Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Doc FO medic trooper

NAME: MT- 045 “Doc” Given Name Samuel Renfroe
FACTION: First order
RANK: Stormtrooper medic/Private
AGE: 30
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1 in
EYES: brown
HAIR: Short and brown
SKIN: Caucasian

Force powers: Force heal [padawan level]
Detoxify Poison [padawan level]
Battle Precognition [knowledge only]

FO-01 Stormtrooper Armour
F-11D blaster rifle
P-23 Pistol

Strengths: compassion, dedication, willingness to help, humorous, knowledge of herbs and other old medical methods as well the use of force to accelerate healing. Dedicated to his profession as medic/healer
Weaknesses: Drinking problems, bout of depression, cranky, and irrational, and use of snuff

APPEARANCE: A tall average built man well groomed gentle man with dark brown hair; he keeps himself clean-shaven except for a neatly kept goatee. He has a bit of a rugged look to him like his square jaw and board cleft chin. He seems to light up a room when he walks in. He has long thin fingers that help him perform delicate surgeries, his muscle are well toned and not overdeveloped due to his hobbies and lifestyle. While not muscular in appearance, he is well toned due to his exercise regime. Always wears a healing symbol on a necklace.

BIOGRAPHY:Born on the forest moon of Endor the son of an imperial medic and an exiled jedi healer, he spent his childhood in the woods and swamps. He spent much of his childhood learning to “listen to nature” as his father and mother taught him the practical healing arts and his mother began to teach him about the force. His father taught Samuel much about herbs and the healing properties of various plants this knowledge would serve him well for the rest of his life as he used the knowledge to save a friend on his hiking trip when they were teens. Had Samuel not known that tiger moss stops bleeding and aides in healing wounds his friend would have either bleed or died from the resulting infection? His father was the only doctor in any of three small towns surrounding his family farm n addition to their education, Samuel and his brothers helped run the plantation to provide food and such for not only themselves but also to help supplement the other settlements. His father contracted a rare disease while away from the farm and later died despite his mother’s best efforts. Samuel, who had already starting using chewing tobacco almost daily, sank deeply into depression and began drinking heavily. His depressions lead to more drinking and drinking lead to fit of rage. His father as a doctor had helped almost everyone in the county at one time or another many times for no cost or a simple meal but when his father needed help in Samuel’s minds at least no one tried to help him. He began to lose his faith in humanity. This went on for 2 years until after one night of drinking and being badly beaten in a brawl he passed put near his father is grave where his mother found him intervened and helped him get his drinking under control. He had always been the most talented in medicine of the group and they convinced him to carry on their father’s legacy and join The Republic military as medic but in Samuel mind the Republic was as much to blame for his father’s death as lazy bystanders that inhabited the settlement, he lied and told his mother he consider it but booked passage to a First Order recruitment center. Were he enlisted as a combat medic. He was in the top 5% medic class, and the first order induction process work extremely well on thanks to the anger he felt, the next few grueling the training to brutal but he passed. Now with the training complete at the age of 28 due to him not enlisting until he was 25, and specialty medical training he went through. He was awarded the Rank of Sargent after he completed training and served aboard a medical transport for next 2 years he was just recent commissioned as a lieutenant after completion of the officer training course now 30 years old and a new commissioned lieutenant he is eager for his first real combat assignment.




Dominions: Red Curtain FO Dominion of Quintas


Faction: A Rose in Her Han FO military ball

Public: Heart of Darkness (DMed Story), Apocalypse Now​ (DM story)



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