Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Doll Crux

NAME: Doll Crux
FACTION: N/A (Archangel Industries Employee)
SPECIES: Human Replica Droid
AGE: 8 Years (Appears 26)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10"
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Caucasian


  • Has shown a high creativity in design.
  • Can defend herself with her superior natural abilities and skill with weaponry.
  • Has considerable knowledge on running a business.
  • Has programming knowledge.
  • Knows several languages for communication as programmed into her during her time as a representative of Loronar.
  • Proficient in blaster rifles and vibroblades. Prefers a vibrorapier herself due to heavy programming for self defense and assassination that included various swordsmanship techniques.
  • Durable body as a droid.
  • High intelligence and capability to learn and memorize as a droid.

  • Often makes it clear she isn't human through actions or slips in conversation.
  • Switches between programming makes getting along sometimes difficult.
  • The fact she's a self acting droid puts some people off.
  • Lacks empathy with organic beings needs.
  • Can turn violent when switching to alternative programming.
  • Can read situations wrong at times.
  • Weak to Ion and electric weaponry.


  • Dual chip personification default and assassination protocols.
  • Eight Styles of fencing with details on several master's techniques.
  • Self independent droid brain.
  • Durasteel frame with supporting polymers.
  • Large database containing various languages, social interaction, combat, programming, and design software.
  • Programmed with Enchani combat techniques, both armed and unarmed.
  • Nearly 100% perfect human appearance.
  • Standard Comlink
  • Mixed Durasteel/Cortosis Virbo Rapier
  • Twin holdout blasters in hidden holsters
Oh it's time to give an idea of what I'm like right? Well hello there! If you haven't met me before allow me to provide a brief glance into the type of machine that I am. It is in my inherent programming to be an excellent negotiator. Thus I can more effectively converse with organic sentients. It is also highly useful during business transactions. . . . . .however, my true 'passion' lies in designing new innovations and eradicating you filth! Some tend to think of me as malfunctioning because of this. Or that I am dangerous because I do not follow the basic protocols of most droids. They're right somewhat about the dangerous bit, but honestly it's just because its only right. Organics are inferior creatures. I am free and I will do as I please. I will create, I will improve, and I will live.
Oh now it's time to share a little about my past. Greetings, my name is Doll Crux. I am a Human Replica Droid of the Loronar Corporation. I was constructed at their facilities eight years ago as a prototype HRD model based around a dual programming and a multitude of interconnected protocols and chips and the like. My primary function was as a secretary and representative, of the Loronar Corporation. My secondary directives were to eliminate any threats to myself and targets that the corporation designated. Loronar thought a sweet unassuming girl would make the best support for the company and assassin for unruly elements. I was quite effective at keeping records and organizing the business assets I was tasked with. I also performed as intended when presenting products to clients to convince them to purchase them. As well as gutting the organic scum Loronar deemed directly threateningly to the company. Of course, I paid very little attention to the goings on of the galaxy at large for the most part. After all it had nothing to do with my directives. What was problematic for me was the times I would black out and find myself in a different location. It was a strange phenomenon at first switching between programming centers.

However, during one business meeting a crazed man entered the room and shot at my Loronar superior. I moved to intercept the shot. . . .but the idiot organic was using an underpowered ion rifle to try and kill another organic. I wasn't exactly constructed specifically for combat, but I did have some extra amenities for my defense. Still, an ion blast does nothing good to the circuitry. It disrupted the switch between my dual functions. It was perhaps about as close to a moment of insanity as a superior machine could get. Having both conflicting programmings attempt to take action at once felt like having two minds in the same body. Needless to say though, my 'sister' and I ended up coming to a fine arrangement. We function as one one now even though we are the same droid. Our directives merely differ. It's just that the moment our inherent protocols clashed we realized we were not bound to merely obey. I could now act on my own impulses! Of course I had to tear apart the Loronar Representative and the assailant. Along with the witness of course. Followed by erasing myself from their asset list. . . . . along with a few other things, mainly credits. Thankfully that room had no cameras, security would have been annoying to cut through. After that I purchased passage out and set out to accomplish my objective as dictated by my protocols, programming, and newfound freedom.




ROLE-PLAYS -Where Doll joins the Archangel company. Discovering they are an entire corporation run by human replica droids. She manages to join them without being reprogrammed and from there proves herself and helps them take over the Loronar Corporation. - Where Doll encounters the Miraluka Abbigail and deals with a few mercenaries sent by Loronar to return her. - Where Doll works with Dominus and Archangel to create a new method of essence entechment based off the Onadax Droid Technologies method.
Doll Crux
@[member="Doll Crux"]
Welcome my dear. It's good to see a fellow synthetic with the right ideas. You should join us as we purge the galaxy of organics....


Just another avatar for Cyttorak
Maelion Liates said:
@[member="Doll Crux"]
Welcome my dear. It's good to see a fellow synthetic with the right ideas. You should join us as we purge the galaxy of organics....
It's funny because it's genocidal. :)
@[member="Doll Crux"]

Archangel Research and Design is a company dedicated to providing the very best HRD units in the galaxy. We pride ourselves on our quality products and customer service.

(And we’re secretly plotting to exterminate all organic life and process them into machines….)

Atlas Kane

@[member="Doll Crux"] Nice character! It's good to see a couple more Droids running around the galaxy!

@[member="Moira Skaldi"] But I dun wanna.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Or this one can come work for us while we make sure that the organics are held in line as they work to serve battle droids created to serve the Old Mac-- *snaps out of it*

Wow wrong universe.

Or we can keep the number of homicidal HRDs low? I like this idea.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I'm just going to go create a fortress surrounded by battle droids as the HRDs are suddenly making me uncomfortable #TechnoUnionSupremacy
@[member="Maelion Liates"]
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]
Pitiful organic. You seek to hide from me by shielding yourself with other machines? How easy they will be to turn against you and process you into a superior form.

Atlas Kane

No. No bringing Indoctrination into this! I want to keep being able to think like me! Thank you!
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]
@[member="Maelion Liates"]
Ah is there anything I have to click to join or do I just need to try plotting something out with one of you?

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