Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Doctor Zaxes Vane

Doctor Zaxes

Doctor Zaxes Vane
"Look at me now! No plan, No backup, No weapons that would be ever worth a damned Credit, Oh and there is one other thing I don't have: Anything to lose! So if you choose to sit up there in your silly Starfighters then I will suggest what I always suggest when I meet an enemy on the field... Let someone else try first"
Name: Zaxes Vane​
Alias: Doctor Zaxes Vance​
Faction: Freelancer​
Rank: Medic/Doctor, Historian, Archaeologist, Scientist​
Profession: General Doctor/Medic​
Species: Human​
Age: 26 Starndard Years​
Gender: Male​
Height: 5ft 11.5in (182 cm)​
Weight: 70 kg​
Eyes: Dark Brown​
Hair: Brown​
Haircut: Scruffy Nerf Herder (Messy)​
Skin: Caucasian​
Force Sensitive: Not as far as he knows​
Spoken Languages: Galactic Basic​
Understood Languages: Huttese​
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Advanced Medical Training​
+Advanced First Aid Training​
+General understanding of science​
+General knowledge of archaeology​
+Basic survival skills​
+Physical Strength​
+Mental Strength​

-Not very good around girls (flirtatious wise)​
-Lone ranger (Mostly prefers to work alone)​
-Not very good with swords (hence why he doesn't have a Lightsabre)​
-Average Pilot​
A long time ago in a galaxy far,far away a man that would become known as Zaxes Vane would be born, a few days after his birth he was christened with that name. He was raised in a fairly standard family, and received a fairly standard education, he excelled in most of the academic studies, such as science and completed both high school and university as a general scientist, specializing in the study of archaeology. But this was not enough for him and he soon became bored of the profession, having recently seen some hospitals with people in need he began his study in advance medicines and went to these hospitals to volunteer, after a few years he got a full medical licence​

Doctor Zaxes

[member="CaptainXalen"] I could consider that, maybe we could organize a thread with each other to organize that IC'ly

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