. To say he was confused was an understatement. What was this place, truly, and what was this woman. Everything in him told him that he should turn around and go back. It was not safe.

He had to know.

The curious nature he gained from his father told him to press on. All he knew was that if he were to accept the offer presented to him now it would mean giving up what he was. How could he even know whether the exchange would be worth it? What was the cost if he did not know the value of the thing he was supposed to give up?

He shook his head.

Why did Aerik have to decide now?

“I don't know what I am or what I would give up. I have not had my first change yet.”

His eyes narrowed on the woman. What he wanted more than anything else was guidance. This was an impossible choice, which would be easier if he knew what it was he would sacrifice. Aerik assumed there would be risk as he grew into a leader. Decisions were something that defined leadership. A good leader knew how to make quick and precise decisions, weighing the consequences in quick time.

This seemed to be one he did not know the outcome. What he gave up could be far more powerful than the thing that had been presented to him. There was one thing he began to recall, something that would help him perhaps. Gerwald was Lupo. His own father did not know what he would become. Aerik had traits already which his father did not have. It meant Aeirk was more than a Lupo. The question remained whether the stronger Lupo was still weaker than what he would be or not?

Aerik shook his head again.

“I don’t want it. I can’t know it is a better offer than what I would give up.”

His eyes locked on the orbs of the witch.

“I don’t want them to rob me of who I am.”

ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj’s eyes softened with a mixture of pride and resolve as she watched Aerik reject the specter's offer. She had feared the specters would break him, but instead, they had revealed the depth of his inner strength. The green witch chuckled softly at his words, there was much he didn't understand. This, of course, was not the child's fault - that did not stop the witch from finding it endearing.

She was prepared for this. To her, the Gloomswell was a place where one's will reigned supreme, a place to shape one's destiny out of sheer determination, unlike the outside world where identities were often shaped by circumstances and events well beyond one's control. Lesaj knew the true power of the Gloomswell lay not in what was taken from a person but in what they chose to become.

Without acknowledging Aerik’s rejection further, Lesaj gently but firmly guided him away from the specter, her touch steadying him as they moved forward. She did not speak immediately, allowing him to regain his composure and for the gravity of their situation to settle.

Their path continued through the eerie expanse of the Gloomswell, the environment shifting as if it sensed their resolve. The Gloomswell held many secrets, but Lesaj was focused on a singular purpose: the Gloomblood. This essence was her primary goal within this realm. For years, the witch had been extending her own existance by consuming the life force of other beings. This she had never done forcibly, never stolen or taken. Rather, she had taken from those at death's doorstep as a mercy, she had made fair exchanges, and granted their dying wishes in return.

The Gloomblood was not a tool to prolong her life in and of itself - but an invaluable enhancement to her existing practices. It would amplify her ability to absorb and harness the life force of those who willingly offered it to her. This rare substance, hidden deep within the ancient, abandoned structure at the heart of the Gloomswell, refines and expand her magik in this regard. It would allow her to draw even more vitality from her offerings, pushing her powers beyond their current limits.

As they ventured deeper, the ancient structure came into view—its imposing silhouette barely visible through the oppressive mist. Lesaj’s heart beat with renewed purpose. This was what she had come for. Her knowledge of the Gloomswell's labyrinthine pathways guided her steps.

She glanced at Aerik, her voice carrying a rare hint of warmth amid the cold, spectral atmosphere. “You did well, Aerik. Your resolve is admirable. But remember, the Gloomswell is a place of choices. Here, you define who you are by the strength of your will - it won't steal what you truly won't let it. And sometimes, the path we choose shapes not just our destiny but your very own being.”

With that, she led him toward the structure, ready to face whatever lay within, knowing that the gloomsblood awaited her.

"All that curiosity in your eyes, and yet you ask no questions, child." The witch highlighted - finding it intriguing perhaps. Was this how the Sith raised their young? To be obedient, yet silent?

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

They were nearing the heart of the place, and Aerik's mind continued with questions. Even more so his eyes were taking in everything that he was seeing. Observation was a skill many lacked especially in their youth. The pup believed his natural predatory nature was why he seemed to be patient enough with it. His brother and sister were the same. It was as though they were always taking the world in, but rarely asking anything about what they saw. The world seemed to tell enough about itself to answer whatever questions they may have.

The Gloomswell did not seem to do that. Everything it revealed brought about more questions, and while Aerik wanted to ask, he was not certain which questions were important to ask. For now he would continue to watch. Perhaps the right question would come to him when he needed it.

Her explanation of the Gloomswell, that it could shape him beyond his destiny was interesting. Whatever took place here would be determined by his choices. Aerik supposed not choosing was a choice in itself. Perhaps it was possible to walk out no different than he had walked in. Maybe it was not. His strength of resolve would only grow with every rejected offer. If he remained determined to be himself, would he still be himself?

Lesaj indicated the place could not steal from him whatever he did not allow, but that did not mean it would not change him. It was the conclusion he came to. His thinking may have been wrong, but it was where he remained for now.

He smiled.

"I don't know what to ask, and silence seems to gain answers as well."

Maybe it was a cocky answer, but he was still a teenager.

They walked into the chamber which revealed something more. This was what she had come for, but Aerik was not sure what he had come for other than his own learning. Lesaj seemed to think the place wanted him, wanted his strength. It had chosen him, and for what reason? The pup aspired to lead one day, but he also knew his place. For now it was to become better. It was his duty to be molded into someone worthy to lead. That would only happen if he stayed teachable.

"Tell me, what should I be asking that I'm not?"

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WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj's smile deepened, the creases around her eyes softening as she considered Aerik's answer. The young always thought silence spoke volumes, and while there was truth to that, there was also danger. Silence could be a friend, but it could just as easily be a deceiver. She paused in her steps, letting the stillness of the Gloomswell seep into the moment.

"Silence does hold answers," Lesaj began, her voice low and resonant. "Silence can guide, but it can also lead you astray if you are not careful. In a place like this, where the fabric of reality bends to the will of those who walk its paths, what you do not ask may be just as important as what you do. Questions have power, young one. They are keys to understanding, to unlocking the mysteries that surround us. You are observant, young Sith, this will serve you well - it will serve you even better learning to see and recognize those things your senses can't clarify, create questions, and always have them answered if a willing source is nearby. Not everything must be learnt the hard way, Aerick."

She turned to face him fully, her gaze piercing yet warm. "One question you might ask is: why am I here? I cannot answer what drove you to follow me young one, and it would seem - you do not know what it is you seek either yet. But I can share my own will." For all he knew, she could have very well been hunting young ones for sacrifices - not for a second did he questions what the Witch's motives and purposes were. He was lucky she was not the owner of a cruel heart.

Lesaj let her words hang in the air for a moment, allowing him to absorb them. Then, she began walking again, leading him further into the heart of the Gloomswell. The air grew thicker, the mist denser as they approached the ancient structure. The oppressive atmosphere was almost tangible, pressing down on them with an eerie weight. The structure itself was massive, its stone walls covered in strange, shifting patterns that seemed to pulse. It was as if the very stones were alive, breathing in the gloom that surrounded them.

They entered the structure, and the temperature dropped noticeably. The walls closed in around them, and the only light came from the faint, eerie glow that seemed to emanate from the very air itself. The corridors twisted and turned, leading them deeper into the belly of the ancient ruin until they reached a massive chamber at its heart.

In the center of the chamber, suspended in the air by invisible forces, was the Gloomblood. It was a swirling mass of deep, inky blackness, shot through with veins of pulsing crimson. The substance also seemed to have a life of its own, its movements slow and deliberate, as if it were aware of their presence. It cast an otherworldly glow that illuminated the chamber, casting long, twisting shadows across the walls.

Lesaj approached the Gloomblood with a reverence that bordered on awe. She had spent decades waiting for it to present again, and now it was within her grasp. But she did not reach for it. Instead, she turned to Aerik, her eyes reflecting the eerie glow of the Gloomblood.

"This is what I seek," she said softly, her voice filled with a strange mixture of anticipation and caution. "The Gloomblood. It is a rare and potent essence, capable of enhancing my magik, allowing me to absorb the life force of others more fully, more deeply. But tell me, Aerik—what do you think of it? What does it make you feel, to stand in its presence?"

Lesaj's question was as much a test as it was a genuine inquiry. She wanted to see how the young Sith would respond, to gauge his reaction to something so powerful, so otherworldly. Lesaj had once heard its effects could vary depending the individual, just like the spectres' offers did, she was curious to see if she would find truth on this.

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

Her wisdom was taken in, all of it. Aerik had never thought about questions in the way she had posed them. It was okay to be curious. What he asked could be just as important as what he did not. The thought still begged the overarching problem he had confessed. Aerik needed to know which questions to ask. If they had power, then asking the right questions would be key. It was a skill his father did not possess until later in life. As a warrior Gerwald often did as told. His parents wished for Aerik and his siblings to be much more than soldiers in a war machine.

He nodded, not sure how to answer other than to keep listening. Lesaj was instructing him, and Aerik had always been a quiet learner. He processed information audibly, and even if he did not think out loud, he often remembered what he heard over what he read.

A smirk tugged at his lips. Aerik should have asked why she was in the Gloomswell. It should have been obvious for him as he had followed the woman out of pure curiosity. The pup wanted nothing from the place other than to learn more about magik and the witches who practiced it. He wanted to laugh at how obvious a question it was. The fact he did not ask it showed his youth. Then again, she revealed it regardless. Even if it did come as a result of asking a question, just not that question.

He continued to follow without question. At this point it was clear he was committed to seeing the journey through to the end no matter where it led. The decision would cost him greatly.

Power surged through him as they grew close. He had not felt anything like it before. It was the force, and yet it was something more. Aerik could not put the sensation to words, but whatever he felt it was raw, primal, living. His blood felt alive, connected to everything in an instant. Parts of him which he only felt when the moon was full stirred to life. Whatever creature lay dormant within him, it was fully awake now, as though it were reaching for the Gloomsblood through the vault it was kept behind.

It all changed the instant they stepped across the threshold. A sudden drop in the temperature caused the beast inside him to recoil. Aerik felt his strength drain from his limbs, but even more his bones. They became brittle, not the point of breaking, but as though they were fragile, like glass. It was though one wrong step and his leg would break, or if he lifted something that was slightly too heavy his arm would snap.

Aerik was not used to feeling this weak. The power of the Gloomsblood did nothing to compensate for his nature. He was used to discovering what made him strong, but Aerik had never known this before. She said the place would reveal who he was. Oh how he wished he had taken the specter up on its offer. Maybe he would not feel so helpless.

His eyes went to Lesaj, as though he was pleading for help.

“The cold. I cannot…”

Suddenly he felt strong enough to stand tall once more. It must have been the sudden shift because as he acclimated he could swear the room was getting warmer. What he did not know was that it was, just for him.


His face was puzzled.

“This place adapts to the individual?” Her words suddenly dawned on him. “You do not intend to drain my life force, do you?”

ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

The concern that etched itself into Lesaj's heart as she saw the boy falter was deep. "Aerick." She called out his name, turning immediately to the boy and lowering herself until she could look upon him closely. Her hand reached out to steady him, but the pain he seemed to be enduring made her stop before she touched him - not wishing to make it worse. She could see how it weakened him, how it made him fragile, almost like glass ready to shatter. It was...the cold. One learned in the ways of the Force, even if young, should not have had trouble dealing with it. No, this was something else. It must have been part of his ancestry. The witch's brow furrowed, and she was quick to begin drawing her power around her to aid the child, just as he began to regain his strength all on his own as the temperature rose again.

"The cold here is biting, isn’t it?" The question was spoken in a cautious tone, hiding another one beneath it. "Has it always been like this for you? You have shown strength, child, and I have no desire to see that strength diminished by this place."

As he regained his posture so did she, now confident that her momentary charge was safe. "It would seem so, I have never entered the Gloomswell's heart accompanied before." She confessed, even she had things to learn from this place still. This one was a welcome lesson. His next question however, caused a genuine, full smile to bloom on the Sylphe's lips, and a small chuckle to bubble up from her throat. This time, her hand did reach out, placing a swift and gentle caress upon the boy's crown.

"You have nothing to fear from me, young one. I do not take life force from those unwilling to offer it. The specters, the mist, everything you have seen here—they are all part of the Gloomswell's nature to challenge, to barter. Like them, I too deal in exchanges. I help those who are near the end, granting their final wishes, and in return, they offer me what remains of their life force. This is how I have extended my years, yes, but it is not life stolen—" Her voice became more pointed, even if the gentleness behind her emerald gaze and the curve of her lips still remained. "it is life shared." Afterall, she carried them with her.

She turned her attention back to the Gloomblood, her expression hardening with resolve. "And now, I must take what I came for. But even this... it will not be without a cost."

Lesaj moved closer to the Gloomblood, the eerie glow reflecting in her eyes. She lifted her hands, summoning the ichor that the witches of Dathomir often used—a viscous, green substance that bubbled up from the ground beneath her. The ichor responded to her call, swirling around her hands, forming tendrils that intertwined with the Gloomblood. She glanced at Aerik, her voice taking on a more instructional tone.

"This," she said, indicating the ichor, "is the lifeblood of Dathomir, the essence that flows through all things. It connects the living and the dead, the physical and the spiritual. It will serve as my conduit to extract the Gloomblood."

She could feel the ancient energy of the Gloomswell resisting her, a force that pushed back against her will. The room seemed to grow darker, the shadows deepening until they were almost tangible. Lesaj's body tensed as an invisible force began to pull at her and a crippling pain bloomed at her sides, siphoning away her vitality. Her face, usually calm and composed, twisted in agony. She could feel the years draining away from her, each second seeming to age her by a decade. The smoothness of her skin began to wither, lines and creases forming as her youthful appearance slipped away. Her once-vibrant green eyes dulled slightly, losing some of their luster.

But Lesaj did not falter. She had expected this, prepared for it. She gritted her teeth, her grip on the ichor tightening as she fought against the Gloomblood's demands. It felt as if her very soul was being torn apart, piece by piece, but still, she persisted. The weight of centuries pressed down upon her, but she did not break. This was her trial, her penance for seeking such power.

Finally, with a final, forceful pull, she completed the extraction. The Gloomblood, now contained within the two vials, pulsed with an eerie light. Lesaj stood there, breathing heavily, her body trembling from the exertion. She looked older, dying—an ancient witch who had just waged a battle against time itself.

Holding the vials in her hands, she turned to Aerik, purposefully looking at him while the extents of her suffering were fresh and terminal, her voice barely more than a broken whisper. It was nightmarish. "This is the price of power, Aerik. Remember it well. It is not just strength that you gain, but the weight of what you lose to gain it."

For a moment, it seemed as if she might collapse and that those had been her parting words, but then, slowly, she straightened, her strength returning in small measures. The lines on her face began to recede, the color returning to her eyes, though not entirely. The toll had been taken, and while she had survived, the cost was evident.

TAG: Lesaj Lesaj

The cold did bite. Though it was not just the cold of the Gloomswell that caused problems for the young pup. Had it always been this way?

“For as long as I can remember. When it gets too cold, I get weak.”

Aerik never knew why, though the look on his mother’s face the few times it did told him his parents suspected something. More often than not any question about his strengths and weaknesses was answered with the usual, the first change will tell us everything. He was getting tired of it, but he had also accepted it as the truth. The pup had no reason to doubt his parents. They had never lied to him.

“Don’t worry, it’s not this place. It’s me.”

He nodded hoping she would accept the answer, which she seemed to. Lesaj was practical, pragmatic. This must have been what using magik required. If everything had a cost, then one had to approach it with a sense of give and take. They could never demand more than they were willing to give. It was a lesson she was about to demonstrate.

He watched as she drew the Gloomsblood. This was the part of things his father often complained about when it came to witches. What they did, their methods, should not have been natural, and yet they seemed to be in touch with things most force users never would be. Aerik could understand why his father felt the way he did, but he was beginning to see what made witches powerful. They understood the balance of life and nature.

Shouldn’t Gerwald have valued it as well? If only the boy had known his father had at one point. Maybe he still did, but Aerik wouldn’t know.

Everything about what he was hearing was new, and odd. Magik was something to him which was the draw to where he was now. She wanted him to know the price of power. Even as she changed, Aerik got the idea she had lived much longer than she looked. The pup would live long, almost as long as she had without the wrinkles. Her shape, form, and skin changed as she extracted the gloomsblood. This was the price of power. One gave up things like beauty for eternal life.

His lesson in this was not to chase something which cost so great a price he could not live with the demand it made.

Orange eyes took in what he saw. He drank in the lesson before he turned his attention to the vial which she offered. She knew what it would do for her, but the question remained, what would it for the Nox Lupo. The pup simply nodded. He would not know what it would do for him until he used it, took it? Was he supposed to drink it?

“Do I wear it or… drink it… what am I supposed to do?”

Even as he asked she started to change, to grow young again. At least his life force was safe. He liked her approach. It was though she was an angel of mercy for those who wished it.

“I should hide this from the others. They can’t know.”

ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀʀɢᴏʟʏɴ



WEAPONS: Thorn Bearers (unconjured)
TAG: Aerik Lechner Aerik Lechner

Lesaj's breathing steadied as the last vestiges of the pain began to subside. The lines that had creased her face remained in part, stubbornly clinging to her skin, leaving her appearance slightly aged—marked by the ordeal but not defeated by it. The internal cracks however, those within her soul and the wholes left by the life force it had taken from her, would be much harder to heal. The witch might not show it, but she was weak - weak beyond what she had ever been. Reversing this would require death - but this was not something for the ears of a child.

She observed Aerik with a mixture of pride and concern, her gaze softening as he grappled with the lesson she had imparted. The boy had witnessed something profound, something that would undoubtedly shape his understanding of magik. He had shown strength in the face of the Gloomswell's bite, and though he was still learning, she could see the seeds of wisdom taking root within him. This pleased her greatly.

"Magik demands understanding as much as it demands sacrifice, the last part is why we wield powers your kind rarely partake in," she said, her voice gentle but firm, ensuring that Aerik grasped the gravity of what he had seen. "The Gloomblood is a potent essence, one that can amplify your abilities but also exact a toll if used recklessly."

She held the vial in her hand, the eerie light within it pulsing faintly, a reminder of the dark power it contained. "Treat it with the utmost caution. It can be used in different ways— consumed to strengthen your connection to the Force, imbued to enhance your physical abilities, or even used in rituals that require a significant boost of power. But each method comes with its own risks, and its own consequences if failed. The truth is, Aerick, I cannot know what it will do for you— that is for you to study, child."

Lesaj's expression grew serious as she looked into Aerik's orange eyes, seeing the curiosity and the uncertainty there. "You are right to be cautious. I will trust you to guard the secret we now share, both for the Gloomblood and the place you have visited today."

She reached out, placing the vial carefully into his hands. "When the time comes, you will know how to use it. Trust in your instincts, and remember what you have learned here today. Power is not something to be taken lightly, nor is the price that comes with it."

The witch stepped back, giving him space. She could see the wheels turning in his mind, the lessons she had imparted being balanced. Lesaj felt a pang of empathy for the boy, understanding all too well the burden of knowledge, the weight of choices yet to be made. He had a long road ahead of him.

"Now," she continued, her tone softening once more, "we must leave this place. The Gloomswell has given us what we came for, but it is not a place to linger in. Its trials have been met, and its challenges conquered. Let us return, Aerik, and consider carefully what we have gained... and what it has cost."

With that, Lesaj began to lead the way back, her steps deliberate but lighter, as if the burden she had carried for so long had, for a moment, been shared. She could feel the residual effects of the Gloomblood's extraction, the lingering fatigue, the deep ache in her bones, but her resolve remained unshaken. The price had been paid, and the lesson had been taught.

The rest was up to Aerik.


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