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Dohmnall Constantine

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NAME: Domhnall Constantine​
RANK: -​
AGE: 26​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 1.98m​
WEIGHT: 82kg​
EYES: Brown​
HAIR: Black​
SKIN: White skin tone​


- Expert with weaponry: From his time on mandalore Domhnall frequently had to deal with more hands on combat when sabotage and covert operations went astray, he had to make use of weaponry ranging from traditional combat knives, blaster rifles and even improved house decorations and has since then picked up a knack in combat.
- Prodigy with machinery: Domhnall didn’t have the luxuries that the higher class noblemen of Seranno enjoyed, having to gather his own pocket change from odd jobs. While too young for espionage and the like, Domhnall discovered himself highly skilled with machinery, possessing the mentality to work with it and continued to do so throughout his career.
- Understanding of linguistics: From his time in the espionage business, Domhnall had to pick up a deep understanding of social linguistics and negotiation as his trade demanded, this training has left a lasting reminder in his head, as he pays attention to conversations as they come by.
- Deep understanding of sabotage and covert protocols: Obviously with his role in espionage, Domhnall was trained and operated efficiently in sabotaging of machinery and covert cells, possessing the training and knowledge required of an agent in all regards.
- Sub-consciously alert: From his time as an agent on mandalore, Domhnall had been forced to become acutely aware of his surroundings to better protect himself at all times. This has become a double-edged sword as he attuned to social life, sudden movements and bright flashes have been known to set him on edge, to the point of grabbing holstered weapons and outright diving for cover.
- Irrational Planning: Domhnall had learnt from his trainer and through the field that normal planning in espionage fields will frequently result in it being predicted by the enemies counter-intelligence as well. From this, he has learnt to think irrationally at times, handling situations in outside the box methods to assure success.
- Battle scars: During his field operations, Domhnall had suffered injuries frequently, while many were cured through the use of first aid and bacta-tanks, scars remain on his left shoulder and right leg. These scars have left a stiffness that takes daily stretching to remove or else fast movements and other muscle reliant activities will not be possible.
- Womanising: A trait that had simply grown from his personality and preference, Domhnall is a hopeless womaniser which has negatively impacted him frequently in the past and continues to do so to this day.
- Stubborn: Domhnall has a reputation for being adamant in his decisions at times, with his normally smooth demeanour that generally follows the flow, suddenly become rock solid in his decision. Being unwilling to negotiate once his final decision is made.

Domhnall stood at 1.98m tall, with wide shoulders that were frequently pulled back with his chin held high in a formal stance. His face was built averagely with brown eyes and jet black hair, his eyes often beaming with joy as he relaxed or still when in a situation.
His voice had an official tone to it, though a Scottish like accent seemed to come from his words as he spoke, giving out a softer tone overall because of it. His accent while light did make saying specifically words in galactic common difficult and at times pronounces them in an off manner. This accent become far more noticeable when he’s properly relaxed as he hides his formal tone.

Born in Seranno, Domhnall was raised in a middle class family within the urban segments of Seranno, where his mother served as a servant while his father, Tolvik, worked as a guard to one of the noble houses. Raised to a good education, Domhnall found himself serving several nobles as a small child, fixing machinery and otherwise providing company. It was during this that his teachers and parents discovered his memory for details, being able to note many things he heard the nobles said while he was around.
This skill found use with him at the age 17, where with Tolvik’s connections with his noble house, employed his son as a spy within the Seranno community, providing intelligence to his serviced noble while being given a lucrative profit in return, with his innate talent for the work revealing to be useful for the task.
At the age of 19, Domhnall left his nobleman’s service, using the profit he had earned over time to buy transport and proper accommodations on Coruscant, where he employed himself to the Republic at the time, serving as a spy for the republic, his first tour being towards Mandalore, where he kept an eye on the mandalorians for the interest of the republic military.

It was during his time on Mandalore that he acquired his skills in fighting and honed his skill in espionage, discovering the mandalorians to be much more skilled in combat, some espionage missions began to take a violent turn, with some stealth missions turning to guerrilla tactics simply to complete the missions.
It was because of this hostile environment that while honing Domhnall’s skill as a agent and as a fight, he acquired scars from his tour of duty. At the age of 21, one of his earlier strikes resulted in a serious blaster hit to the leg, one that was fixed in a bacta-tank too late and resulted in a scar that affects him to this day. At the age of 23, during a bar brawl, he was hit by a stray blaster shot in the left shoulder, with first aid the only option, cauterisation resulted in the shoulder scarring terribly.

At the age of 24, Domhnall finally retired from his tour of duty and left the republic officially, using the money that he had stored over time with the connected he had gained in his service, he begun to start a Telecomunication company, stating that he felt it right.

BC-714 Luxury Transport [Link: ]
Modified for use on the field, several of the seats within the luxury transport were removed for the addition of cabinets with blaster gas and energy cell holders, allowing for the carrying of several blasters with reloadable cells as well as any other required technology on the field.
Its use was for a conspicuous use on Mandalore, with the luxury transport designed and redesigned to possess a proper attire to that of high authority so that Mandalorians would avoid it at the given time. After retiring from his agent service, Domhnall made a bid to keep the ship after his retirement.




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