Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
So, I've been wondering this for the past month or so.
As you all can tell, I'm the Primeval faction owner. I inherited this major faction from [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] who made this faction from nothing and essentially carved out a fairly impressive amount of the map for us with compelling and uniquely interesting stories for the past yearish (12/6 is our founding date, our Major birthday in January). They were some pretty huge shoes to fill.
Really huge.
I've slowly transitioned myself into this roll as I gradually became less and less reliant on his guidance (especially after the character died, at that point I was on my own). However, I didn't transition into this alone. I had a staff team of some pretty cool guys, but as time went on... I saw them less and others left. Naturally to resolve this, I figured new blood was what was needed!
I recruited a new member who looked ready to play with the Primeval and do some real good for us! Then I recruited others, some of them more promising than others, and then as soon as I gave them responsibilities, or asked something of them... I rarely saw the results I had expected from their initial enthusiasm.
I've pondered this conundrum for a while now, and this isn't the first time I've seen something like this. Around two years ago (maybe 3?) when I was Emperor of the Sith Empire, I didn't feel capable of taking the reigns on my own as I tried to fill the gargantuan shoes of [member="Ashin Varanin"], so I recruited my closest Sith buddies and some others to help me out both IC and OOC... and although it took longer than it did for the Primeval, inevitably they failed to meet my expectations based on their initial enthusiasm. Now, I'm probably confused by this because for me, I felt that my creativity increased in the Primeval when I was given the responsibility to help it grow and succeed, and this might not be a universal sentiment.
I'm just curious though:
As you all can tell, I'm the Primeval faction owner. I inherited this major faction from [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] who made this faction from nothing and essentially carved out a fairly impressive amount of the map for us with compelling and uniquely interesting stories for the past yearish (12/6 is our founding date, our Major birthday in January). They were some pretty huge shoes to fill.
Really huge.
I've slowly transitioned myself into this roll as I gradually became less and less reliant on his guidance (especially after the character died, at that point I was on my own). However, I didn't transition into this alone. I had a staff team of some pretty cool guys, but as time went on... I saw them less and others left. Naturally to resolve this, I figured new blood was what was needed!
I recruited a new member who looked ready to play with the Primeval and do some real good for us! Then I recruited others, some of them more promising than others, and then as soon as I gave them responsibilities, or asked something of them... I rarely saw the results I had expected from their initial enthusiasm.
I've pondered this conundrum for a while now, and this isn't the first time I've seen something like this. Around two years ago (maybe 3?) when I was Emperor of the Sith Empire, I didn't feel capable of taking the reigns on my own as I tried to fill the gargantuan shoes of [member="Ashin Varanin"], so I recruited my closest Sith buddies and some others to help me out both IC and OOC... and although it took longer than it did for the Primeval, inevitably they failed to meet my expectations based on their initial enthusiasm. Now, I'm probably confused by this because for me, I felt that my creativity increased in the Primeval when I was given the responsibility to help it grow and succeed, and this might not be a universal sentiment.
I'm just curious though:
If I see a promising member of my faction, would it be more intelligent to just let them be brilliant and creative on their own rather than to try to recruit them and try to harness it with responsibilities and planning privileges?