Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do you guys get a break?

Iron Knight Loarko

I wanted to know if the admins on this site ever get to relax and rp with the plebs such as myself. Or do you have to constantly watch everything?


Disney's Princess
[member="Iron Knight Loarko"]

Admins do take personal vacations as well as RP at their own leisure.

They also watch this website like a hawk. Constantly plugged into it's data streams and absorbing every infraction without a moments notice. Some of them even possess the natural abilities of Old Saint Nick. Able to see you while you are sleeping and know when you are awake. They know if you've been bad or good. So be good. For goodness' sake.
Tef allows us to take several weeks of vacation time, and encourages us to do so at least once a year, just to unwind a bit. As far as RP, most RPJs and Admins RP, just usually in private threads.

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