Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Doctor’s Note

Out of every planet to be jettisoned on, Alderaan had to be one of the kinder options. Certainly more scenic.

Not that she exactly had the emotional capacity left to appreciate that fact.

The past days, for a lack of a better term, had been utter chit. Loaded with everything from senatorial conspiracies, force anomalies, and good ol' murder. To which she had the bruises and lacerations to show for it.

But now she was finally back in the safety net of the Alliance. Free to lick her wounds and crawl back to the Order like a kicked puppy.

She'd rather have dropped dead.

But since that wasn't looking like a viable option, she compromised. Buying a slushie with X3's pity cash and slapping on a pair of sunglasses to keep any passerby from looking exceptionally close at how jank her face was.

Then it was off to address her situation. Maturely. Both hands slid down her face in unison as she suppressed a groan. Tracking down the Chief Jedi Healer had been easy, summoning up the courage to knock at her door less so, but nonetheless Capris gave it a few pathetic taps. The body language of someone completely and utterly over it.

As the door opened she took one last sip from the foam cup, straw scraping the bottom as her sunglasses slid just low enough to make eye contact. "S'cuse me, this the Organa residence? You'll take a walk-in right?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani had begun to make a habit of taking trips to Alderaan more regularly as of late. Though she and Alicio resided on Coruscant, they often visited the Organa homeworld to remain in touch . And now that Amani was pregnant with the next two Organas to join the line, it seemed all the more important to forge a connection with the planet and its people. Hence why she now found herself staying at one of the Organa's stately homes, needlessly tidying up the space while she had it all to herself.

A knock at the door made her stop, and blink. She slowly, hesitantly opened the door, peeking outside and half-expecting to see a flood of paparazzi or some other people that were weirdly obsessed with the royal family. But instead it was a lone girl, bruised and sipping from a foam cup. Amani raised an eyebrow, "…Yyyeah? Er-" She registered what Capris was actually asking, and glanced back into the main room behind, "…Yeah. Sure, come in." Far be it from the Chief Healer to just leave someone in need of a patch-up. She opened the door wider to allow her in, following behind, "…Soooo… Care to enlighten me on what exactly is going on?"

To her surprise Amani didn't require much of an introduction before ushering her in. Huh, a Jedi indeed.

"Right yeah, context." Briefly pinching the bridge of her nose, amber eyes squeezed shut a moment before regarding the Chief Healer. "Sorry to kinda just materialize on your doorstep, but I couldn't exactly call ahead."

Up until a few hours ago she'd been hostage on an enemy ship. So yeah, reception was tricky.

"I'm Capris Halcyon." She began, finally tossing up some identification, "One of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble ’s padawans."

Then it was into the gritty stuff.

"Long story short, I got kidnapped about what, 48 hours ago?" She glanced down towards a wrist watch stuffed in her pocket for confirmation. "-Twice actually. Once by this weird fringe anti-force group and the other by some Sith/mercenary. I- I don'tknow.. It's been a long day. That's a sweeping generalization but yeah." Gesturing vaguely she set down her slushie on the counter.

"Anyway I'm pretty sure I'm still listed as missing on Coruscant so if you could shoot a message to the Council that'd be great."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
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Amani took the sudden arrival in surprising stride, leading Capris into the kitchen and pulling up a stool for the padawan to sit on. "Riiiight…"

She fished some first aid supplies out of a cabinet while she listened, "You got kidnapped twice in 48 hours?" A shake of her head. At Capris' request, Amani relayed a quick message to her fellow Council members, confirming the student's whereabouts were officially accounted for. "Well you've been through the wringer, sounds like. Anything hurting that I can't see?"

Amani pulled up a stool for herself, studying Capris' injuries.

"Just my ego." The girl shrugged, slipping onto the stool with her good hand. "Although maybe you can see that."

The girl gave her left arm for examination, a suture running up the length of it. Clearly not professionally done, but it'd served its function so far. "I uh- already tried to patch myself up, but most of its pretty shoddy work." With shrapnel probably buried somewhere in the mix.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani offered the girl a wry, commiserative smirk, "That I can't quite patch up," Maybe with a bit of a pep talk. But how effective that would be coming from someone Capris barely knew was up in the air.

She winced slightly as the arm was raised for examination. The suture was effective enough at least, "Damn. What happened to it?" Amani retrieved a pair of tweezers from her first aid, and gently began to remove the thread so she could either apply a fresh stitching, or seal it up through Force itself. Any significant shrapnel would need to be removed before closing the wound.

"Well, I got exploded into the side of a building- Or off of one I guess." Capris amended, fighting the urge to seize her forearm back from Amani's fingers. Regardless of how the kid tried to campaign herself, her tolerance for pain was nonexistent. Instead replaced by a distinct phobia of blood.

Not a fair exchange by most standards.

Peeling her eyes from the cut Capris swallowed thickly, averting her attention to literally anything else. Which, by proximity, just so happened to be Amani. The girl blinked through her matching black eyes a moment. Woah Pregnant. Like big time. How'd she miss that?

"Hey congrats!" The girl suddenly chipped in, grabbing onto to any length of small talk as a viable distraction. "On the pregnancy I mean... you uhhh- I- you are pregnant right?" Realizing that might not have been the safest venture Capris readied herself to back pedal faster and farther than ever before.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"Well… I guess falling off a building could have gone worse." Noting how Capris reacted, Amani loosened her touch as much as was feasible. Not that it could stay that way for long, given she would need to apply pressure and restitch the wound after the previous sutures had been removed. The healer remained intently focused on her work, only falling out of her rhythm slightly when the padawan spoke again.

Amani blinked a few times, then grinned almost teasingly at how she stumbled over her words. Just as quickly, the grin turned pleasant, "Yes, I am. Thank you," She chuckled, "Twins, actually. Made the announcement not too long ago." Thankfully some of the initial fervor had died down, or else there was a good chance they'd be dealing with hordes of Alderaanian paparazzi staring through the window.

The last of the original stitching was removed, leaving the wound open and causing a fresh leakage of blood. Amani was quick to try and clean up the mess, "Do you ah… want some kind of medicine? Painkillers or anything? I'm gonna have to pick through for shrapnel, and that probably won't feel… great."

Oh thank Ashla. Her comment hadn't been a misfire.

With one catastrophe avoided however, another quickly came to take its place. She was going to do what now. "Oh uh." The girl snuck a glance down at her arm, an action she'd been particularly deliberate on not doing. Chitchitchitchit.


Capris forced an unbothered smile, scrambling to keep gnawing anxiety from her face. "Nah, no meds. I'll just go cold turkey. I mean, can't suck as much as it did going in right?"

Coughing out a strained laugh, the girl cleared her throat. "Heh, ready when you are."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani raised an eyebrow, "You're sure?" It decidedly could hurt worse coming out than going in? A bold choice, but whatever Capris' reasons, the healer let sleeping dogs lie.

"Alright… Tell me if you need me to stop." She leaned down a bit, raising her hands over the wound, "Or just like, tap my shoulder," Just in case. Carefully, Amani spread open the torn flesh, and reached in with a pair of tweezers for the first piece of shrapnel she could see. Pulling it caused a bit of extra blood to seep out, but otherwise wasn't too difficult to extract. The healer glanced up to study the girl's reaction, "You uh… How do you like training with Kahlil?" Amani asked, offering to take Capris' mind off the procedure.


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