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Private Do You Wanna Make a Sithspawn?

  • Thread starter Akulak Mantacor
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Akulak Mantacor


Location: Malachor V

He enjoyed coming here, Malachor V was something of a paradise in his mind; which said quite a bit about how messed up the Sith's mind truly was. Why did he come here? Well, it was simple. He had a new protege, and wished to see how it adapted. It appeared to be a human, of the female variety, and a young one at that. He was unsure how exactly her adaptation had followed, but medical records indicated she was strong and had a slightly above average IQ; good balance of grey matter and muscle growth, it seemed to make for an optimal assistant. He stood at the end of the shuttle, waiting for the woman to appear.

Unlike himself, she required armor to protect her fragile form, but perhaps in time he could show her the ways to better adapt herself for the conflicts of the future. Behind the golden mask, he would look upon the green lightning that tore across the planet, the screams that echoed forth from the caverns that littered the surface of the world. It was a good world to find specimens, and would give the new blood a fine testing ground to show case her abilities; but what of her name? Yes, she would require a name, but what? Perhaps once she had shown herself, he would assign her a name befitting of her station. Until then, Akulak waited, arms crossed, stance unflinching, as he waited for the arrival of his new apprentice; hopefully she would last longer than the last.

Cyndane Cyndane
Even from her small shuttle she could feel the swirling Dark side energies on this planet. She had never visited Malachor V before, but it didn't take a Lord to recognize the ancient strength buried on this planet. That much became apparent the moment her transport entered orbit.

Comfortably leaning back in her chair, with her legs crossed and her black cloak half open, revealing the shining armor underneath. Truth be told, she wasn't fond of the black cloaks worn by the Sith. True, they added a bit of much needed flair to their dark appearance, but it wasn't practical. At all. Her vibrosword rested on her lap, her fingers anxiously moving over the hilt. Finally, after three harsh years of sheer effort and training, a Lord had noticed her potential. It was about time that someone did. Arisia had little patience for the Sith to notice her. The NIO struck blows to their glorious domain every day, and she couldn't just sit by and watch, because the hypocritical overseers deemed her to be "too weak to make a difference." No, that was unacceptable to her.

Perhaps that was why this meeting made her anxious. She wanted to progress, ascend to the rank of Sith Lord and push back the threat on their borders. But that was not something she could do overnight. No, she needed a master. Someone skilled in the ways of warfare; a warlord who could teach her how her powers could make a direct difference in the field. But was this Sith Lord, a man who's name was unfamiliar to her, capable of teaching her all she needed to know? What even was his name? Akulag? Akulak?

Arisia shook her head. This was not the time nor place to be anxious, impatient or frustrated. And that was why she wasn't going to be.

Vibrations moved through the shuttle, indicating that her vessel had landed. In a fluid motion, she rose from her passenger seat, immediately walking down the still lowering ramp.

But the figure she spotted, the tall and slender Lord waiting for her, discouraged her. A single thought went through her head, as her eyes narrowed. He's a Sith scientist, isn't he... She managed to keep a poker face, although the Acolyte felt like the Force had karked in her dinner once again.

Unable to dismiss his strength in the Force, or deny his authority as a Lord, Arisia knelt down once she set foot on Malachor's soil. "Greetings, my Lord."

Akulak Mantacor

She was coming. He could sense it, and his third eye could see it. She was composed, though he felt it was a front. A psychological defense against someone she feared, or perhaps respected. Too soon to tell, but never too late to learn. He would enjoy peeling back the layers, but that was all in good time. Right now however, was the time to study and observe. He was a scientist after all, finesse was his virtue, unlike those silly Sith who smashed one to bits like some barbarian. He would move to meet her, standing below the landing ramp, his lanky and deformed body stood like a statue, eager to see what his apprentice could offer.

As the ramp set down, she was already walking towards him, mask on, mind composed. She was a little soldier ready to embark on her crusade. What a grand and intoxicating innocence. She thought she knew what she wanted, but in truth she was a seeker, just as he. Perhaps they could find their share of knowledge and understanding along the way, or she'd end up on his surgery table as another failed apprentice. Either way, there was profit to be had.

As she spoke to him, prostrating herself as if she was some simple tool, the Sephi let out a soft grunt. Already she was admitting he was the superior predator. Was she trying to curry favor with him? Seeking to present some illusion of grandness for the man she would be working under? It was typical Sith practice. Which was why it found it absolutely insulting. On the bright side, a name come to his mind, prompting a smile to stretch across the face under the gaudy mask. "Rise Little Blade ( Cyndane Cyndane ), you will not kneel before me again, unless I force you to. Understood?" His voice echoed from the mask, it was a rough and firm voice, but not one laced with anger. Yes, Little Blade. She would need to be honed and sharped, her edges should be serrated before she could properly draw blood from her foes. She would do nicely as an assistant. Hopefully with the message understood, Akulak would turn away from the girl, motioning her to follow. "Do you know what we hunt Little Blade? On this barren seed, there lives a might beast. It's biomass would make for great sampling." Green lightning crackled in the distance, as Akulak could feel a shift in the air; there would be a storm coming soon. An excellent trial for his new apprentice.

Cyndane Cyndane
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At the mention of little blade, the kneeling Acolyte instinctively glanced at her vibrosword. It wasn't small... was it? The phrik-laced blade was just a bit longer than the standard model, so why the nickname little?

Reluctantly, Arisia rose to her full height. It felt unnatural, being ordered not to kneel in the presence of a Sith Lord. It had been drilled into her; a result of the many years she had already served the Empire. But what the Lord said, was law. She wouldn't question it. Not until she could tell what kind of person this man was.

"Forgive me my Lord, but if I may ask, why are we hunting this beast? How will its 'biomass' aid us against the New Imperial Order?" To her, nothing was more important than defending their home. Everything was at risk here. Bastion, the unreachable and unconquerable home of the Sith was exposed to their enemies. Of course, that was where the advance of the New Imperials would be halted. But how could the blood of a beast contribute to this?

Her attention was drawn to the green lightning that flashed in the distance. Her instincts told her not to test the weather on this planet. But as a Sith, she knew better. They were the storm, and nothing could hope to stop them. "Where can we find these beasts, my Lord?"

Akulak Mantacor

Confusion, conflict. Yes, that was more befitting of an apprentice. She could do what she was told, and no major attitude either. He might have chuckled if his humor had survived his mutations, but alas he was devoid of it. Her name confused her, but in time she would come to understand. They all did, sooner or later; though later typically aligned with death.

She rose at the demand from her master, and caught the quick glance she gave to her vibroblade. She was armed and prepared, perfect for what laid in store for her. Her questions came from one who lacked understanding, but all who were this young lacked the knowledge. This was why they sought out masters after all. "We hunt the beast so we may collect samples. With the biomass, I can research new mutations, new possibilities. Those mutations turn into strength, and the strength allows us to adapt. With the adaptations, we will hunt down the Imperials like the apex predators we are. Does this make sense, Little Blade?" It was a strange philosophy he held, but he knew it was the correct one. In time she would see it as well. "This seedling is beautiful, is it not? Careful where you step. This world enjoys tormenting those who walk upon it."

He continued forward, facing towards a rocky outcropping that stretched towards a vast chasm. Pulses of green energy leapt from the cracks in the ground, like a kettle that threatened to boil over. "We are hunting a beast called a Terentatek. They live in the dark places of the galaxy, a creature of habit. One of it's flaws, predictable, yet resilient." He paused, his boney fingers waved about as if he was playing an instrument, before he turned to the woman. Her weapon was reliable, but would it be enough? Lightsabers struggled to wound the flesh of the beast, a blade might merely scratch it's hide. "It is good you bring your weapon, Little Blade. But it lacks something, tell me, do you know how to augment your weapon?" He would ask, before turning back and proceeding towards the chasm up ahead. If she lacked the knowledge of how to enhance her weapon, Akulak would assist in the endeavor. He could only trust her to not die here, that would be rather disappointing.

Cyndane Cyndane
It was as she had feared. Lord Akulak was indeed a Sith scientist. A man devoted to the corruptions and mutations of the Dark side. A field that seemed to be what carried the Sith of this age to their power. Personally, she couldn't care less about research and samples. Some particular sorcery spells had piqued her interest during the demonstrations given by the overseers. But the actual rituals, research subjects and sithspawns? She couldn't be more disgusted by what the Sith had driven themselves to.

"Yes... I suppose that makes sense" She affirmed, doing her best to keep her thoughts of disdain and emotions shielded from the superior Sith in front of her. He was without a doubt an eccentric individual, but one she hoped to learn valuable skills from.

Her black cloak swept back as she raised her vibrosword. The heavy but balanced weapon would rest on her shoulder as she followed in the Lord's shadow. Her eyes scoured the rock formations of the barren planet for danger. With each flash of green followed by a thunderclap, new shadows made themselves known. Shadows that, on a planet like this, could easily hide something deadly.

The terrain did not distract her from the Lord's explanation, however. At the mention of the Terentatek, her grip on the vibrosword tightened. Those beasts could rip Acolytes apart, and the overseers had discouraged them of seeking the creatures out. This unique opportunity to pit herself against one of the beasts made her heart beat faster. She considered herself to be no normal acolyte. No, she was destined for greatness. A beast like this would be no match to someone like her.

"I studied the scriptures of the technique, but I have not practiced the technique yet." Arisia admitted, taking the blade in her hand. The Acolyte took a deep breath as she summoned the Dark side. It felt like inhaling fire itself, followed by a bitter cold that spread through her body. Directing the Dark side to augment her body was like second nature to her. But a weapon? That was a gamble. After holding her breath for a couple of seconds, the acolyte would exhale. The unnerving cold ebbed away from her body and into the blade, granting it its own distinct but faint presence in the Force. "This is the best I can do for now, my Lord."

Akulak Mantacor

Akulak Mantacor

There was a trace of something in this one. Fear? Respect? Unknown, but he felt a new sensation overtake the woman for a brief moment, though it mattered little. There was a struggle within her, seemed she was contemplating what she would do going forward, how she would fare in the trial ahead. Least she was thinking, though she would need to build her esteem.

When she spoke of the technique, he turned to see what the woman was doing, and was not pleased with the power she brought forth. He had to remind himself that this one was young, her mantle untested, her power not yet to its full potential. "Mediocre. I shall provide assistance, just this once. Observe." Speaking, the Sephi reached out a bony digit to the blade, placing his finger on the tip and letting it cut into his flesh. He made not a word as the blood flowed down the length of the blade, only stopping at the blade guard. He took hold of the cold, adding his own power to it, and strengthen by his blood, the woman's weapon would begin to crackle, as he further empowered the weapon. "That will be adequate. Observe my technique, and put it to memory. The price of blood offers much to those who offer it. Never forget that, Little Blade." With her weapon strengthened, he turned back to the chasm, taking hold of the edges as he would scale down the rockface, seemingly unphased by the dangerous nature of the climb. The goal wasn't far away, a small tunnel entrance about fifty feet below them.

After climbing down roughly fifteen feet, Akulak leapt the rest of the way. He had survived worse, not to mention it would leave his apprentice to see his power. The impact certainly hurt, but pain was nothing unsual; he had long since grown used to it. Striking the ground, a loud 'crunch' sounded, as his body remained stiff in a strange position, but soon reassembled itself; the properties of his body starting to mend itself. Standing at the mouth of the tunnel the Sith turned to find Little Blade, curious in how she was facing this environmental hazard. He rolled his shoulder, popping the socket back into place, as he was eager to get ahold of the specimen in question.

Cyndane Cyndane
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Her rudimentary use of Force weapon was something that actually made her quite proud. It was a success on her first try, and would definitely prove to be useful. When she presented it to the Lord, however, he did not praise her. No, he called her display 'mediocre'.

I'm sorry, what? the thought swept to her mind, but she made sure not to go against him. After all, questioning Sith Lords could backfire tremendously. At least he was willing to show her the proper technique.

With a sulky pout Arisia watched the drops of blood flow over the edge of her blade. Through the Force, she could feel the weapon more closely resonating with her own storm-like presence. "I will make sure to remember that my Lord." The Acolyte hid the annoyance that would've seeped into her voice, had she faced a lesser man.

Without any further ado, Akulak began his descend into the chasm. A quick peek over the edge revealed nothing to the ashen-haired woman. Nothing but the echoing presence of death, disease and the Dark side. "When you look into the abyss, it does apparently stares back at you..." She mumbled to herself, trying to process what dangers could be down there. Only when she realized that Akulak was getting ahead of her, did she begin to descend herself.

When her gaze finally found the Lord again, he did something rather unexpected. She knew that they still had a long descend ahead of them, but the Sith Scientist was cutting corners. He just... leapt to the bottom of the chasm. No fear, no contemplation, he just... went for it.

The would-be apprentice heard the nauseating sound echo through the chasm, as the Lord's legs were crushed by the power of gravity meeting stone. "Kark! Don't tell me he just killed himself for galaxy's sake.." Just when someone noticed her potential, he decided to make a possibly lethal jump. Great.

Arisia knew she had to get there quickly if she wanted to save the life of the Lord. She couldn't tell where he was; the darkness below her had swallowed him whole. Of course, she could take a similar leap of faith. But that was not her style.

Letting go of her hold on the cliffside, Arisia began her own rapid descent. Adrenaline shot through her body as she fell, relying completely on her Force-enhanced instincts to tell her when she had to react. The Force its warning came three seconds later.

Noting that the enchantment had not yet left her blade, Arisia would draw and activate the vibrosword she carried on her back. With all her might, the Acolyte plunged the weapon into the rock face, creating a rift in the flat stone as it would cut through the rock. The resistance it gave was enough to rapidly slow her descend.

Once her feet touched the ground again, the Acolyte would pull her weapon out of the rock. She swiftly spun on her heel to search for the remains of Lord Akulak, only to find him standing near a tunnel entrance. She did not move for a moment, her eyes narrowing to study the Master of the Dark side. "Lord Akulak... how did yo-... You're alright?"

Akulak Mantacor

His display had upset her, or perhaps frustrated her. Too bad. He had shown her an improvement, she could either sulk, or adapt. The choice was hers. If she used it or not, that wasn't his problem. If anything it was her own.

Waiting at the bottom of the chasm, he was a tad surprised that Arisia had followed after him. Though her form was sloppy and betraying her fragility, she was indeed brave to tempt a maneuver that she had; though it might have ended in disaster if not for his enhancement. She seems astonish that he alive, and her baffled words brought a short chuckle from the Sephi. "I have achieved a more perfect from, Little Blade. Gen'dai nerve transplants paired with Trandoshan regeneration, assisted by dark sorcery. You channel the pain and guide it on the healing process, the rest is simple." The Sith spoke, his form looking to the acolyte with a bit of amusement. "When you have the discipline, this power shall become yours. If you prove worthy of it." He let silence take hold of the conversation, giving the acolyte time to ask questions if she so wished. Then, he would set down the tunnels that stretched on before the pair. The dull roar of thunder and lightning roared from the outside, but within this space they would be a safe from the hazards of the planet.

The first hint of danger however, was the remains of some sort of humanoid, a severed arm holding a damaged blaster rifle laid at the ground. A small pool of blood was gathered around the limb, and a trail followed off into another path of the cave. Curious. "It seems our mark shares it's lair with other creatures. Proceed as you wish Little Blade." Akulak replied, reaching out and feeling another entity moving towards them. He stepped back, seeing if the acolyte would take up the challenge set before her. The entity that came forth, was a nine foot tall reptilian beast, it's body was deformed, head larger than it's own muscular body, with five razor sharp talons on each hand. It roared out a challenge, though it came no closer to the two Sith. It looked right at the pair, though seemed to sniff the air, as if unsure if it could trust it's own senses. It was blind. Akulak smiled, looking to the acolyte as this was her chance to prove herself. 'Your foe is at your mercy Little Blade. Strike, or be stricken. The choice is your own. I can give aid if you feel it needed.' If she wished to proceed and engage on her own, he would allow her, but if she sought his aid he would grant it just this once. She was still a cub after all, you needed to learn to walk before one could run.

Cyndane Cyndane
Her bewilderment made place for a reluctant curiosity. Her first instinct was to dismiss his offer. She was at the top of her class, able to disarm and crush her peers in combat with relative ease. What would she need tampering with her body for if she had already reached supremacy? But then again. Through strength, power. And through power, victory.

"I shall keep that in mind my Lord." Her eyes lit up directly after. "Does that mean you accept me as your apprentice?" She spoke out of turn, but the Acolyte had been given no information nor confirmation as to why she was here. All she was told was to meet him here, and everything else had been left to her own assumptions.

While she wanted to ask many more questions, Arisia decided to hold her tongue. It was best to wait and let things sink in one at the time. Patience was by no means her strongest suit, but she was disciplined and willing to show it. That was why she kept her mouth shut, until Lord Akulak found information about the beast's lair. "Why would it share its territory? And more importantly, what animal leaves a source of food outside?" Her second exclamation was more an insult to the beast that showed itself, than it was a question.

Shaking her head, she dismissed the Lord's offer. She could do it herself. The creature's poor sight had not gone unnoticed to the Acolyte, who's lips curled in a devious smile. She silently placed her right foot behind her left and reactivated her vibrosword. The low humming of the blade gave her location away, but she had more tricks up her sleeve.

Arisia raised her hand, fist closing as she took a few unstable rock formation behind the creature in her telekinetic grip. Her weight shifted to her front leg as she pulled her closed fist back, creating a small avalanche of clattering pebbles. It was a subtle distraction, one that caught the beast off guard. Its large head shifted, turning instinctively in the direction of the echoing sound, nostrils growing wider as it tried to find a scent. But there was none.

In a split second, Arisia reacted. She channeled the satisfaction she received from her successful ruse in a surge of Dark side energy, one she used to strengthen her legs and leap at the beast. Her feet no longer touched the ground, so no sound would give her away until it was too late. With one clean cut, her blade opened the creature's exposed neck. The deep wound was lethal, but the beast was not dead yet. It squirmed in pain; with its neck injured, it could no longer hold up its giant head. It fell to the ground, chin first as it clawed wildly in every direction.

Arisia swiftly plunged her blade through the beast's skull, ending it before its claws reached her. Besides, she didn't enjoy watching a predator like this suffer. They were always unprepared for opponents that could pose more than a match. Once again, that knowledge proved useful to her.

"Shall we continue Lord Akulak?" She'd state, unimpressed by the twitching corpse of the mighty beast.

Akulak Mantacor

Akulak Mantacor

Her curiosity was a good sign, showing that he had young gray matter to influence. Though her second question brought a hiss from his lips, knowing that he had already made a choice, he wouldn't revel it so soon. She was a young one however, obedience hadn't been worked into her mind yet. He would pardon her for her eagerness this once, but it did stir a small tidbit of anger from the Sephi. "Mind your place, Little Blade. Do not pretend to know my thoughts." He spoke firmly and coldly, turning away from her, leaving her to accept his act of mercy. She would make for a splendid assistant, he could feel it.

The Sith was glad to hear the woman did not need his assistance. Good. She believed in herself, and knew reliance on another was admitting one's weakness. He didn't show any noticeable reaction other than a mere tilting of his head. Her mind was muddled at first, but when the time came to kill, he was thrilled to see it hardened. He would let he proceed, curious how Little Blade hunted, how she fought, what sort of predator was she? Well, the results spoke for themselves. He watched the carnage unfold. She used the environment as a distraction, giving her an opening to launch the first strike; clever girl. She flew through the air, blade screaming into the dark cave and cleaving into the beasts neck.

Life essence flowed, suffering poured forth from the struggle of life and death, and the Sephi drank it up. Little Blade used the blade well, carving and shaping the flesh of her prey with efficiency, but as impressive as the display was, she still relied on a tool. With the beast fatally wounded, the acolyte went for the kill, piercing the skull of the beast and ending the struggle.

Akulak proceeded forward, his sleek arms crossed behind his back, and a hint of amusement lingering in the air as he strode towards Little Blade. Her kill was hardly impressive, but her methods caught his interest. She knew well enough not to boast however, a good sign for her discipline. Pausing at the beast, the Sephi knelt down, taking his bony digits and plunging into the wound of the neck. Drawing out the blood, he rose, raised the bloodied fingers to his third eye and looked about the cave. While the act might have seemed bizarre for Little Blade to witness, Akulak had a reason for his method. Storm Beasts were not solitary creatures, they functioned in pack units. A lone one like this was unusual. His eye looked for the force presence of the Terentatek, looking for signs of residue Storm Beast blood. He soon found it, trials of black and purple laced against the walls, being dragged down a passage to the pair's right. A sign of the beast. A chuckle drew from the Sith's lips, as he gestured towards the acolyte. "A Terentatek can hibernate for many years, Little Blade. It seems these beasts awoke it. I suspect the one you killed was the last of it's pack. Storm Beasts are not a solitary species after all. Know your prey, and it will lead you to that which hunts it Little Blade. That is my wisdom to you." He mused, moving towards the signs of dried blood, and continued further into the passage, ignoring the several skeletons and remnants of dead flesh that littered the cave floor. Hopefully Little Blade wasn't squeamish.

Cyndane Cyndane
The grin on her face widened, expecting some kind of recognition for killing the beast on her own. But no praise came, which led her to believe that her earlier question had truly struck a nerve. "Will do, Lord Akulak." She responded to his lesson. She still didn't like the man; his attitude, abilities and priorities were all a little freaky in her opinion. But useful lessons weren't the kind she liked to ignore.

"Soooo" She began, stretching her arms and rolling her shoulders in an attempt to warm up for the fight to come. "How... uhm... did you become a Lord?" Despite her hesitation, the question itself was straightforward. Perhaps even a bit rude, depending on who she asked. Again, she did not mean to disrespect, but her curiosity demanded answers.

Arisia had little to no interest in the mingled bodies and torn corpses that decorated the cave tunnel. Her eyes occasionally darted over the remains, making sure not to step in anything that could leave stains on her boots. "Ugh... this smell" The acolyte brought out, trying to wave the stench away from her nose. The behaviour of the Terentatek still made no sense to her. The Lord may have told her to "know her prey", but the 'prey' confused her. Only one option came to mind. "Do you think... it's injured? I don't see why else it wouldn't eat the carcasses before the meat rotted." If it had indeed been harmed, then the Force truly was with her.

Akulak Mantacor

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