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Approved Starship Docker I - MR/TT [Military refit - Model TT]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Very High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Very Large

Image source: [X]

  • Highly Automated: This ship has an excellent AI which in its capacity controls the majority of the mundaine functions on the ship, but also assists in charting lanes, setting courses, priming weaponry, raising and directing shielding, etc. This allows for a significantly smaller crew to be necessary to functionally and efficiently operate with this ship.
  • Fleet carrier: Any proper fleet that operates in entire sectors rather than just systems will need a carrier of some sort and this vessel is such a carrier, but where usual carriers act in a support role, this starship can be both a capital ship as well as a support ship. It can in a sense literally carry the fleet, for it combines adequate firepower with a surprisingly sturdy build and a large interior that allows for carrying ample squadrons of starfighters and support craft in a safety not many other carriers can provide.
  • Robust: Thanks to a serious effort placed in making this ship virtually untouchable by raiders and pirates, it boasts quite an array of defensive systems that allow it to shrug off most laser and kinetic damage types in order to safeguard the cargo and the ship's crew during transportations of goods.
  • Build in anti stealth sensors: Thanks to the inclusion of the MST Bloodhound system, any ship relying on cloaking devices or any other standard visual or radar distorting stealth utilities will still be recognized by their magnetic field, gravitational and intrinsic field signatures, meaning only the most unique and powerful stealth devices may fool this ship's AI and sensors.
  • Somewhat Sluggish: This ship has the downside of utter weight and bulk, which makes it rather tedious to maneuvre and handle, though once it does get going anything in its path may very well be made of spacedust.
  • Highly automated: As much of a boon the high automation of the ship is in general, this also has its obvious and quite important downsides. Mainly that should there be something wrong with the AI, such as its systems being fried or it being forced to reboot in case of direct EMP on its core, the requirement for optimal crew numbers may in reality not be enough considering a whole heap of otherwise automated fuctions must now be manually operated, which may stretch the previously optimal crew thin or even to inoperable reach.
  • Exposed Bridge: Because of the fact that this is essentially a reshelling and quick military refit of the Docker I class SCT Superfreighter
Upon the request of Teckla Tane Teckla Tane of the Empire of the Lost, the N&Z had been sent to work on a possible refit to one of their most recent superfreighter models. The thought was that considering the Docker I class utilized the TIber platform, it had everything necessary to be modular enough to be turned retroactively into a modern and useful carrier. To achieve this status, the outer shell of the ship was greatly altered, with the bridge moving back and up, allowing for the engineers to design a proper skeletal frame around the original open cargo space, decked out with proper hangar entry points and blastdoors, a whole interior space that would allow for the maximum possible amount of configurations in terms of ships it could hold.

An added bonus was the implementation of a whole list of changes to the internal systems and the electro-cybernetic loadout of the ship thanks in great part to the wonderful engineers from First Astral Engineering. A new SLAM mk II configuration was sourced from Have gun will Travel, while other parts including the seigurium were sourced from the HPI Consortium.

Eventually with the design reaching its late stage, the decision was made to maintain the internally created magnetic field and suspension field which originally had been used for containers, though in this case these fields would function as a way to hold all ships inside the hangarbay steady alongside hydraulic clamps, which when needed can all allow for smooth exiting of wings of starfighters or other craft, but would also guarantee a minimal risk of damage when going through rough space or when under attack, as the hangar bay itself has a secondary shielding system to further protect its precious cargo.

Obviously the military refit also allowed for the superfreighter to see its armaments increase by a large factor, with additional missile launchers, turbo laser set ups and more, allowing for the Docker I -MR/TT to at the very least end up somewhere in the middle of the market with these numbers.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a bespoke refit of an existing vessel at the behalf of Teckla Tane
Permissions: HPI consortium, First Astral Engineering, Have gun will travel, N&Z Umbrella Corporation

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Teckla Tane/Empire of the Lost
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Carrier
Modular: No
Material: Plasteel, tungstoid, durasteel, doonium, carbonite, duralium, coloan copper, electrum, Impervium, Reinforced Quinta-polycarbonite Lamellar Compound, Seigurium, Ersteel 145, Ersteel 1333
Armaments: [10] Twin NZ LC-2A Laser Cannons [MP]
[4] Twin FAE/SW-07 Hybrid Beam Cannons (Heavy) [Minor]
[8] Twin NZ HP1 Turbolasers [MP]
[8] Quartet NZ RTL1 Launchers [MP]
Altered to fit the FAE/WH-04-S5 Heavy Missile [MP]
NZ RP-1CM Cluster Missile [MP]
NZ RP-2SB Short Burst Projectile [MP]
NZ RP-3GMIM Guided Mass Incendiary Missile [MP]
[60] Single AFT-14.4000B FLAK Turrets [MP]
coupled to all weapons systems:
FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix [MP]
FAE/S-07 Offensive Retention System [MP]
FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System [MP]
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 400
Optimal Crew: 600
Cargo Capacity: Large
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