Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Doing Stuff, Also Things

So I've been AWOL for a week or so and for those writing with me I apologize. Was on vacation and then when I came back my summer classes caught up with me so I've been trying to enjoy what free time I have outside and soaking up the sun.

I will be around OOC, but because I'll be away at Firefly Festival next week I have to do all my schoolwork for the next two weeks in one week and hand it in early since I won't have Wi-Fi and will probably pretend my phone doesn't exist as I become one with nature.

When I come back, I'll be wiping all my current threads (not that any of them are active anyway because school ate my life). I have zero drive to write when I come to the board and think of the posts I owe. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has something going on with me now but this is supposed to be a hobby and not a chore, and finding the motivation for all the stuff that's gathering dust is killing my muse. If you REALLY are attached to something we have going please let me know and I will dig deep within and find the inspiration.

I have plans with some of you, and I've talked about threads with some of you (I'm looking at you [member="Darth Orcus"]) and I plan to start them up with a clean slate when I come back.

As I said, I'll be bopping around to chat and stuff per usual, but I'll be back to writing on the 23rd of this month. Thank you for everyone who's been patient and understanding with me. :)

[member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | [member="Rhuza Kingpriest"] | [member="Nejaa Niynx"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] This is too long to wait.


How dare you put chillaxing real life and fun festivals ahead of this.
You do you! Soak up the summer while you can, and don't worry about the threads-- but if/when you do come back, poke me. I'd love to participate in one of those group threads you were talking about. Wide scale chaos :eek:

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

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