Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dolvan Galia

Pre-Lyran IV Incident:
Post Lyran IV Incident:

NAME: Dolvan Galia
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Freelancer
SPECIES: Corellian Human
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters/6 feet 2 inches
WEIGHT: 84.82 kilograms/187 pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Brave in the face of danger
Good with money
Eager to learn new skills
Some combat experience

Too rigid/strict

Brown hair and eyes, pale skin tone, lean build but strong. Keen look in his eyes. Usually seen wearing a practical set of clothes with a set of light armor to protect his vitals.

Born on Corellia, Dolvan always felt like an outsider, even among his own people. He never really knew his mother and his father Quin Galia was a tough, hard-working man who made his living through the manufacturing of freighters. At the age of seven, Dolvan began to take after his father, eventually coming to embrace the isolation from his peers. The discovery of his force sensitivity, known only to him and his father, forced him even further into isolation. His life was quiet for several years and at the age of sixteen, Dolvan even joined his father in the Corellian manufacturing plants.
When he turned nineteen, Dolvan decided to strike out on his own and after saving up enough money to buy a used HWK-290 light freighter, he left Corellian space with his old colleague Josiah Getz. His initial jobs were basic gopher missions that took him across the Omega Protectorate. They usually weren't very pretty but they paid the bills that allowed Dolvan and Josiah to continue their freelancing. Sometimes they would encounter small groups of pirates along the way but they proved no match for the speed of The Grey Sentinel.
The jobs continued like this for a few years and even began to spread beyond into the Mid Rim, the Outer Rim and even Wild Space. That's when the incident happened during what should have been a routine mission to the planet Lyran IV with a regular shipment of mechanical equipment to the agrarian world.

A modified HWK-290 light freighter. Has been modified to fly faster so that more cargo could be brought from place to place in a faster time which yields more money in profit. A pair of light laser cannons are its only defense. Measures about 29 meters long, can carry a pilot, co-pilot and up to 6 passengers and 75 tons of cargo. Has enough room to store supplies for up to six months. Has a high basic maneuverability. Called "The Grey Sentinel"



Lyran IV Incident ( Completed
The Return to the Eldest ( Completed
Training One/To Padawan:
The Long Dirt Road ( WIP

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